Cataclysm started well. Good zones (love Vashjir), good raids (Blackwing Descent/Bastion of Twilight are strong). The heroics were challenging and fun.
Dragon Soul really is that bad though.
Cataclysm started well. Good zones (love Vashjir), good raids (Blackwing Descent/Bastion of Twilight are strong). The heroics were challenging and fun.
Dragon Soul really is that bad though.
Firelands is amazing tho!
Lets not talk about WOTLK last raid tho…thats even worse than DS.
Cata saw the biggest sub drop in WoW history and subs have been falling ever since so no.
Once again i think it was because how long it took for content patches to come out, classic will fix that.
With these progression servers i think WOTLK will be worse off than it was back then, literally 2 of the same raids.
So do I because I have a feeling that they are going to split it into 3 parts for Classic when it comes out. They are intentionally killing Classic.
This is exactly why i think Cata was bad back then, it wasnt because of how it played it was simply because the content took so long to come out.
Baradin Hold / The Bastion of Twilight / Throne of the Four Winds / Blackwing Descent (Tier 11) Launched on 12/07/2010
Firelands Launched on 06/28/2011
Dragon Soul Launched on 11/29/2011
So tier 11 launched on the release of cata but then Tier 12 launched over 6 months later, then it took just over 5 months for Tier 13 to drop.
Then you were stuck in Dragon Soul for almost a full year until the next Xpac dropped.
Cata wasn’t that bad in design it’s that the game was over for most people.
People got to fight Illidan and Arthas and thus the game was over. Nobody cares about Deathwing because the Warcraft games biggest bad was Arthas.
Redoing the world etc was smart, it was basically WoW 2 without rebooting everything. Yet no matter how good Cata might be the issue was that for most the game was finished. That’s where you get a desperate Blizzard who tosses anything against the wall to see what sticks and goofy xpacs nobody cares about.
They could of made better expansions after wrath but they turned out being “okay” at best. You don’t hold that wrath-level subs with okay expansions, deathwing was almost never mentioned prior to cata. I feel like world of warcraft rode off Warcraft 3 lore in the first expansions, then petered out when they had to come up with new ideas.
Also they tried to appeal to everyone and ended up making a product that “sorta” caters to casuals (every patch catch up gear, LFR), sorta caters to hardcore, etc. They failed to find a core demographic and catered to less and less people.
The bulk of retail’s population is from people who are attached and addicted to their 10-year old characters and people who buy expansions, play for month and quit.
I doubt there will be a classic Cataclysm. You can still access all the old Cataclysm stuff on retail, and the system overhaul that was done is basically what retail was.
I see zero reason for them to go past Wrath Classic, because that was the last expansion before they completely redid a ton of mechanics for classes.
Also cataclysm was awful.
The best part of people complaining about cata is that they either quit before the expansion came out or they just quit right after hitting level 85.
People always complain about how cata killed the old world but lets be real; people dont go to those zones. Check the forums and see how people complain about how dead the old worlds is. And yes it was like this back in the day too, there used to be more people leveling in the old world when vanilla was live but after that the old world always felt “dead”.
There is a reason blizzard added LFD and there is a reason blizzard changed the old world. But if you keep seeing the old world through rose tinted glasses then yeah you’ll be disappointed when wrath comes out and it wasnt as good as you thought
Cata classic won’t happen. After wotlk they will focus on seasons. SoM was a testing ground.
So yea they aren’t gonna do a classic version of cata when you can just go play those same zones in retail.
What negates all of that? BOOSTING. We have the level 58 boosts. You think they are gonna do cata to experience old zones when there’s the option just to bypass all of it?
Yeah I said it
Not gonna happen.
I just hate the colour palette of cata raids. Too much red and black
I remember people saying that tbc wasnt gonna happen and look where we are now playing classic tbc
you can say that for anything of course some people said that. People also said there would never be a Demon’s Souls remake but it happened. (more than 10 years after)
but I think the general consensus was that we would eventually get tbc and wotlk had classic done well
strawman, false argument, i raided, i hated it, i hated every aspect and every change to the game from cata, minus transmogs and barbershop, those were the only improvements. People i knew who were dedicated to the game, started quitting or reducing their game-time until they quit, the week prepatch hit and their classes were watered down to homogenous, fischer price tier babby gameplay.
i’ve seen retail refugees brag about retail raiding alot, and sure, it’s difficult, but its one dimensional, old school raiding, especially in tbc and wrath, required many skill sets to deal with things, managing rage, mana, threat levels, dps rotations (most classes have easy dps rotations in tbc, but plenty of classes required genuine skill to dps well in wrath) all of that “hard” stuff was removed and you’re left with difficult boss encounters and nothing else, it’s a one trick pony, and it’s self evident in the playerbase doing nothing but die off since cata’s prepatch.
blizzard has mismanaged classic since launch, at every level, blaming the playerbase for dead zones when the game caters to boosters, gold farmers/buyers and content skipping cancer in general, is a ridiculous premise and you fit right in with all the other clowns on these forums, welcome retail-refugee!
SOM proves that the old world leveling process is fine and needs minor adjustments at most, and that there’s plenty of community possible when you ban garbage gameplay skipping cheese like boosting, SoMs main problem was that it was very poorly timed and didn’t have enough changes.
LFD made sense when you nerfed heroics into the ground, and made farming them mandatory for gear upgrades and catchup mechanics, that doesnt make them a good feature in general, the numerous problems with them remain true, you just need to go back to retail and go enjoy them lol. I will use them in wrath, but only because thats how the game was designed and its extremely time inefficient to do it any other way. I anticipate many a vote kick required for some of the boosted, room temp iq players ill wind up stuck with.
The old world was fine, especially when heirloom gear was released, i know guys who were addicted to just leveling toons, they quit after leveling one guy to outland from 1 in the new world, it lacks soul, like all content post ulduar and ICC.
What I’m trying to say is that blizzard will release all those expansions no matter what. Cata was released 10 years ago, that alone makes it an old game and it would be considered classic as well.
Also there is audience for all the expansions, there is a Mop P server that has been pretty popular since it’s launch so yeah. If you think blizzard is gonna miss the opportunity to make money off that you are out of your mind
I agree for the first part but how is it different in WOTLK ? Most of the classes push 4 buttons too.
Btw, pushing more or less buttons doesn’t make a game good or “skilled”. You have 4 buttons to push in League Of Legends yet not everyone is Challenger.
In fact, i remember the beginning of Cata being somehow good before the “wrath babies” cried to nerf everything because they weren’t able to pack/aoe the whole content anymore.
Once you start getting better gear, those things you mentioned such as: mana, rage, etc become easy to manage since you have the gear to compensate for the pack of MP5, intellect or crit . And btw I’ve played all the classes on the PTR and the rotations were easy to learn and pretty much just a 1-3 button rotation unlike cata where it required you to use more abilities.
The classes didnt get watered down in cata, most of them saw an improvement. As an example of this: in wrath my warrior feltsluggish for some reason, but in cata it felt much better and much smoother.
Another thing to mention is that wrath raids were really easy compared to cata so I wouldn’t be surprised if the wrath babies quit because of the difficulty.
True… like I’m not saying 100% it won’t be released. I always believe in never say never (my demon’s souls example) but my initial reply with the reasons I don’t think it will come is why I think this is a little bit of a different situation as people can still do the cata content in retail. Classic old world is not in retail, I think the DK area isn’t there either.
Yeah I do get your point but I don’t think that “changing the old world” is what separates classic from retail. For me that happened in wod when they pruned all the classes and removed a lot of the good stuff from the game.
For me that was when the game truly went into a different direction.