Cata is a big mistake

Shutting down TBC & Wrath is not smart at all. You’re seeing plenty of posts asking for TBC. The same will happen with Wrath a couple of months into Cata.

This is no longer Classic. It’s like you’re back to square 1 alienating the playerbase that likes the original trilogy. Guess where these people that want to play TBC & Wrath will flock to again…right…private servers.

You should’ve progressed Vanilla > TBC > Wrath, while leaving behind 1-2 servers for their dedicated fans, and focused all your efforts on Classic+ after lich king.

Classic should’ve never progressed to Cata. It’s doa and you know it. No wonder you’re rushing the timeline. Just a very weird decision that makes no sense at all.


it made plenty of sense, they did a cata survey to gauge interest in cata and enough people want it that blizzard feels like its worth it. You dont have to play it.


You should offer to pay for those dedicated servers.


I’m not sure how long it will take you to get bored with Wrath but I was there months ago, if they didn’t go to Cata I would have quit. By the amount of people currently playing I’d say I’m not alone.


i agree.

separate subscription.

then we’ll see who’s who.


I used to say I’d pay a separate sub for Classic+ until they released SoD. Lmao.

All aboard the CATA train!


I’m of the opinion that Cata feels like a SoD 2. It has the same energy…

I think having a couple ghost servers to keep y’all happy would have been fine too however.


imagine if any1 gave an F if you think this feels like muh clussic or not


only one wouldve been plenty. notice how the HC crowd is quiet in their dead realms?


yea cata was a BIG mistake you def should uninstall the game


Two post Andy hating on cata why am I not surprised


the other post was a mirror of this one but he deleted

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Dude deleted his first thread in order to take out the logic failures and then repost it all cleaned up lol

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Classic has never been about vanilla to wrath.

If you watch the infamous video “you think you do, but you dont.” video, the attendee asked “have you ever fought servers for previous expansions as they were then?”, previous expansions could mean Vanilla, TBC, Wrath, Cata, MoP, WoD, Legion, BFA and DF.

Classic to me is about re-releases versions of WoW as they were then.


did you really make a new thread because you were called out in your last one?


$15.00/month basic subscription fee, including Retail and add $12.50/m per additional version.

You will eat the buggy new expansion.


I’ve seen a total of like 6 in the past year

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They’d be dead.

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It works. Client x will ask us for stuff. Like anew Wi-Fi point.

Okay…best we can do is free survey. Us and the facilities people who’d run cable crap. And here is the quote.

Parts labor, we use good Cisco stuff, with pricey management controller plus licensing.

Throw up a few zeroes and many people go nah, we are good lol.

we will put up whatever they want. After…the account number to charge is given lol.

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