[Cata] Guild profession achievement progress (alch, cooking, herbing, mining and jc)

Cataclysm Classic
Some of the Cataclysm profession guild achievements are not getting any progress.

I’ve crafted 10 Cataclysm flasks today, but our guild’s progress on Mix Master is 0/1000
I’ve also lvld cooking and with it cooked Cataclysm food, but the guild achievement Set the Oven to “Cataclysmic” is sitting at 0/5000
I know a few other guildies have also made a few flasks and done cooking.
I also spent an hour or so herbing our guild’s Bushels and Bushel achieve shows 0/100000

I have tested doing a full ui reset to see if it is just a visual bug, but even with a fresh cache, wtf and interface folder it shows the same lack of progress.
Skinning, fishing and disenchanting achieve seems to update progress just fine.
I think its affecting mining and jewelcrafting too, but have not been able to confirm that some have actually mined or crafted gems today.


I’ve also had issues while leveling with several different stat food recipes that definitely should be advancing the guild achievement tracker. But there’s nothing happening there.

I am also experiencing the mix master achievement bug and wasted a bunch of gold trying each of the 5 flasks that should count multiple times (a second time at 525 and a third time at revered guild rep and a fourth time at exalted guild rep).

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Same with my guild. Skinning, Fishing, Disenchanting all show progress. Herbalism, Mining, Cooking do not-and believe me, I have done A LOT of each. Very frustrating!

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experiencing this on flasks, made Flask of the Winds and no progress for guild. Please fix

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We have noticed that there is a MASSIVE delay in the figures updating on the achievement interface. Over the pre-patch it was taking 24 hours or more to update, but we didn’t think it seemed like we weren’t getting enough credit - it was just taking forever to update.

What professions? Mix Master still not working and it’s been over 24 hours

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Same issue here, we had people do crafts/gathers towards these on launch day and they’re all still at 0 progress.

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I am also having the same issue with the Mix Master achievement. I created 10 flasks and the guild is still 0/1000.

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All of our guild is having the same issues, herbalism, mining, cooking all are not tracking achieves

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@blizzard Are you tracking these are bugged and locking us out of obtaining Guild Cauldrons??

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I know we’re not supposed to ask for a blue response, but it would be very nice to get a response on this:
Scenario 1. Is the display bugged, but flasks counting? OR
Scenario 2: Is it bugged entirely and no flasks made currently counts?
Knowing this would be very greatly appreciated as it could save guilds a lot of wasted flask making if its scenario number 2.


I recommend everyone rechecking. Most if not all the guild profession trackers seem to be working for my guild now.

Mix Master still not being tracked for our guild.

Was working for my guild about 2 hours ago, check again after someone crafts some flasks.

This has been something noticed for a while – so far there hasn’t been anything addressed with it…

I had submitted a ticket on this and got a generic response of “are you sure you’re doing it correctly? If so, submit a bug report.” Obviously multiple bug reports have already been made about this. As of Saturday 5/25 the previously-nonfunctional profession achievements were finally tracking. It was unclear if it was picking up previous crafts/gathering or only progress beginning yesterday; some still said 0. I crafted each a flask and a glyph to see that Mix Master and The Pen is Mightier are both counting new crafts since the silent fix. Still, some word about this would be nice as right now it seems like it’s being shadow-hotfixed while pretending nothing was wrong.

I just did 10 flasks to see, did not live track, guess I will check tomorrow to see if it updates

I made 5 flasks earlier today, and it was tracking. It is, however, not updated immediately (just like basically all achievements I’ve watched since WotLK, it takes a good 10-20 seconds before it updates).

It showed up a few hours later, but is definitely tracking now.