Cata is Dumbed Down Classic

Would need a button that can refresh the count even if you’re not out of ammo.

This is only dumb because it still hasn’t been addressed 14 years later.
They need to re work all the old zones again.

This is overplayed. Nobody was even giving any darn what so ever about no dang ole old zones leveling in Wrath. Most people wanted to skip it entirely.

I might be arguing with AI


No. Heck, I still think the old overworld should come back for chromie time in retail wow. That would be wicked cool.

Not me. I actually like leveling. I know the average person now thinks it stupid. But, I don’t think leveling is stupid. I would have liked being able to level where I felt like leveling. And not being able to level in old barrens or old 1 k needles anymore was just really stupid to me.

AI is some of the dumbest bullcorn ever invented by humans. But I promise I am not that.

I’m glad I don’t know what a SME is

We know you’re a russian AI

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You’re literally telling anyone who enjoys this version of the game that they’re bad and should feel bad.

If you don’t like Cataclysm, play SoD. I don’t get why everyone has to hate-game so much. Are you just FOMO’d?


I’m just being honest, bro. This is why I quit back in the day. And here it is again. Just telling my truth.

Except you’re doing what you’re saying you’re not trying to do. Which is the opposite of “truth”.


Yeah I can’t believe they removed ammo… that always made me feel like a real hunter having to go buy more ammo from the vender every couple weeks…

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I don’t know wtf you are talking about. I will play cata same as you. I just hate that they took out the cool quirky old mechanics. This shouldn’t even be an argument. Just an acknowledgement that they left old nerds like me behind in order to be more mainstream

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Hmmm… Subject Matter Expert perhaps?
Google can be your friend. :smiley:

Yah food became worthless. Like what was that for again lol.

Same thing with mana pots and mana drinks. Who needed that anymore in cata.
Healers were the only ones carrying mana pots and mana drinks anymore.

Cata just stripped down the game to such an extreme degree in my op. Talent trees weren’t as good or as fun. Many spells and abilities were gone. Always gonna miss the original volley move for hunters.
And that stupid power system for paladins was so stupid. I still hate it today in retail.

Like I don’t feel like a hunter when I just rock out arrows like mystic thread. That doesn’t make any sense. And they removed the quiver looks. And the nerubian quiver looked really cool on a toons back.

The quests were a joke. Litteraly. They were super easy. And never more than 2 feet from the quest giver.

And vanilla era just doesn’t do everything as well as wrath did in my op. Which is why I want a permanent wrath era server.

And cata had alot of great moments to. But it felt so streamlined and hyper standardized.

Gear also got super easy to get in cata to when leveling. That was one of the things I didn’t like about dungeon finder in wrath. You could easily gear up and find good stuff in dungeons. But I can’t say I miss spamming trade for groups that much either.

I just miss wrath. It did everything in such a way. It was alot easier than both bc and vanilla. But I still had a risk of dying if I pulled to much while leveling. Cata, you can zerg the whole quest hub and be fine, regardless of class.

Cata added alot of stuff, but also removed alot of stuff to. And wrath did the best at preserving the stuff that was removed.

I always felt like this was stupid to. As well as the quiver look. Man the nerubian quiver looked super cool.

Everything that is currently retail started as a positive change

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Yeah it is, and that’s what I want after all the grinding I’ve been doing in classic!! It feels light and refreshing. I can go grind in other versions of classic if I want.

Not an RPer myself, but always fascinated by the stories you RPers weave. Really cool to read.

As a hunter main since 2005, I could care less if I had to buy ammo or not. Needing ammo doesn’t feel immersive. New abilities and energy system creates a different and more engaging play style. Melee and trap weaving is stupid. MoP hunter is the best hunter out of any expansion though.


Your analaysis of Cata is pretty on point, though it really started in late wrath.

The game essentially started moving more towards mechanical skill over RPG elemenfs.

Over the years the games skill floor has dropped substantially to a ridiculous degree, while its skill ceiling has risen to a ridiculous degree.

There are plenty of positives, but certainly negatives as well. The game has unquuestionably become a better “video game” over the years while becoming a far worse “RPG”.

Just lower expectations cuz it’ll only get worse. The bar is low. I would have been happier just restarting vanilla-tbc-wrath cycle. :woman_shrugging:

My tin foil says these are the engineers who lost a money maker.

New patch, new ammo. New chances to price gouge.

And immersion…yeah. Carrying 20000 arrows is not immersive. I’ve set up archery ranges for scouting. 20000 arrows at one time? With you own 2 hands? No.

Maybe on a few pallets. I’ll be nice and give the hand pallet cart to move said pallets.

Limited arrow immersion works in games with hit locations. Wow does not have that. Shoot raid boss x in the eye socket….it doesn’t matter. ‘Tis but a scratch. Literally.

And that is how games where you carry only 100 arrows work. 100 arrows, 100 head shots. Lots of one shot kills.