Cat mount not being in LFR is good

Well duh. If you do things the hardest way possible, it will be harder than it should be.

It’s really not that hard to get into pugs when it comes to normal mode. The problems were always regarding heroic pugs.

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These are two different things. One is solo so you don’t have to rely on grouping with others. As you can see, I have a mage tower skin on this character but I still think this decision is silly. It’s not about difficulty for me.


Say goodbye to the old boss, here’s the new one with some fresh paint.

Damn all that wording and you still don’t understand what I said.

Ofcourse not OP. They all want to log in and just get the mount in their mailbox. Why in the world should there be any rewards for doing more than that.

No thanks to what happened with Sepulcher my guild went and got AOTC and than stopped raiding and even though I did join some communities and did try to get raids going, there just wasn’t enough people to do so, we struggled hard even with all the nerfs just to get to Jailer, let alone kill him.

And with no new raid coming out I don’t know if players in my guild will come back for S4 raiding. So with the achievement stating ANY difficulty I was really ready to just have a relaxing raid tier doing just LFR, no schedule, no commitment and than they pulled the rug out from under my feet, like they did with many players.

It would have been fine if from the start when they released this achievement and reward that they told us it was normal or higher, or even at the least that the achievement said that it was normal or higher, but it didn’t so many players planned to use LFR to get it.

Sure we could have assumed LFR are not allowed to get anything fancy, but all indications lead us to believe LFR would get it and it’s not fair a few days before the raid tier releases to tell us otherwise.


Good gods, stop. Nobody is saying that.


You sound like the people telling me to eat the bugs and that I’ll own nothing and somehow be happy.
I will not eat the bugs.
I will not surrender my property.
I will remain a curmudgeon.

I don’t want you to be right but it’s really hard to think this is wrong.


Meh dont worry about it.
What matters is that Slime Cat Mount needs to be added to LFR because the Achieve said ANY difficulty. Restricting it from a big part of the player base is just a bad stance, gatekeeping, and breeds negative feelings, and tells those players who cant do more then LFR for various physical, mental, real life reasons that they’re not part of the game’s considered player base.

Why do you feel LFR players with reasons like these shouldnt have Slime Cat Mount, when the achiece said Any difficulty?


Why because you said so? It’s blizzards game to do with as they please not yours…

The fated raids will be somewhat harder than usual. I know its common to assume everyone is a mindless drone in LFR but I’ve been in plenty of groups where the majority stays during a tough pull and some people help explain the fight to everyone else and we down it. It doesn’t need to be a higher difficulty with players pushing stupid requirements on everyone to be a “community” thing. People talk in LFR as well.

People don’t want to do this and the slime cat isn’t going to change that. Raiding is a niche activity and Blizzard has more than enough data to show that no carrot will make significant traction on this. That’s the whole reason LFR exists in the first place.


No it doesn’t

And you’re basing this on wut?

Lots of people are in guilds, socialize and do mythic + and other content outside of raiding.

Perhaps you should sit this one out.

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I am pretty sure the original announcement for Season 4 Fated raids starrd that the mount was available only in normal+…with how the achievement was worded stating “any difficulty” causing the issue.

Again, this sounds mostly like an issue with Blizzard not being proactive on that misconception.

Wait having something require a coordinated group instead of unga bunga lfr doesn’t foster communities and guilds? Holy f that is a dumb statement

Or just do what Blizzard is hoping for: buy tokens for three carries and be done with it.

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Do you all not understand that “finding the right people” can take a significant amount of time and often involves a lot of trial and error? Many people who do LFR simply do not have the time to create and/or find good groups for normal+ raids, which is why they don’t do them.

The difficulty threshold is being raised for all raid modes, including LFR. There is literally no reason to exclude LFR from getting the slime cat. People who raid on higher difficulties are already getting their own special rewards. Let LFR peeps have the convenience of queuing vs. having to wade through the nightmare that is pugs.


May I ask, why are you bored? What kept you interested and excited to play in other expansions that Shadowlands doesn’t have?

Shadowlands literally has as much content as any other expansion, 3 full sized raids, 10 dungeons, m+, more world quests and daily quests than i think any expansion before it, tons and tons and tons of mounts to go get, lots of cosmetic rewards… the list goes on and on.

So what is it exactly that you are bored of? Have you completed the raids on Mythic? Have you achieved Mythic+ 20 keys or higher in all m+ dungeons? Do you have a 2900 PvP rating? Have you reached exalted with all factions and gotten all the paragon box rewards?

Literally tons of content, very similar to any content added in prior expansions.