Cata is Dumbed Down Classic

Let’s be honest, cata gutted a ton of mechanics that were both annoying and also immersive. No ammo, no weapon skills, health regen is insane so trolls blood potions are worthless, talents are streamlined, etc. Even leveling is no longer really a challenge, there is very rarely any fear of dying or failing a quest.

Now, I’m not trying to gatekeep this game. I know it introduces alot of worthy things and that there is a ton of content that most of us will enjoy playing. But I also think it is worth remembering what cata took away from wow. I’ll be playing next to you but part of me will always mourn the parts of the game that they stripped away with cata.


I know you’re trying to make broad points here but this just, I dunno pick a different argument because the thought of cata being bad because of trolls blood potions being bad is, the funniest god damn thing I’ve heard all week. Like actually hilarious, if this whole post was just to shine that joke 10/10.


I’ll take vanilla with RDF and wraith style pvp system/vendors. Can leave literally everything else, just make the game actually playable by adults with jobs.


Haha, I’m glad that tickled you. Trolls blood potions were always pretty worthless to me even in classic but some people actually really liked them. Go figure

Ammo in wrath was more or less cosmetic than anything. Walking around with 20k arrows is also not immersive

Once again I would say Wrath leveling was already beyond easy with wrath talents and heirlooms

Stop blaming cata for things wrath did.


outside of being low level and having no money, any good hunter had so much ammo it became a non-factor.

weapon skills were useless anyways, you would go find an immortal enemy that couldn’t kill you and just smack it for an hour, switch weapons and do it again, until all your weapons were maxed out and you never had to think about it again.

trolls blood was always worthless

talents have always been streamlined because people just found their favorite cookie cutter build and copied it

leveling wasn’t even a challenge in classic it was just slow. and failing a quest? bro it’s literally impossible to fail quests because even on the like 10 total that have a fail mechanic you just drop it and pick it up to try again.

but please, join a raid and exclaim just how dumbed down Cata is compared to your vanilla raids where everyone had 1 button rotations and had to deal with a single mechanic


Sounded like a bunch of positive changes you listed


I enjoy more graveyards, more trainers, more flight paths…all save you pointless time running around.


Cata was a big step in the theme park direction that turned off a lot of rpg fans.


one more nailing out of heavywood
100% ratio


go to era, your core rpg is there


I’m going to point out that the main leveling up method in Hardcore is questing, which defeats the “fear of failing” quest argument.


Leveling wasn’t any harder in Wrath. Did you guys not play Wrath or something? The difference between Wrath and TBC lelveing/dungeons was insane. It’s the same now in Cata.

Wrath also had easy mana management and strong AoE unlike TBC/Vanilla.


I’m sure you can make an addon that after 1000 bow attacks, it auto unequips your bow (out of combat) and won’t let you re-equip it until you go to an innkeeper to “refresh” your arrow supply.


they just enjoy being intelectually dishonest

been a blizz addict since '95, i was a hardcore console gamer, untill i discovered multiplayer warcraft 2. (the dreamcast with its online(btw heat dot net was a sega project to get good at multiplayer for dreamcast(and ground breaking phantasy star online mmo the og of og and multiplayer sports game and fighting games briefly pulled me back and not occuring again untill the switch and botw)))

vanilla/tbc/wotlk(weak pc/dialup) endgame unplayable.
end of wrath or start of cata im not sure ( id rather not think about that timeframe to figure it out ) my pc/internet could handle endgame flawlessly finally.

cata had so much QOL you could easily miss the changes that hurt the game.
like i said cata was my first endgame play, main holy/disc priest and hunter alt.
mop, i didnt like the pandas. nop’d out fast for the first time. (jesus am i realy gonna check out mop remix(i mean i started sod p3, capped a priest, immediatly started a warrior, got to 29, cata prepatch…better start leveling if i want to do that, already missed wotlk coz i missed tbc, coz i missed classic(got a 4 day name ban on cata, went to forums after appeal, noticed i had a 70, forgot i bought a 70 boost for wolk which i was lvl 70 and 20% so i played like 10 min(hes on a horde server as alliance, awful(where was i))
wod and um the other one between mop and bfa…
i did some stuff in my town and qued pvp, the other no memories obviously
bfa i went hard.
shadowlands i noped out before or just after cap.
dragonflight i noped out half way. pvp focus. maybe i did a raid finder.
classic. tried a priest, noped out at 19. paaaaaaaaaaaainful.
tbc classic, id like to but i didnt classic.
wotlk classic, realy want to i missed it the first time. but i didnt classic/tbc and a boost to 70 i litterally forgot right after i bought it.
SoM? wtf is that.
Sod. wish id started at launch. did p3, enjoyed but incursions ruined the level experience. went from being able to show up at a dungeon and finding groups to not even being worth the thought. i do mine/skin so all the guys farming gold pay alot for AH garbage. not enough to afford EVERYthing but most things. farming gold is boring and sucks, pvp is awful on my priest compared to what i was use to cata and beyound.

cata prepatch. having done sod, retail, and now cata. lol what a difference.
retail i quit a year ago. got on for a few bgs for a break to sod leveling.
lol whats this fly up and spam penance and bubbles lol.
in sod i leveled using a wand for the majority of dmg.
started to level in cata (untill i found by accident i had bought a 70 boost and started to level that) and the wand is useless untill i found wand with stats on my 70.
so the priest was like a holy pally really. instead of aa weapon he use wand.
coz spells will oom u then u die.
idk about tbc/wotlk priest level, but from sod then to cata the priest was turned into a mage to level.
sod runes were a great idea. vanilla needed spice like that. priest was unplayable to level in vanilla, in sod with runes its only painful.

so the next sod type, again start the game from zero in base classic, use runes, remove gold/xp grind incursion use it for a world pvp focus, kinda like stv i only been in that once or twice. and find a couple more QOL tweaks. maybe not full blown dungeon finder, but give meeting stones a way to que up on site. a guild finder, but mostly the buttons.
RETAIL HAS WAY TO MANY DAMN BUTTONS. i cant even really pick up my main after a year. classic DOESNT HAVE ENOUGH BUTTONS. runes got classic closer to enough buttons. maybe look through every version of tallents and bake some buttons in. like i miss the speed boost off my priest. thats why i ran holy in cata pvp. in retail disc and holy have speed. hell one has 3 feathers and shield boost. i really like the dmg return from shield in wotlk 44%. i think it was cut way down in cata.

microsoft activision blizzard will never figure it out again, much like disney cant figure out how to make any good movies off thier bought IPs. marvel till endgame was a fluke fools gold.

this post coz i cant decide what toon to play to escape life
being an addict on the game again, need to goto a meeting

Lmao. Think he was serious.

Bro! Okay, fine. Yeah, I was serious. C’mon a whole line of potions rendered useless! Okay, they were basically always useless. But now even moreso. Whatever. The point still stands

Classic is a dumbed down version of the game we once had. We min - maxed as much inconvenience out of the game as humanly possible, and than cried and said we neeeed it.


Nah bro, you got me all wrong. I left during cata way back in the day BECAUSE they pulled so much of the roleplaying immersion elements out. Also was trying to succeed in college. All that is over with now and I’m a middle aged millenial duffer and I will keep playing cata in spite of these changes. But they really did take away things I enjoyed and thought were important