Cata Dungeons are zoom proof

That’s ridiculous. The only time that might be true is when everyone is bis and the dungeon is easy. I’ve done so many dungeons with half geared players and it’s always a team effort. If the tank loses aggro on a mob just because he’s still working on gear and it comes at me if the mage poly’s it we complete the boss. If the mage is a poor player or lazy we wipe. Or if there’s no mage do we have a hunter to deal with it or a huntard? This scenario has happened dozens of times to me and I could come up with a dozen more scenarios. If you’re doing the dungeons with a group that can actually use the drops any person can be the one to save the run, or cause the wipe, not by an active error, but by just not playing his class well or not paying attention.

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No no no, c’mon Feywaif, we just learned its because the healer just failed their “heal check”.

Pretty much all your points can be made in obverse.

I’m not saying healers are not worthy of much prestige, just that it does not and should not

Who keeps tank alive? - Healer.
If tank loses threat and dps gets smacked and doesn’t die? - Healer saved him.
If tank dies and then DPS die, whose fault is this? - Healers, with an exception of some 1 shot mechanics.
If group dies due to AoE pulsing, whose fault is this? - Healers.
If run goes really smooth. Who gets thanked? - Everyone but healers.

Healers pay the price if DPS is bad.
Healers pay the price if tank is bad at holding threat.
Healers pay the price if tank is paper.

Healers have always been under appreciated. And due to that, Retail is really struggling to find enough healers.

I’ve been healer main for past 10 or so years. Even in MOBAs I play support. We are the least thanked and most relied upon role.

Always thank your healer.
So yes, harder dungeons = more work for healers. It’s practically no difference for tanks and DPS.


Only if the tank and dps lack skill. If they’re skilled they’re called upon to do more if the dungeon is hard. If they’re not skilled often the healer can’t save them. I remember doing a BM run with an undergeared group. We all knew we weren’t ready for it be we decided to try it any way.

It was a heal check for me. I was absolutely healing everyone at the very limits of my speed and mana. But the tank also played better than his gear and mostly held aggro despite the heals I was pouring on him. And the mage was totally on the ball and caught every mob that got free. We were all amazed we got to the last boss, then I got sleeped.

Well I’m an undead priest, I can remove it one time with my racial. But then I got sleeped again. That was it, a wipe because with this group I had to heal constantly. I talked to the shadow priest about keeping an eye on me if I got sleeped and to hit me with a dispel magic. Well it happened again and we wiped again. When it happened a third time the group broke up.

This was a skill check for all of us, a team effort. Sure I kept everyone alive, but who kept the mobs off me so I could do that? A skilled tank and a mage that paid attention and polymorphed. And why did we fail? A shadow priest that didn’t have dispel magic hot keyed and didn’t pay attention.

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No one is saying its not team effort.
Of course it is. The better the tank the easier it is. The better the DPS the easier it is. Everyone has a job. But DPS’s job is A LOT EASIER than healer’s. Tank’s job is also is a lot easier.

But regardless of all, a great decked out healer can carry the entire group.
But if you have a really really bad healer, you are not getting far.

And im saying healers get very very little recognition. And you’re fighting me on that. Which really proves my original point - healers get little to no credit.

I don’t think you’ve ever played high keys. DPS is good an all. But if healer sucks, you’re not getting past first boss.

If boss hits 10k instead of 20k, it makes zero difference in the way DPS behaves. It might make A LITTLE difference in the way tank rotates his cooldows…maybe…unlikely. But it most certainly changes everything to a healer.

I’m not fighting you on that. I’m disagreeing with you on this.

Yes, I’ve never done high level mythics. I quit before they were added. And I quit wrath when they announced no rdf and just came back so I haven’t even done the plus wrath dungeons. I also agree that the dps job is the easiest. But there are plenty of dps that do great if the dungeon is easy. They might top the parses but when the dungeons get hard they fail because dps is all they can do.

