Man you’re really taking all the people who say they don’t like you and going for gold, huh?
Idk what this means.
Damn it must be opposite day because everything you said here is wrong.
Zones were incredible, questing was great, PvP was balanced, and DS is still the worst end-expansion raid ever.
Wotlk last raid is the worst…1 boss raid to end the xpac.
I agree with everything else
We don’t talk about nor acknowledge that raid’s existence Manure what are you doing. This is illegal.
I liked Cata, but I don’t think the demand will be there.
I don’t think it matters if the demand is there or not. Classic will probably continue as the second track of WoW. People will drop off over time, but we will continue to go along because there are people who only subscribe for classic and Blizzard has to do virtual zero work to keep those subs going. It would be a bad business move to simply stop classic and lose all of those subscriptions just because the demand wasn’t there for something that doesn’t take much work compared to any other action they could take.
Cata ruined the outdoor world, along with every single low-level instance and significant portions of gameplay that I found fun, in my opinion. I think it highly unlikely I’d play it, unless all my guildies had their hearts set on it.
To be fair that exact same thing can be said about TBC.
Outdoor world?
What’s that?
Wasn’t this the expansion with the crazy OP trinkets in PVP?
I agree concerning the dungeons. The raids though? Don’t get me wrong I love BWD as it was my first raid experience. Now that I’m seasoned though… the 10m vs 25m split was an utter disaster. Particularly since they overlooked some glaring errors in tuning.
To be fair… most people consider ICC to be the last raid of wrath. Not Ruby Sanctum. That felt put in as an attempt at a stop gap due to how long ICC went on for.
And ICC blows DS out of the water every day of the week.
Cata blows, its where the game began to suck… i dont plan on progressing pass lk
The worst part about cataclysm was the destruction of the old world and the removal of talent trees. The dungeons, pvp and raids were pretty good.
I don’t care about any of it. I will play all of them regardless. Tootles
As time goes on, I’ve come to realize that Cata was a better expansion than WotLK. Cata has aged far better than LK. And I played the heck out of both of them back in the day.
LK had two of the laziest raid tiers that Blizz has ever created, in Naxx and ToC. Back in the day it worked, because most of the population didn’t get to set foot in Naxx during vanilla. However, this raid tier is going to age horribly, as most of the Classic raid population did do Naxx this time.
LK introduced way too many catch up mechanics, that made old raid tiers obsolete (in fairness, 2.4 did this with IQD gear/dungeon but LK was the first full expansion where catchup mechanics were in place every raid tier)
LK easy heroics were a let-down.
Wintergrasp is going to age horribly with the state of one-sided megaservers. Even if they do fix WG (such as making it like the queued retail version), I’d still say TB > WG.
One of the community’s major gripes with Cata was that it made the old world completely inaccessible. This is remedied in modern times, as someone looking for an old world fix can simply hop on the current Classic Season of XXX.
LK had Ulduar & ICC as the good tiers, and Naxx & ToC as the bad tiers. Cata had BoT/BWD & FL as the good tiers and DS as the bad tier. I’d say the weight of Cata’s tiers is a bit superior to LK’s.
There’s so many more pros & cons to both that people have already listed out here. Neither expansion holds a candle to Classic or BC. However, given modern times, I think Cata > LK if we’re comparing just those those two.
This was exactly my point, even tho you said it much better.
This time around Naxx will be DOA as we did it and now we will have to redo it for 3+ months TWICE a week lol.
WOTLK only had 2 good raids, the rest were lazy and 3 of them were 1 boss raids…We are literally going back to do Onyxia again…
Cata’s biggest issue was how long it took for them to release content, this will be fixed with Cata Classic.
i dont think you’ve written a single post that wasn’t pure garbage opinions and trash hot takes in your entire bad trolling career on the blizzard forums.
Cata was objectively awful, unless you like 4 button characters to play. ill happily quit at the end of wrath if thats their grand idea to continue afterwards.
That being said, naxx 25 would indeed suck, but it was definitely quicker to clear than original naxx, they havent confirmed anything about how it would work, they could edit the raids and cut phases short, or in the case of ulduar and icc, stretch them out please. You’ve jumped to 20x different conclusions with little proof past what they’ve already done.
Thats Cap.
Excuse me, classes have always been 4 buttons lmfao, Have you seen TBC rotations???
Naxx 10/25 will suck for 3+ months… Doing it twice a week… Sure Ulduar and ICC are great raids, but they are the ONLY good raids in WOTLK…
WOTLK has poor raid designs, they literally just redo Naxx and Onyxia along with a total of 3 raids that have 1 boss and the last raid of the expansion being a 1 boss raid.
Cata class design was fine, the issue with cata was how long content launches took.
Cata overall has better raids and better heroic dungeons.
Damn, feels like a troll response considering everything you said was wrong.
Since I’m here I’ll throw my opinion in the masses. Cata was awesome. Legit an incredible expansion. It’s only weakness was the rushed final raid. Had Cata given us the lost “Abyssal Maw” raid it would have been damn near perfect.
Also pvp was arguable at it’s peak.