Cata classic will be better than WOTLK Classic

i guess you were playing the low iq classes/specs then, because i had a blast on my enhance shaman and disc priest, loads of buttons, all had their uses and utility in certain situations, i couldn’t get the hang of hunter dps after the change though, but i didn’t raid with that toon back then so whatever.

Soo many retail fanboys and classic andys refuse to mention or realise that the classes themselves were never more fun to play, and rewarding to actually master, than in wrath. This is a BIG drawcard that will keep the game alive. I’ve resented the mindless simplicity of class abilities in classic and tbc thus far, especially dps, soo dull.

room temp iq LFD pugs mixed with genuinely hard content makes for a very bad player experience. Blizzard were fools to make difficult heroics when ~60% of the players pugging them weren’t skilled enough to do the content. Wrath rewarded the genuinely talented players with experiences that will never be surpassed, the hardmodes, secret bosses etc, and they kept the casuals and mouth-breathing bads stumbling along with welfare epics and easy mode raids to keep them sedated. Cata did neither of these well, cata did nothing well. I quit halfway through the expansion in disgust and so did 95% of the 2 dozen people i knew irl who played.

Good job you know how to push buttons.
Skill is mostly about reacting fast and properly not pushing a button.

Btw, It goes from


If you expect WOTLK Classic to

I guess you’ll be disapointed when most of the playerbase will clean this content. We are in 2022 not in 2009 anymore.

Anyway, i’m gonna enjoy WOTLK but i expect a lot of “wrath babies” to learn how dellusional they were about this expansion. It’s a good expansion but it’s still have a lot of flaws especially when we’ll get 3.3.5.

That’s good but me will be stopping at Wrath.

eh, i disregarded everyone who ranted about how “hard” raiding was back in the days of classic and tbc, however the hard modes in wrath will be the biggest raiding challenges thus far for sure, as all the crutches we currently rely upon to clear content ez will no longer be available, yes sweaty raiding guilds will still 100% everything first week, but im already seeing the cracks with many raiders and tbc content, vash pre-nerf was too much brain power for many players already.

3.3.5? thats the best balanced patch of the lot, its NOT perfect, but it kept DKs from being ridiculously OP cheese factories at the very least.

Wrath babies is a weird, strange insult at this stage, i don’t really understand the sentiment, a kid born at wrath’s launch is old enough to play the game competently at this point.

Classic was groundbreaking, Tbc was fun, wrath was peak wow in many periods with serious downturns, cata was a disaster and retail is hot garbage. These are my opinions and they won’t change.

I played all of cata… and while it had some definitely positives… it had a lot of negatives. I’d say that it’s dungeons and changes to healing methodology were some of the most contentious changes. I personally LOVED the cata dungeons, but… knowing the WoW player base… I get why they were poorly received. Particularly after the easy mode dungeons of wrath.

The early raids were rife with tuning errors (glaring ones… like obscenely wtf were you thinking errors) and bugs. The fact that Halfus (a first boss) went from one of the easiest bosses in 25m to one of the hardest boss in 10m is a testament to how badly they messed this up. Not to mention bosses like Atramedes just randomly 1 shotting people for months.

The troll heroics were… amazing… Admittedly I didn’t have any experience with the original dungeons to color my perspective, but those heroics… Progressing through those still remains to this day one of my favorite experiences in the game.

Firelands was… amazing… The molten front was… amazing…

Dragon Soul… The new dungeons that came with that patch were great, but DS itself? It was awful. It had a few ok bosses, no great ones, and two terrible final bosses. Probably one of the hardest penultimate bosses (for all the wrong reasons…) and a final boss that was a 10 minute snoozefest to finally reach the part of the fight that is actually somewhat challenging. Not to mention that it came with LFR. When LFR was first described, it sounded like an amazing form of raiding. One where you could queue in and practice run the bosses on a slightly easier difficulty. Instead what we got were… target dummies… Literal target dummies. I’ve made my peace with LFR over the years, but man… what a let down.

On other fronts, it was the expansion that killed all forms of hybrid speccing as the talent trees were so long and had must have abilities super deep in them. It also killed all semblance of party compositions, and started the homogenization of the classes that reached its peak in MoP. It also came with guild leveling systems that sounded great on paper, but instead turned guilds into a mass mill form of printing gold with the masses.

So ya… it had some gems… but let’s not act like it was misunderstood. There is a good reason that the sub numbers consistently streaked down throughout cata. And this is coming from someone who would say that they genuinely enjoyed cata throughout.

Wrath babies are mostly players who didn’t know WoW/MMORPGs before Wrath.

At this point every MMORPGs were mainly copying WoW and it began to be the themepark fiesta and the downhill of WoW for a lot of players.

You can’t expect these players to understand why X features hurt/change the game because they didn’t experience the game without them.

Yes, everything after WOTLK is bad (imo). But, remember that everything started during WOTLK. This expansion is “Classic retail”.
The base of retail gamedesign was created during this expansion.

Oh yeah…disc is real hard.

So hard…to hit 2 buttons

i’d agree with that post, but i’d swap all wrath references with cata frankly, most of the retail fanboys joined up around late wrath-early cata, i never saw anyone defend or promote LFD in original wrath, it was liked for about a week and then the problems set in with it, for example.

Wrath set the direction towards retail, but it didn’t really start heading there until cata pre-patch.

It’s an old insult. Used because wrath is when the game became much more accessible without attunements. TBC back in the day required a no-life strategy to actually progress. Most of these roadblocks were removed in wrath (hell with enough time you could flat out buy raid gear from grinding heroic dungeons). People termed those who started playing WoW in wrath ‘wrathbabies.’ An insult akin to the ‘no true Scotsman’ fallacy. Say something positive about the game in wrath, and plenty of ‘no true Scotsmen’ would show up.

It’s funny… people often praise wrath as the best wow ever got, but these forums were literally exactly the same back then too. I remember… I was here back then. They were also explaining how the game was actually awful then too.

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go strawman somewhere else where people value your opinion. I played it, im a skilled player, i enjoyed healing with it in icc more than any other healing experience i’ve had in classic or tbc.

That was a cringy and very toxic response from someone who clearly didn’t play the class, stop posting bub.

okay…disc is still easy though

so was i, the complaints were mostly about comparatively trivial stuff, some were very valid, faction transfers were an awful, awful choice, and still are, for example.

But overall the complaints people had back then were largely whining for class buffs or nerfs and exploit removal. Nobody goes on videogame forums for a good time, they generally have an axe to grind or an issue to resolve, if you were perfectly happy playing, you’d be playing, and not posting…

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No they weren’t… If you genuinely believe that everything that was complained about was trivial back then, then you’re just showing your own bias. As I said… there’s a reason people used the term ‘wrathbaby’ back then.

now you’re just strawmanning and not reading my posts, yawn, i should know better than to even engage with someone with more than 2k posts on here lmao, usually a bad sign.

Hard to do when you get to a version you really like, and the business model overrides the whole thing two years later.

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