Cata content difficulty?

that and the way healing changed people were not ready for it. On my hpal currently I literally just spam holy light 99% of the time. Its braindead and boring. Disc priests just mindlessly shield spam and call for innervates every fight. also braindead. Mana was actually a huge issue at the start and a lot of healers didnt realize that their spells actually drained their mana like crazy , you couldn’t just spam heal anymore. The damage was also very high even getting hit by simple mechanics like a cleave or not interrupting something or not moving from something did crazy damage and the healing just felt very small compared to the damage people took. I still remember it very well.

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I mean forget 0% HLK, let’s take it back a few tiers. What about Sarth 10 with all drakes up? Yogg 0? Algalon?

You forgot to add, that dps were used to standing in stuff and healers were required to keep them at full health and when they changed to Cata, healers were yelled at for not doing exactly that…they couldn’t.

yeah it’s the same problem in Dragonflight in M+. Healers get blamed because the DPS didn’t dispel or stood in the mechanic.

In previous expacs you could just outheal people making mistakes and now you can’t.

I’m a heal main so I just expect the abuse

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At least in the higher M+ keys the DPS are expected to know better. The problem with random heroics in Cata is that anyone could be running them for justice points and their ability could be all over the place.

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Yeah I would expect that most skilled people will be running them exclusively with guildmates or making their own groups outside the RDF which will leave RDF filled with the ungemmed bot like players in Gammas right now

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I don’t remember early Cata mana but I know later on I could spam quite a lot of prayer of healings during a raid as a disc priest. In PvP I also remember in later Cata holding lumber mill for several minutes in a constant fight and not running OOM.

I think early wrath mana isn’t great either. In leveling dungeons you still have to drink a lot if you don’t have an exceptional tank. You can’t spam holy light very long in the 70s in WotLKC for example.

At some point in WoW’s history they decided to not have mana regen scale up with gear to make mana matter more in latter tiers, but I don’t think classic has gotten there yet. Cata 5 mans originally didn’t scale past heroic so we never really got to see what a higher difficulty 5 man would be like with better gear. Mana may be less of a limiting factor after a certain gear level while still potentially difficult in other ways.

I’m hoping the new 5 man cata dungeon system isn’t just a raid catch-up system like it is in WotLKC and has challenging 5 man content for the current tier as well.

I fully expect them to release the nerfed heroic dungeons just for this reason and then adding in the Gamma system for players that want more challenge.

Early Cata mana (for healers) was designed to stop keeping people at full health. If memory serves, people (healers) were complaining they were bored. Of course, they were – you had healers/dps/tanks in ICC heroic gear running heroic dungeons that had never been changed since xpac released (except the 3 new ones). So Blizzard decided to fix that issue… it was just the wrong way to fix it.

So, healers concentrated on tanks, gave light heals to others and kept them at 3/4 or 1/2 health and everyone was blaming healers for either not full health or dying (because they were standing in stuff).

To make matters worse, the first iteration of the Cata dungeons needed CC and everyone was used to going in and AOE’ing everything down in dungeons…why? Because they were so well geared in WoTLK towards the end they were out gearing the dungeons with Ulduar and ICC gear they could just go in and melt/AOE everything and then they forgot – it all got reset. So that took a while for the brain dead’s to understand.

Also I feel like the change from going to gammas to cata heroics won’t be as stark as it was originally. Cata heroics aren’t really harder than TBC Heroics were at launch and we started steamrolling them pretty early on with dim bulb IQs so here’s hoping

I would agree with that.

It was pretty stark from OG WoTLK dungeons to OG Cata dungeons though.

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Hoping we get gamma style difficulty with the cata dungeons or a hair bit more difficult. I still run gammas when I am bored on my main (full bis ret pal w/shadowmourne) and the bosses don’t stand long

Yeah the gear wasn’t great from dungeons either. There was no epics at the end. Just another 346 ilvl piece. It wasn’t until you were mostly in epics where dungeons felt considerably easier

I remember cata being easy. Specially after blizzard nerfed everything.

You tell me to quote you calling me schizo when you have said it to me in every reply you have ever made to me…ever. You wanted quotes? Not that hard. In this thread even

Literally said it in the post that you claimed you dont say it hardly ever.

And on this thread here you said it to me too

My solution for Wrath Era servers - WoW Classic / Wrath of the Lich King Classic Discussion - World of Warcraft Forums (

Where you said
You then go onto rant about RDF. That’s when I called you a schizo.
Then you said You then went into another schizo rage.

Then Listen moron and then said this

I then addressed your schizo rage and you deflected it instantly because you’re a coward

You then said this I’ll give you this, you mastered schizo posting

Then this Congrats, you should be proud, schizo

Sure, you can find me using the term against a few others, but your claim, and I quote, is “you bring up schizo in every post you make ever.”