If mythics don’t require dps to pay attention to more than dps then mythics are failing to truly challenge the players. If good tanks never lose aggro then mythics aren’t challenging them. If mages never have to remove a curse or polymorph during a fight then mythics aren’t challenging them. Or if there’s not a mage and a priest never has to shackle an undead during a fight then mythics aren’t challenging them. etc.

I haven’t done mythics, but actual challenging content forces each class to pay attention to more than doing the most damage and forces them to use their full tool kit. If all a mythic is is health bars, a heal check and moving out of bad spots it’s not a very creative way to challenge players.

as of current, its because blizz is taking a dump on healers right now by nerfing them so damn hard at every turn. thats what im reading through the vines though i’ve had it with retails horrible gameplay. though the rest, yes, healers get treated like dog doo a lot. also a healer main and almost excursively play healers in all games i play.

though lately or on wow rather, my tanks are complaining more on the dps than at me. feelsgood not to get blamed at. never once yet on here. knock on wood


Even prior to the nerf to heroics CC was not as common as some people in here are making it seem.

This is also old content that has a plethora of information at the push of a button, they aren’t going to be as hard as people are making them out to be.
Everything is easier the second time around.

I suspect you are correct, they will not be pre-nerf’d – the amount of whining and complaining on the forums will be intolerable.

People did use CC in prenerf TBC heroics and no one zoomed them down like wotlk heroics. What are you talking about?


Lol I know heaven forbid people don’t rush to the end And actually have to use their brains One of the reasons i’m looking forward to cata That way I could to watch all the stupid dps.

Run ahead of me not pay attention And then they just die I’m looking forward to that On top of that I love cata Dungeons.

meh, ppl said this before

I am a very good dk tank. We will go zoom zoom in the boom boom asap

I mean if you have a premade group of course I am talking about the majority of people in rdf.

The people that keep pulling and don’t realize that their tank isn’t with them or The healer is out of manna until their halfway through.

Those are the people i’m talking about And as a tank I can’t stand it.

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It hilarious, last night tanking H FoS for the daily.
Someone asks the group, “hey anyone have daily quest to share”

So, I open my quest log, searching for Dalaran quests, Ok there they are, share one good, now share the second ok, done.

Close my quest log…and the group is dead!
…because they ran ahead and face pulled one the 4packs.

Couldn’t even stop for 8 seconds ffs.

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I would have not even shared it… If you can’t be bothered to pick up a quest in Dal, I can’t be bothered to find the quest and share it with you.

I dont remember that at all…heroic version maybe? and even that will fade after a while when gear levels catch up. Who has time for careful play and CC?

Lol yep I think the best one is When I see the healer on 2% mana and If they get upset for letting them get mana Back.

Why are you stopping ummmm so you dont go ommm Maybe ? So you don’t run out of manna in the middle of a fight ? Maybe ? Common sense is a superpower I swear.

In my defense testing the limits of my mana pool is the only enjoyment I get out of dungeons on my Druid anymore. And between my infinite use mana pot and Innervate I’ve still got plenty of gas in the tank

I mean i’m not specifically picking on you i’m just saying as a tank I’m not going to be one of those idiots that just keeps pulling because.

A good tank needs to keep an eye on the mana pool Now if I know that person personally that’s different but if its a Random healer in rdf I mean i’m sure you have this mindset too.

I don’t know what this person can handle with their playstyle What their skill level is and I get that as a healer That must be fun to do for you and I can get that but.

I mean, I could say it’s fun to pull a bunch of stuff whether I know I can survive it or not But i’m not going to do that at the expense of other people.

At least that’s how I view it I mean my job as a tank is to keep people alive It or at least do my best to do so Which I am sure you can relate to as a healer.

Yeah it’s not the same thing you heal them I keep stuff off them but i no wrath It isn’t vanilla i’m aware but I would rather be too cautious and everyone live.

Then be reckless and stupid and make myself a worse player At least that’s my take.