Cata content difficulty?

Buddy, Cata is literally Wrath 2.0 :skull:

MoP is more retail-like than Cata could ever hope to be.

If you really want to argue semantics Wrath was a bigger turning point from the “classic experience” than wrath-cata


I dont know who said that but I never thought Cata was difficult, the raids were more elaborate and had more phases but the dungeons werent any harder then the ones in WotLK.

I dont know if you played original Cata or not but they nerfed all the dungeons shortly after the expansion was released because they were to hard.

I’m kind of interested to see which route they go with Classic; Wouldn’t be surprised if they release post-nerf dungeons but then add whatever mythic±esque system they are using right now in Wrath, the Gamma dungeons or w/e.

Thanks for your input! Noone cares about your personal sob story on why you’re going back to your private server. Bottom line is this, you will back. Or you wont. We still wont care.


I’m very keen for Cata. Didn’t get the chance first time through so this is going to be a whole new experience for me.


Kinda sounds like you should move on my dude. This was a painful read.


Why are you in this thread? if you don’t care about cata, why did you come into a cata thread.

p.s see you in cata.

@OP most of the 5mans are raid mechanics but simple ones, bar Grim Batol which the last boss actually feels like a raid boss, the difficulty overall is very good, on par with pre nerf ICC, some being harder like Sintharia (heroic only), Rag later on in the content.

The whole expansion is more mechanically minded style.

My memory is vague so don’t count on it. I remembered cata you have a lot more to dealt with when pulling trash mobs. There are more mechs and i think some of the heroic 5 men you have dmg checks too.

And btw I started playing in woltk into cata and dropped at mop. I srsly don’t understand why there are sooooo much hate.
I mean the questline and leveling up experience are definitely better for the new comers and I do agree the leveling experience gets streamlined a bit but it is necessarily a bad thing at all?

It’s not a bad thing. The old world and it’s quest style works great for Vanilla, since it was designed to have max level players return to all the zones in EK and Kalimdor over and over for numerous activities. Even then, so many people in Classic paid for leveling boosts to skip all of it.

Then add Outland and Northrend to the mix and max level players are spending almost all of their time in those continents and EK and Kali seem like ghost towns that people tend to want to level through as fast as possible.

The old world redesign streamlined the questing experience very well, and one zone will lead to an adjacent zone quite nicely. Not every redo was a winner (1k needles, Tanaris), but some zone saw a lot of improvement (Redridge, Stonetalon, Badlands, EPL come to mind).

I love leveling new toons in Cata, and look forward to doing it again.


Class homogenization started in Cata (prepatch). One of major factors.

Most important thing to understand that it is all already solved and the information will be in total free flow from the jump. Which will automatically make it easier. Also, you probably land on the last patch of Cata which a lot of classes were stronger than they were during most the content of Cata. Not to mention the sheer number of combat addons and weak auras that will trivialize a lot of things people used to have to do by memory or purely off a DBM that was updating periodically during the content to get it right. You will have WAs now that will be whistling for you to move left, move right, stand over here, dodge this, dont be in front, dodge the fire bells and whistles.

But is it a step up? Yeah. It certainly is but it won’t be like it was. The first tier probably is going to be a little but of a splash of cold water to the face because DPS have had a year of standing in the fire and it not mattering in ICC. Healers are used to just endless spamming mindlessly and they wont be able to.

So harder than WOTLK? Yeah, no doubt. Will it be like a mythic raid release on retail? Not even close.

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Yea exactly and the quests are more fun in general, instead of killing X mobs or getting X items.

As usual, claims that “(x) is literally retail” are stupid, because the retail we have at present didn’t happen overnight. It’s the result of many changes made over the course of years.

Cata was already easy enough in my op. It just expected brain usage. I am thinking corla herald of twilight. Like what is even an interrupt anyways.

And they nerfed it to oblivion every patch over the course of the expansion. And yah, we got mythics now. But min maxxing and all that stuff. Cata is going to be a massive easy joke for clearing dungeons and stuff like that.

Although you might get some wipes on corla herald of twilight from time to time. Because no one knows how to coordinate jack all anymore. I mean, it isn’t really that hard. People just make it hard.

It all mainly started in cataclysm to. Wrath had a couple of stupid ideas. Like the dungeon finder. And phasing. So much phasing it isn’t even funny anymore now.

As well as the revamp system getting started in wrath to. But people mainly remember it from cata. Like yah, let’s revamp and delete the original naxxramas. Let’s delete the original onyxia’s lair. Let’s delete all the ammo and weapon skills and all that stuff to. And the dungeon finder made the world, of the world of warcraft. Completely irrelevant.

And next expansion, let’s delete everything else do while we are at it.

Not really trying to look at Cataclysm being a bad expansion overall because it had alot of great moments to. But it deleted alot of the appeal of playing wow in it’s classic form. Heck. I want to play cata classic. But not if I can’t have both classic cata and permanent wrath classic servers. If I have to do that whole 2010 wrath classic going into cata classic servers alll over again thing without the option of being in the expansion I liked more than anything, which was wrath classic. Then I don’t see the point in continuing a sub.

We were asking. Now we are begging and demanding for permanent wrath classic servers. And yah we have vanilla era and som and plus and hardcore. Cool cool. But they don’t have death knights running around the old overworld that I can play as now do they. As well as several other things. I don’t like the class designs as much. I don’t like the race class combos as much. Etc.

And wrath was perfect. No reason we should have to live without a permanent wrath classic option. No real reason at all. At this point, wrath classic is like black licorice. Not alot of people seem to want it. But, that doesn’t mean it shouldn’t exist for those who do want it.

Unnerfed launch dungeons and Zandalari dungeons will be like gammas – guilds and play groups won’t have a problem. RDF will be frustrating. People keep mentioning Ozruk but original Corborus was even a roadblock for randoms.

Same goes for raids. Tight-knit groups will run their boutique 10s and have a ball. Non-GDKP pugs will vanish in P1.

Don’t forget corla herald of twilight. She was a pug breaker to.


You don’t get to decide what Classic is. People seem to be under the impression that Classic meant vanilla which i don’t know where they got that idea. Enjoy your extremely overrated faceroll of an expansion.

It’s kinda like the other side of the coin to people who say “(Cata) is literally retail!” As though retail is some kind of catch-all term that happened overnight and everyone knows what aspect of “retail” they’re referring to.

during cata i cleared everything on heroic 10m at the time and norm 25m.
the main thing i remember was having to reset hagara the stormbender to get her first phase to be the ice one.