Cata is a big mistake

Again - really appreciate reading well thought-out, reasonable counterpoints. I think you’re right on about the profitability of the copy feature. There’s just not much demand. Maybe I’m the only one trying to run my level 80 through the pre cata world.

But getting back to the main point of this entire thread, “Cata is a mistake.” Your comment - “…the only reason Blizzard releases games is to make a profit.” Google “wow subscriptions” and click images. See all those bell curves with Cata causing the drop-off?

Cata is a big mistake.

First there were no bell curves. Do you even know how to read a graph? A bell curve is a typically symmetrical curve of a normal distribution, resembling the profile of a bell. No one expected the subs to continually grow. Peak growth ended with Wrath that flat lined for the whole expansion until a small increase with the Cata prepatch. After 6 years and wrath flat lining a loss of subs was expected. But 10.2 million people paid $15 a month for about 20 months. While there was a small drop during the content drought just before the MoP prepatch 10.2 million is 85% of the Cata high of 12 million. That’s a massive number of subs for a 6 year old game after the end of the Lich king story line. 10.2 million paying $15 a month for 20 months is an immense success and a massive profit that most other games could only dream of and means that the vast majority of wow players liked Cataclysm.


Well, I keep all my Era characters, and all my HC characters, so you’re way off the mark. I cancelled my sub - just in order to protest, but I intend to re-sub in order to play (HC mostly and a bit Era) after a short break.

The only reason to delete my Wrath Cata characters, are that seeing their names in the drop down meny here in the Forums makes me feel sad.

No shot you can compare wotlk classic phase 1 and 2 and compare that to cata phase 1 and 2 and think cata is bad.

Wotlk classic phase 1 was literally the worst phase of any classic game.

Original cata even with all its hiccups averaged 10,600,000 subs thruout its entire life span.

It’s most definitely not doa

If you got a chance to look at anything about prepatch

You are a delusional player already brainwashed listening to small streamers about why they don’t want to play cata…

All praying it fails so they feel good about their decision
you can bet your a s s they’ll play anyway though but shhhh

Shutting down TBC & Wrath is the best move in a long time.

In fact these abominations should have never been re-released.

The game is no longer Classic the moment TBC releases and kills it.

To complain about Catacylsm when you want Wrath is insane.

Hope you Wrath players spent all your wage bucks on GDKP gear only to see it rendered obsolete by Cataclysm. Too funny.

“Plenty of posts” is just anecdotal and thus meaningless. (From a data perspective. Not saying you or your opinion are meaningless) You’d have to survey a couple thousand subscribers to get any kind of meaningful feedback.


Yep. Their choice is cat ladies, Spreadsheets online, Or eso. And eve is nothing like this game.

Or private servers. And they’d have been there by now. Ascension gets a plug if they really want to mixup a new wrath run though.

I love it when people gatekeep other peoples opinion because people think “Classic” only means the first 2 xpacs and original game…

I subjectively think Cata is classic, since i loved it when I first played it, I guess 12 years wasn’t enough?

Stop gatekeeping.


Not sure what the half a dozen haters hopes to achieve, they’re not getting a blue post saying ‘due to six people cata has been cancelled’

TBH the experience will be so much better with such people not playing.
I’d take a happy half a server over a full one full of sad sacks and cry baby’s.


Unfortunately they’re still going to play anyway, despite all their protests to the contrary. And they’ll be complaining about how things were so much better before the whole time…


Why I like rdf.

I don’t have to read channel 4 nearly as much to see it in game lol. It’s there, they must share the hate in /4. I don’t have to read it now though.

Quest till instance pop. Run dungeon. Repeat. How the levelers run really.


Cata’s dead in 2-3 weeks. It’s already dying quick.
Give us FRESH Vanilla, TBC, Wrath realms. Let’s go.


Sounds like you’d like Dragonflight.

I want mop, thanks though.

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Cata classic is the most fun I have had with WoW in a long time.


Then you should protest by deleting all of your characters, giving away all of your gold and never coming back. That will show Blizzard!

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No, you have to also uninstall the game from your computer. I’ve heard there’s a blizzard cookie that sends a message to the personal email of every dev when you uninstall.

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Nope, cancel sub and give the reason you unsubbed.