Cata content difficulty?

Definitely. I went into OG Cata as a well geared prot warrior who could shrug off most things. Then we got to Ulthok and he annihilated me with that 40k void punch thing.

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Nah, you looking for a pre-carry. Study as far as google takes you then…like everyone else…go do the fights and see for yourself. Figure it out bro.

Oh whats that? You worried some sweaty parse bro gonna call you out in discord for not knowing the fights? Oh well…

there’s fewer tank buster mechanics as they changed how healers work. Healers in first phase struggle for mana and play more triage than overloading everyone with overheal.

That’ll be a hard transition because I can tell you as a healer I’ve definitely felt like I exist in the raid to cover for people not moving out of mechanics and not much else.

There really isn’t that much out there about Cata.
Probably because it was a terrible expansion.

I mean everyone raved about how aaaaaaaaaaamazzzzing WOTLK was when I thought it was mid AF at the time, and mostly boring classic wise outside of 2 raids.

Looking more towards Cata and MoP than SoD future phases or staying in WOTLK


Perhaps cata was terrible (ill be playing for the first time) and if you say limited guides are available i believe you…but my point stands.

This clown OP writes a few paragraphs belittling people who dont know fights and now is scared because he might have to go into a fight not without knowing how to beat it. He’s scared of being treated like he’s been treating others and wants an out. It’s pathetic

no one cares that you’re leaving…leave. Cata is classic to the majority of people and same with MOP, cya later you wont be missed


Mechanically it wasn’t that much different from ICC/Ulduar. It’s just that numbers were turned WAY up from wotlk. The biggest difficulty gap came from Heroics in wotlk and heroics in Cata. Which were just insane by comparison.

Yea for …uh I think Stonecore…the big giant boss…That dude was nasty. He has a move where you have to run out of range or you will be oneshot as a melee dps, and possibly oneshot as a tank as well. Also, when he berserks it increases the cast time of the move so you pretty much have to run out immedietly or you will die. Used to see alot of people die to that boss (and I died a few times as well lol).

Break yourself upon my body

Heck, you can still see it happen now in timewalking. Or you could, if they’ve removed Stonecore from the rotation by this point, I’m not sure.

For me the Cata was a big change back in the day. I play a hunter a guardian and resto druid and lock. Mobs hit way too hard even when questing and my character was in heroic raid ICC gear r(server 1st to kill heroic LK and top 25/ guild in the world). Questing feels like is back to villain wow and dungeons are very unforgiving.

Didn’t help that back in ICC tanks all gem for stamina since dodge block etc doesn’t do anything since there are constantly raid wide DoT so you need hp to survive but cats hit and the other tanking stats got way more important otherwise you are just a mana sponge. And healing as also bad. As a resto druid in ICC I never go oom and spam heal all day long cata came and I go oom every other pack of trash in dungeons

All dungeons boss have one shot mechanics and require everyone to be in their A game they need to dodge avoidable damage use defense CD and even help off heal if they can. Also inteerupt is a must

Stone core was such a group breaker I just quit if I got pair into it. Blizzard had to nerf a lot of dungeons to make it less bad even then is common to wipe a few times and if your tank or heal is a bit weak don’t expect to complete the dungeon. Raid was also tough and some boss are bugged for months

If anything blizzard should make sure dungeons and raids are the same as WoLK level of difficult otherwise a lot of people are not going to have fun.

I remember the days I spent in Mt. Hyjal on my priest farming cloth doped with the luck position.

It’s a fun expansion, but instances added in the later phases alienated some players and further segregated the player base.

We will see what happens this time around.

Keep dungeons and raids pre-nerf, there’s normal and heroic versions for a reason.


Lol even the leveling dungeons are hard. Stone core comes to mind 3nd boss unless there is a dispelled in the group chance of a wipe went way up.

Grim toll or whatever that is call 2nd boss if dps isn’t high the adda pop up and having 2 adds up is a wipe. The fire boss of healer is under gear dragging the boss into the lava is going drop everyone hp. There is also the boss that pulls out different weapon and have to deal different.

On top of my head 5 dungeons in cata is no cake walk even when leveling

If its all post nerf content it’ll be easy, if I recall correctly cataclysm is when raids started being nerfed heavily after rwf progression. Hopefully they have the data to release the fights as they were at time of first kill, along with release heroics. If not I think a lot of people are going to get bored quick.

Okay so you need to actually play the game and not brainlessly move from one pack to another, I see no problem with that. Shattered Halls and Slabs in TBC were somewhat hard at first and they’re one of the most enjoyable for me personally.

Having actual mechanics in dungeons isn’t a bad thing and I’m glad that they’re in Cata dungeons.

Rest assured if there’s any difficultly whatsoever, there will be endless screeching on the forums. You think pve players want to open their spellbooks and click on their CC abilities? Hell no.

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It was more than that.

Like every single pack requiring 2 CCs at least.
It gets tiring, and if your LFG group doesn’t have effective CCable class… then doomed.

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Reminds me of Scholo when with nearly every humanoid pack had a Mage and or Rogue CC’ing a mob. Good times honestly, I spammed the hell out of Scholo.

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