Cata Already Dead

Agreed, Blizzard needs to change this! 3 months is way too short for such an amazing raid tier. Been looking forward to Firelands for the longest time, just for it to get shafted. Unacceptable.


This is such bs! wish they would make the phases longer!


Good luck gearing a guild in time for the next phase, these phases seem so short. Not everyone split raids so a majority will probably never get enough gear or the gear they want before the next phase even starts. Gg


Naxx was 4 months, Ulduar was 5, even ToGC (a raid with 5 bosses and no trash) was 3.75 months long. Firelands getting massively shafted


Naxx period was 3 months

  • Phase 1 (Classic Launch): Molten Core, Onyxia, Maraudon
    • August 27th 2019 (3 month phase)
  • Phase 2 (released November 12th, 2019): Dire Maul, Azuregos, Kazzak, Honor system (including dishonorable kills), PvP Rank Rewards
    • 3 month phase
  • Phase 3 (released February 12th, 2020): Blackwing Lair, Darkmoon Faire, Darkmoon deck drops begin, Alterac Valley, Warsong Gulch
    • one month til ZG, 5 months if you only count 40 man raids
  • Phase 4 (released March 10th, 2020): Zul’Gurub, Green Dragons, Arathi Basin
    • 3 month
  • Phase 5 (released July 7, 2020): Ahn’Qiraj War Effort begins, Ahn’Qiraj raids (Ruins and Temple of Ahn’Qiraj) open when the war effort dictates, Dungeon loot reconfiguration: Tier 0.5 Dungeon gear, Relics, drop rates and location changes
    • 5 months
  • Phase 6 (released December 1, 2020): Naxxramas, Scourge Invasion, World PvP objectives in Silithus and Eastern Plaguelands
    • 6 months til tbc

TBC Classic

1 June 2021: Phase 1 (Launch) went live with patch

3 month phase

15 September 2021: Phase 2 (Overlords of Outlands) went live
4 month phase

27 January 2022: Phase 3 (The Black Temple) went live

3 month phase

24 March 2022: Phase 4 (The Gods of Zul’Aman) went live: Zul’Aman raid

2 month phase

10 May 2022: Phase 5 (Sunwell Plateau) went live

4 month phase

Wrath of the Lich King Classic on 26 September 2022

P1 begins 6 October 2022

3 month phase

19 January 2023: Ulduar raid

5 months

20 June 2023: Phase 3 TOGC

4 months

October 12th, 2023 - ICC launches

7 months in total

Cata classic : May 20th

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I say make firelands longer


Wow isn’t this something. Trying to sound leetsauce when this is coming from someone who sat at 213 for almost the entirety of this whole expac.

And btw…Cata is already getting ruined. So all your talk about making fun of me for not wanting it… I just wanted to play Classic WoW is all. And Cata isnt Classic.

Like wow your entire post to that person was just going out of your way to bully them. Just like you do to me back to back to back. Cuz you feel bad about yourself.

You’re a disgrace.


TOGC is the worst raid the game has ever developed by far.

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In your opinion. I think the wider opinion has changed after people experienced it in Classic. People hate trash. People hate obnoxiously long raids. People like fun fights, the fights in ToGC are fun.


It’s almost insane how I’ve said that this toon retired multiple times and you’re still too much of a moron to understand what that means.

I make fun of you because you’re an idiot, not because you let cata live in your head rent free.

Bully them? That’s not bullying.

Complaining about wanting long phases after seeing these last three classic iterations is asinine.

Op literally talks about what the point of doing heroic prog is if it’s only “2 months”, and my response is that he shouldn’t need 5 months for prog.

If you need 5 months for prog, maybe learn the mechanics and you won’t need 5 months to prog.

Hahahahaha sure schizo


Such a sweaty mentality.

Unless you’re in a speedrun guild, most semi-hc guilds do indeed take 2-3 months to prog the hardest bosses in a raid. Whats the point of a boss having loot if the phase is over just as you kill it.

I’d say my guild is way way above average and it took us 2 months to get herald of the titans in Uld.

3 months is too short. Should be at least 4, hopefully 5


The game is over a decade old, the class mechanics and and tech is not that hard to preform, and I doubt it’ll be pre nerf rag in firelands (if they said he’s pre nerf already then just correct me) and post nerf rag is either going to be with geysers and mildly difficult for those with full hands, or no geyser which is brain dead.

Call me it a sweaty mentality all you want, being bad at wow is just rude with how much information we have. It shouldn’t take almost half a year for people to down it.

We’ve seen what happens when the game goes into a longer phase, it dies down, hard. Long runs for rereleases doesn’t maintain healthy populations. If you actually care about cata, consider everything about longevity over just points on a calendar.

you’re confusing ‘fun’ with ‘tolerable’. in its nerfed version it was digestable. not fun.

I had more fun in ToGC than ICC and Ulduar. Ask around, ask your guild if you actually play.

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I didnt play wotlk. I played it last time. i cleared naxx once and ulduar twice and that was it for this time.

Just curious, why did you not like TOGC? It was not my favorite but not sure I’d call it the worst but was curious on your thoughts as to why?

I mean they’re not fun by any means but ok

Trying to drag people back into togc is like trying to get kids to put their snowpants on

Feel like cata is just going to be a rapid gateway to MOP.


Every classic release from now on will have this cadence, it’s obvious that the majority of classics population dont want to be in a raid tier for 6 months, how many people are running ICC right now, wrath servers are dead until prepatch, you will have classic expansions lasting only a year for how ever far they want to take it expansion wise.


oh no run to the hills deceit said cata is dead
unsubin rn