Cata content difficulty?

that alone is the BIGGEST reason of my excitement

Really? 600k was there for naxx at the very least, and how many people were doing ICC? Around 100k according to population metrics that are based on raid logs. So 100k stayed, 500k left.

I stopped raiding and yet I play/still subbed, most are just waiting for Cataclysm to launch.

EDIT: Also I think you should know that I refering to WotLK from 2008 and Cata from 2010, I know that the person I’m responding to is talking about Classic WotLK I misread it.

Even then though yeah, most people are just waiting for Cataclysm to drop, so many people are just stocking up, getting profession kits and leveling their characters that they’re interested in playing for Cataclym, no point to raid because the gear will get replaced very soon, it always gets like this at the end of an expansion.

Oh ok… so 499,999 left. There was a reason why servers died and it wasnt because people were sticking around.


There’s a lot of reasons for this, the number will shoot up a bunch in Cata and drop again.

It was not only difficult for healers, but it was also difficult to get through people’s head - Healing you to full health was not a failure on the healer - it was how the game was restructured to make healing necessary on those who needed it and to force (which it didn’t) personal responsibility to those who stand in stuff and do mechanics correctly.

My thoughts - it only put blame on the healer as to why they were not kept at full health.

I believe they stated the patch they were releasing was after the nerfs but I that is what I heard so…

even normal was crazy nerfed

same thing with firelands H pretty much, old reddit discussion thread:

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Wrath is actually very overrated, Cata has better raids anyways. Can I have your stuff?


there was over 300k logs before sod came out, a lot of wotlk players went to try the new shiny thing after about 6 weeks of icc

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Yes, there is, and they didnt give people Wrath. And this isnt meaning patch by patch, just an accurate representation of what it was to the best of their abilities and not adding retail stuff into it. Its not that hard.

This didnt happen in either Classic or TBCC. They were relatively stable… so what makes Wrath different? Is it that it just wasnt as popular as people think? Or is it because Blizzard just had to mess with something that wasnt broken and drove people off?

Uhhh, what? Anyways I don’t really care what kind of narrative you’re going to try to play here. Probably something to do with the Heroic+ dungeons which has nothing to do with the number of raiders plummeting in WoTLK.

The numbers in WoTLK Classic during ToGC (you know, the raid everyone claims to hate) were better than all of TBC Classic and better than most of Classic.

ToGC outperformed all of TBC. Sooo…

only a few bosses are challenging. I’d say 0% ICC is more difficult than any of the cata raids. and only a few bosses on par with LK 0% - Pre nerf rag being one, prenerf al’akir and maybe spine/sinestra.

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0% ICC and Heroic Lk isnt even hard. 0% LK is a beginning level mythic boss on retail, and Heroic Rag is so far ahead of him in difficulty.


It’s definitely not a beginning level mythic boss. Sure maybe in full heroic icc gear. I’ve cleared mythic raids and most mid tier mythic raid bossee have around 30-50 wipes. Guilds clearing LK 0% week 1 had 200+ wipes on ptr.

Cata heroics were considered hard when it first came out, but the mechanics weren’t hard, they just killed you if you didn’t do them. That was different than Wrath where people had been used to ignoring mechanics because they weren’t going to kill you anyway.

I’m curious to see what they do with the new 5 man difficulty in Cata. I hope it goes up to a higher gear level and difficulty than WotLKC Gammas did. End-game 5 man content would be nice.

Heroic raid difficulty roughly starts around middle of the pack difficulty of wotlk encounters (at 0%)
So think Blood Prince Council Lady Deathwhisper.

Some of the later bosses like Ascendant Council, Sinestra, Nefarian are similar difficulty to HLK.

I will tell you from experience, as an ex mythic raider from retail, performance in wrath classic DOES NOT equal performance on retail mythic raids. People playing wrath classic have classic brain where pumping is all that matters and they do everything possible to not have to do mechanics.


and im telling you from someone clearing mythic content up until bfa that players killing heroic lk with 50 attempts left at 0% were also mythic retail raiders at one point. I recognize multiple names from mop era. 200+ wipes on LK equals around mid level mythic boss difficulty. Im going to assume you killed lk at 30% so you wouldnt know. lol 0% lk as difficult as entry level mythic bosses? are you kidding? entry level mythic bosses are cleared in 10 attempts or less. Also mythic raids are very lenient on what comp you bring. Especially in the middle. 0% LK required specific comps to reach the dps check. I cant remember a middle mythic boss that required a specific comp/ class stacking to overcome it except maybe Fetid devourer in uldir before nerf.

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