Cat mount not being in LFR is good

It was a raid reward for all difficulties until today.

My comment is because the things you are saying are cookie cutter from raid or die types. Ones that usually only care about selling carries.

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With so many people wanting this mount I’m sure there’ll be chill groups who want to stick with it.

True but the time window is fairly wide each day.

This kind of stuff is when miss the original Flex which was broken into Wings like LFR so you can pop in for a few Bosses at your leisure.

Yup, it’s kinda silly that way. I use to raid, got nice things from doing it, but those things don’t compensate for the drama. I’m done with it, really haven’t run much LFR this expansion.

However, I couldn’t care less about not getting the mount. It’s pixels you have until this game goes under, then it’s only a memory.

All this fuss, over that? Perspective people, keep things in perspective.

I really hope you’re right.

Well to be fair, it’s probably more likely that Blizz reverses course than people actually being decent to each other, but we can hope.

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This is a fundamental truth that gets lost in the circklejerks about people wanting otheres to pick themselves up by their bootstraps.

LFR was originally pitched as “the raid setting for the ones with weird hours or wonky obligations but still had that raiding itch” and it’s been warped into this “lol story mode” nonsense


If Blizzard had told us MONTHS AGO that this would not be in LFR I might not be pissed of right now. Literally, that achievement did not say normal or higher and Blizzard didnt bother to tell any of us until like today about it.


back in the days ppl would be ashamed of admitting they are lfr heroes and now they openly cry if a mount gets taken out of lfr :slight_smile:

crazy how times change heh

If they are progging normal and telling you that, it’s not a team you want to join to begin with.

There’s no shame in doing LFR.

There should be plenty of shame in being an elitist derrière though.


You’re right, OP. We need fewer players in the game. You and your buddies at blizz can just keep squeezing casuals, surely in the future the results will be different if you just keep doubling down on the same strategy that has failed repeatedly in the past.

Odd how when Phil Spencer said he wanted to see more players playing wow, your buddies the devs assumed he meant “a lot fewer”.


How is this flagged? People using it as a dislike button again I see

At this point these threads are flamebait and spam.

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idk if its good or not but it’s not much different. normal is pretty easy the only big difference is having to apply instead of being taken in automatically.

those who really want it will get it easily.

na fam… pass, hard pass… Tovi lists every reason to not spend one more dime with this company. I seriously hope the employees get their union and break this management team. Maybe we’ll once again get a game by gamers for gamers, instead of by management for token sales.


And that goes right back to my point of “then why do you care if people are able get it through LFR?”


I have the only cat that matters.


We want challenge skins!

Mage tower is too hard!

We want slime cat!

Normal raid is too hard!

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And reading is too hard for you!

Nobody is complaining about difficulty of the raid, just difficulty of getting into pugs!