Cata is Dumbed Down Classic

Things like ammo was a joke. You think ammo was rp when you don’t have a clue what rp really is. Fey waif was my first rp character way back in vanilla. She woke up in a crypt and the trauma of it drove her mad. She thought she was in a dream, a nightmare, that she couldn’t wake up from. She exited the crypt and everywhere she looked there were undead monsters. She ran screaming for long time until she came to a town. She begged people to help her. She asked them to wake her up. Some part of her knew she wasn’t dreaming. She screamed “I’m a monster too.”

Somehow she stumbled onto a zeppelin and found herself in Org. She was so hungry and thirsty she begged people for water, for food. She wandered for hours in town and city going into and out of madness. Sometimes still believing she was in a nightmare she couldn’t wake up from, other times thinking she had been transformed into an undead monster. At some point she found herself in the Tauren start area and a kindly shaman helped her regain some semblance of sanity. He sent her on a vision quest where she followed a spirit wolf to a cave. She came to accept her new “life” if what she was now could be called life.

I did that. I ran from the undead start area to the Tauren start area and leveled up from there, rp-ing all the way with numerous people in every town, city, and camp. Even the name was rp: fey a crazy person, waif A homeless person, especially a forsaken or orphaned child. That’s what it really means to rp and what you’ll often find on rp servers. You focus on the trivial, ammo, and are clueless about what it actually means to rp.


And I have also done that, roleplaying as a grimtotem tauren, I ran all the way from the tauren starting area to the undead starting area because of their “alliance” that is only hinted at in the lore. I RPed the whole way. You don’t know who you are talking to. I often play on this nwn server called Arelith where roleplay is strictly enforced. I have spent months contructing storylines and weaving in various players into an RP narrative. Sit yourself down.

But that is besides the point. The RP mechanics taken away from classic still upset me and turned me away from the game before. I won’t turn away now, but the point still stands. Cata and maybe wrath too caused alot of loss of what made classic wow so special.

One man’s version of “watered down” is another man’s version of “streamlined”. Its purely preference

I think cata is awesome for what it is - a moment in time. I dont see it as a better or worse moment than any other before it, its just different. I still appreciate Vanilla, TBC. WOTLK, moP etc theyre all special in their own way.


That’s an enlightened viewpoint, I can get on board with that. But wow is a river that has many pools(expansions) along the way. And this is one pool where they dipped out some of the cool older stuff. I guess there’s no changing that now. We’re all in this ride together. So buckle up

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I wrote a post some time ago about how Darkmoon Faire took over WoW. I meant it tongue in cheek, but thank you for confirming the impression. Retail is now a theme park. Dragonflight, was, after all a one-trick pony (ooh ooh dragon flying!!!) that they cobbled a battle royale to at the end (thus ending my interest).

Some might point out that those are a quality of life improvements… that became really obsolete

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Yes, that is the argument Blizz gave back in the day with cata. All these classic rpg mechanics were sacrificed on the altar of “quality of life”.

Classic wow was made for old school pc gamers. Wrath/cata is when they really started steering the ship towards more of a mainstream audience. And alot of us old school folks got left behind in a few ways. But what can I say? That ship has long since sailed

dunno if you compare it with 60 classic or something but!

if you compare cata to wotlk,cata has just more in everything.more raids,rbgs,better zones,way more lore.


I have never heard of someone complain about the small QOL changes that cata brought…
Don’t let that be confused by the different systems they brought

And don’t even start about talents either cuz wrath made talents linear in the first place

They just realized and so should you that a lot of talents were useless or could be implemented into the spell that it boosts

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ammo sucked

and every class and boss fight is immensely more complex than classic era. Unless you enjoy having to only hit one button super fast in front of a boss with zero mechanics.


Alot of the weird, quirky mechanics and talents were what gave vanilla its character and charm. For example, you could be a melee warlock by going firestone and shadowburst talents and “weaving” your melee attacks and spell casts together. Amazing! All the unique stuff like that basically got chucked around this time.

Do people really still find all the hurdles of Classic “Harder”?

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We get it - you prefer the clunky charm of Vanilla. Hey, you have a point, that classic RPG stuff is fun.

Heres the awesome news you might not be aware of… you can play Vanilla right now!!! Check out the Classic Era servers, its exactly what you’re looking for! We’ll see ya there!

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Nah I need muh deathknight haha

No one did that, at least anyone serious


I did. I didn’t do it during raids but I could easily take all the regular content as melee warlock. It wasn’t optimal but it was certainly viable and it was a ton of fun.

my point stands, you didn’t do that for any real content because “melee warlock” was never a thing.

I used to hit Onyxia with my benediction too, but just because Inner Fire gave AP didn’t make melee priests real.


You’re making me dig. Google melee warlock classic. The first two hits are the warcraft tavern guide.

Now I wish I had used it during raiding just to be able to say from personal experience that it IS a thing and it is viable.

Agreed, you are not trying to gatekeep anyone (you can’t - it is not possible for you to gatekeep anyone from anything in WoW only Blizzard can do that), you are trying to gaslight people with a bunch of nonsense about ammo going away and “weapon skills” and “worthless potions”, etc. and how that has made the game too ez or is now dumbed down.

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the guides no one uses because they’re terrible? Oh yeah that one, right next to the crossbow mage

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