It’s only to you, because it’s all you do.

There you even admit that you do call me it in every thread you encounter me on. I hide my history to keep you from following me around at random the way you used to always do and start calling me a paranoid schizo.

But the irony of this is…first off, you literally named your toon after an advanced form of the disorder you keep claiming that I have. And also…seems you got a guild kick…and also you only hide your post history to stop others from seeing how you actually go around on these forums and insult everyone else you can find as much as you do to me.

And actually…I kept looking. There is not one single thread where you talk to me that you dont call me a schizo.

Only two people here know the truth of what you do to me nonstop. Me, and you. You got all the others here on the forums fooled cuz you got all your forum profile posts hidden so when I keep saying you are harassing me nonstop by your constant name calling vs me, you can ofc deny that you do it. You’re the one who gets guild kicked cuz no one in Wrath can stand you. You guild hop like crazy, most of them being kicks and not you leaving, you sat at 213 item level for the vast majority of the expac.

And that is not the only toon of yours that is named after a mental illness when you yourself go around these forums calling other posters, retard and said it to me and say it to others, then you bully others before you started on me. You’re a bully. That is why you cant ever stay in any guild for more than a couple of weeks. Thats why it is next to impossible for you to find any groups for you to play with and get stuff done in wow with. Thats why your best toon is way below average in Wrath and your retail orc toon is even worse and also guideless. Even your own guilds get sick of you. Rogues are pretty good in Cata. They will be in high demand once fangs come out, you’ll be left behind. Keep at it, guildess level 80 forum troll.

They’re just waiting for Cata and biding their time by playing SoD if they are burnt out on ICC since it’s been out for 6 months now. I’m one of the ones that still speedruns and plays hardcore in WOTLK so i haven’t left and neither has my guild we are continuing to challenge ourselves by ranking in Speedruns. But A LOT of people who don’t do the Hardcore raiding will be back for sure from SoD, or do both. I guarantee it.

Jesus christ, not only did you necro a thread that was dying peacefully, you’re responding to a post of mine that’s from 26 days ago. Thanks for letting me live in your head rent free.

You once again read what I typed, then made a whole point and rant about something else that I didn’t type.

I never denied called you schizo.

I deny your claim that I call everyone schizo.

Back to what you quoted from me, if you do this nifty thing where you search for the word “schizo” and then attribute to only posts I made with it, then search by most recent, you’ll see a nice little gap between the quote you quoted from me, which was 26 days ago, and the prior time was in October '23. 26 days ago was what, end of March. Last time prior to that, which is in the context of this quote, was October '23. That’s 5 months. November, December, January, February, March. 5 months.

Granted, I said half a year, which is 6 months, but I am painfully closer to being correct in the time frame, than you are.

Yes, because prior to 26 days ago, the last time was to you in October '23.

When I say quote me, I don’t mean type out what I said. I mean for you to put it into an actual, linked quote.

And now you go onto another rant about what I say to you, which I never denied. Shame that your entire point is that I deny saying it to you. It’s almost like you don’t know what you’re even talking about, and are just mad and lashing out, justifying it with your own delusional short comings.

Yes, I never denied calling you these things.

I deny your claim that I call “everyone I disagree with and are mad at” these things.

I’ve never once followed you around. If I did, there would not have been a break in our interactions from October '23 to 26 days ago. You had no problem posting in community with zero interaction from me.

It’s almost like in this context, we’re both using the same forum, and I can see your posts. It’s weird how that works.

Yep. Because of posts like this.

You have now reentered schizo posting territory.

More schizo posting.

Like where do you even come up with this stuff.

I’m sorry the words “This toon retired” is a sentence you fail to understand, but that’s not my issue.

If you don’t want to enter schizo posting territory, maybe say things that are true, and not based off of your fictional headcanon.

Never said it. It’s why I won’t quote you saying it either.

It’s why, for the second time now, I’ve cut you off at the start of the word, right at the letter “r”.

More schizo posting.

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I may not be the person that should answer because I don’t group very much. I think you won’t be disappointed. CATA dungeons have plenty of mechanics the whole group should know as well as general navigational things that can be confusing if they go in never having seen it. IMO, it’s real important to let the tank run the show and take good care of and generally worship your healers. Back in original wrath, people got real used to dumping on both and there’s really no room for that.

“Who’s making those funny symbols above things? What they mean?” :rofl:

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I ran a gamma again after avoiding them for a long time. I was Skull marking ‘Ahn’Kahar Spell Finger’ in Ahn’kahet and begging the randos to interrupt or focus them down, and was frustrated to find the randos fully not listening or paying attention. Only saving grace is that they were doing web wraps and staying somewhat close together.

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