Cata Dungeons are zoom proof

Oh I didn’t mean to imply anything like that, I was just giving a bit of a tongue in cheek response :stuck_out_tongue:

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Really hope they release pre-nerf heroics… those you actually need to CC like prenerf ShH and BF in TBC.


Np I am kind of used to When people say things like that they assume i’m picking on someone individually.

So I want to clarify At the end of the day my goal as a tank Is to do my best to keep everybody alive and well Hopefully no wipes.

Like I said i’m really looking forward to cata I think it’s the perfect amount of cc It’s not like tbc Where if you didn’t have a mage in a dungeon your life was a nightmare.

But it’s not like wrath Where it’s this rushman tality were everybody Just kind of becomes Brain dead zombies.

Now imagine them adding more Mechanics on top of the already existing one in Cataclysm Gamma dungeons, the gatekeeping and sweat will be insane, people already seem to have their brain melt over WOTLK Gamma somehow when pre-nerf normal Cataclysm heroics are probably harder than WOTLK Gamma. lol


They used CC for a little while.

Until they realized they could just re-do the SM leveling tactic of caster cleave most of it, or otherwise started to outgear them. Then it just became impossible for rogues - undeniably one of if not the strongest CC class - to find heroics, because they had no AoE.

Rdf was in cata from the start what are you talking about?

There’s absolutely no reason for Mythics in Cata, so it’s mind-boggling why they’re doing it. All it does is breed toxicity and gatekeeping.

Not a single person is gatekeeping you from anything. Stop trying to project a narrative that is not a thing.

I didn’t realize someone would actually pay $15 a month to let their chatbot play WoW.

Cata heroics had debuffs that needed dispelled, mobs that needed stunned, sure sure. They hit hard and the pulls were small.

The biggest issue was healers. They went from flash heal spam to heal. Healers failed to adjust for weeks.
Druid and priest had the easiest time while Paladin felt weak until raid gear. Resto shaman was such a weak healer on launch you didn’t bring them.

Yup. LFD is the reason why these dungeons tragically had to get nerfed. Automated grouping is fundamentally incompatible with even slightly challenging content. One of the very few redeeming qualities of cataclysm was ruined by LFD.

Oh, they absolutely are much, much more difficult than gammas.
With one exception- RDF Paletress.
That one is pretty tough if you don’t have kickers.

It breed gatekeeping because the players believe the difficulty is too great and so demand people to be higher ilvl/gearscore than they should be to beat the content faster with less struggle, the solution to this is simple, make those (Mythic) dungeons not as hard and keep them as what they should be, simple and slightly harder catch up dungeons for gear not something to struggle with.

One thing I learn from Classic players is if something is too hard to do in any shape or form they give up and quit or become massive gatekeepers just look at Ulduar, so many guild fell and people quit since they couldn’t face roll it like Naxx.

Classic should stay as what it is easy and simple, keep the content that require a brain to beat for Retail.


You said it yourself, “the top playerbase”. As in like 10% of the playerbase. So, your point is that the top 10% will steamroll dungeons while 90% will struggle? Sounds about right.

Gotta consider that not all players raid or even push content. So 10% is a very reasonable number. Players that will “zoom” in those dungeons will probably be from premades not the dungeon finder too.

If they implement pre-nerf dungeons, phase 1 Cata pretty much ensures every group will need to work together on H dungeons.
If they do post-nerf, nobody will have a problem doing them. Most were as easy as WotlK dungeons and only a couple are marginally more difficult. You just need to know the simple mechanics and it will be a faceroll for even newbies.
Pre-nerf is a different story. That requires quite a bit of coordination, which means blizzard will probable consider that to be more difficult than the average classic player can handle… so we’ll probably get nerfed dungeons.
That’s a shame because I remember pre-nerf Cata being an actual challenge compared to Wrath dungeons. Those were fun. Failures were common and people didn’t give up right away.
Maybe they’ll make pre-nerf dungeons the “mythic” version… but that would be more difficult than any gamma (the only exception is gamma Paletress which is about the same level of difficulty as pre-nerf Cata) so we’ll see what they’ll do… WotLKC gammas are more annoying than difficult (with some exceptions like the previously mentioned Paletress)… Cata pre-nerf was straight up difficult. You couldn’t just memorize mechanics. You had to CC and upkeep that CC.


these days it is for sure

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Lol yep in wow and in Real life lol

This is an MMORPG and Classic at that. The skill floor is pretty low. And the ceiling is also pretty low. How you figure the player base is much better than before? Especially it was the original players who figured everything out for you where all you needed to do was follow a spreadsheet lol. Heck, when TBC came out instead of figuring things out on their own, the player used way back machine lol.

The players of today are worse. They’re lazy, can’t adapt, and refuse to put in the time to figure things out on their own. Classic Vanilla Naxx made that very clear.


top players in the past was flawless players knowing how to learn fast adapt and dealing with the unknown with their own critical thinking skills, the game was played by +10millions in the past so it was expected to see many numbers being casuals who fails but now what we can call top people kept practicing for years to master a very well known encounters and then most people are relaying on too many things now so they can perform without having any skills anyway but because classic are played by few players we won’t see the same amount of noobs like original and that’s why some people now think that classic player base is better than original player base but in truth the original player base was much better especially when they dealed with the content when it was new.