Cata guild achievement visual bug or bug bug?


I know, I know… asking for a blue response, and asking here in the customer support forum is frowned up on. However… I just wanted to ask our friendly panda or centaur if they have knowledge if this is something that is on the “yeah, we are aware of it” radar?

(I guess mostly fishing :fishing_pole_and_fish: if it’s a scenario 2 from my bug forum post quoted below, it could be very expensive to craft flasks if so)

Just because things don’t have Blue responses, does not mean that they’re being ignored. And also, more importantly? Bug reporting is a one-way thing. You’re not going to get responses over in Bug Report forums because they’re covered by the Devs and their CMs. And neither of those roles tend to interact with players.

For all the posts and folks venting across the different forums? They’re aware of it. At this time there hasn’t been a hotfix or anything announced. Now, perhaps in the morning, one of our SFAs may be able to offer some insight, but this forum doesn’t have SFA monitoring 24/7.

Hopefully, there will be a fix forthcoming for everyone affected. All the best to you.


There is a lot of bugs that happens within each version of the game. Sometimes, Vrakthis or Orylia may not have the answers your looking for in relation to any bugs. But as also Leilleath has mentioned:

I can’t answer the specific question of it is just a display bug or not, but we are aware of some guild achievements not progressing.

It might be prudent to not do any expensive crafting if you are looking for achievement progress until a hotfix can be found and implemented.