Cata is Dumbed Down Classic

Gaslighting is such a useless term. I am giving you my version of reality, take it or leave it.

I agree it really is. It is overused on this forum so often (along with gatekeeping) but it was fun working it into a thread for the first time in my life.

What do you mean? Your version of reality? I was not replying to you was I???

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and I am saying no one serious was ever a melee warlock. Meleeing as a caster was never a thing in vanilla or classic-era, or tbc.

From the guide itself

" Foreword

Melee Warlock, a suboptimal, raid unviable playstyle. This type of character leans heavily on damage over time spells, pets, and the firestone to do the bulk of its [sic] damage."

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God it was such a fun playstyle, though. I mean if they let boomkins raid occasionally in classic, they could let a melee warlock in, too.

I did say it was not optimal but viable.

What is so fun about it?
We helped “melee” the mobs in Karazhan as casters (the mobs that were immune to ranged attacks (can’t remember the name but they were floating fish type looking things that when they died, they turned in a little ball) if we were shy on melee but it was in no way shape or form fun. It was boring and silly.

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he enjoys doing suboptimal damage and letting everyone else carry him so he can have “fun” doing no damage

what’s funny is that demo melees more in Wotlk and Cata than they ever did in classic


He would have been booted from our raid and quite possibly the guild for taking up a slot that other people would want to do that kind of nonsense.

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You know what i Wonʻt mourn?

Being level 14, and having only 2 silver to my name.

constantly running back to a merchant every couple of minutes because my one backpack is full.


Well… Melee range warlock exists in cata, so technically? Demo likes melee range.

Edit; didn’t fully read and just now saw that you mentioned that lol

Not if I asked really nicely. It is not that suboptimal. I had a great time with it in dungeons. And you, sir, are simply rude in general.

Bro you are way underestimating the damage potential of melee warlock. It is within 85% of an “optimally” played warlock. Would a melee warlock be the best in the raid? Hell no. Would they be dragging the raid down? Hell no.

You could ask as nice as you wanted in my guild and the answer would have been no. Raids are not for people who want to melee as a ranged DPS. if you were not pulling the numbers that were required, you would have had the following happen:

  1. Removed from the raid and the bench person would have come in and replaced you.
  2. Required to work with ranged dps SME to get your gear, chants, weapons, rotations, etc all in order.
  3. If the SME, GM or Raid leader felt you had made progress, you would have invited back into the raid, but only as a 1-time trial.
  4. If you failed #3, you would no longer be a raider, though you would have probably remained in the guild.
  5. Remaining in the guild would have hinged on your personal interactions.

Nothing rude at all about any of that. The guild relies on everyone pulling their weight, following the rules as outlined and those who don’t, do not stay. Our guild, our rules.

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Youre such a repoductive appendage


I was with them until he posted that cringe-fest

Borderline psychotic, some people just love working two jobs apparently

Couldn’t agree more.

Haha well f you man. Cata wins either way

Well, one of the biggest things cataclysm did, was that it removed the old overworld entirely. And I still think this was one of the dumbest concepts ever.

Like cata would have been way more fun if I had the option of going back to the old overworld via like ziridormi or something. It also wrecked my transmog options to. Couldn’t transmog blackened defias armor, because it was deleted. Like it just felt so disjointed.

There were alot of other things to. I didn’t like alot of the class design changes. And the talent trees felt nerfed to. You couldn’t mix and match specs anymore. I didn’t like not being able to get ammo or use quivers anymore.

There was alot of fun stuff about cata to. But in my mind, wrath was the expansion that did everything I liked, things that cataclysm deleted, and stuff that even vanilla era didn’t do as well, I felt like wrath did everything the best. Like I would gladly trade vanilla era for wrath era.

Ammo is not immersive. If that’s immersive, go play an actual RPG.
Weapon skills are not immersive. You level it then forget.
Trolls blood potions. Yep. You actually used this as an example.
Talents are literally just lich king talents but condensed.

It took a tedious old world away, killed hybrids.

Thank god.

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Killed hybrids and took the old overworld away, and made it more streamlined and more boring. That was all cataclysm did for me. It just nerfed the fun to the ground by alot.

At the same time, cata had alot of fun moments to. But so did wrath. And wrath, preserved all of the fun moments that, no longer exist in modern wow from cata onward. And vanilla didn’t do it as well as wrath did in my op.