Cat mount not being in LFR is good

You’re still playing the game though ??? Just because it’s an easier difficulty doesn’t mean you’re not playing it. You can literally use the same argument for doing it on Mythic vs Normal. You all claim normal isn’t that much more difficult then what is the problem in having the convenience of LFR? Please explain this too me as I’m genuinely confused.


That’s not the word I would have used

There is no harm in having the mount in LFR, there never was. The excuses being used here are ridiculous, this isn’t going to be the huge return to raiding nonsense they’re peddling.

Blizzard should understand by now that trying to make people do something they don’t want to do is not going to win them any prizes.


What about people with disabilities who would prefer not to be a burden on guild groups?


Or people that work weird hours that most guilds aren’t running =/


Eh, you can usually just have one of the tanks lead if you’re putting a group together.

How do you learn the fights on LFR? You can do the same for normal.

You’ve made it obvious you would choose a negative and rude word in connection to me. Dude, we get it. Your insults dont bother me. And your choice illustrates one of the player mentalities that the community says needs to be cleaned up. So lets focus on the issue at hand, which is getting Slime Cat Mount back in LFR like it needs to be.

In case you havent read it or overlooked it in the vast array of comments, the achievements in game state any difficult will get the Mount until it was stated that LFR is excluded. People have various reasons why they can’t or don’t want to do Normal and above.

Reasons range from players with disabilities, anxiety, real life factors, not wanting to, each of us pays our own sub so we choose what we do, needing a break from raiding, being tired, not being a leader and geared more toward a supportive group member, being nervous, not having time, and having a big problem with the game stating Slime Cat Mount could be earned on ANY difficulty and now suddenly its bait and switch.

Examining all these reasons and Im sure I have overlooked some, which Im happy to add over time if needed, its obvious that there is big support for Slime Cat Mount in LFR. For me I deal with various mental health concerns, a physical one, not being a leader but a supportive member in groups, and real life as a 40 something woman with a RL that likes to rise up and demand its rightful attention from me.

Players who have expressed their opinions and shared why they have reasons they cant do normal or higher, they have legit reasons why. And the game itself has suggested and supported “play your way” which is illustrated in the addition of Chromie Time, level sync, cross faction play, among other examples. Taking Slime Cat Mount away from LFR undermines “Play your way” and sets up the community for disappointment, arguments, unhappiness, and people feeling like the way they play isnt good enough when it is.

The only people who have a problem with disabled players getting Slime Cat Mount is players like you.
The only players who have an issue with players with mental health concerns not getting the mount is players like you.

The only players who have an issue with players who put real life first, players who experience nervousness, players who are not leaders and out of their comfort zone to try to lead, players who’s friends quit wow, players who dont like it being bait and switchy, players who are nervous and more are, you guessed it!

Players like you are the only ones with an issue concerning Slime Cat Mount being suddenly withdrawn from LFR raid.
Edit to fix typos!


Because the people in ffxiv don’t have there nose stuck so far up they see there feet.


Or people can stop trying to funnel everyone into the higher difficulties to sell carries.

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Well re: slime cat I think it should definitely be in LFR.

In general, I’m not buying the token conspiracy. Normal is plenty clearable by casual players.

Clearable isn’t the problem. It’s getting into groups.


Sure, it’s less convenient. Still very doable.

Not if you don’t find a group.

Start one.

Raid or die died with Mythic+.

Normal should be easy to get into. I bet we see a lot of PuG’s forming in the Group Finder on Tuesday.

Well it’s a raid reward, don’t know what m+ has to do with it.

It depends on day or time. And not everyone can raid at the same times.

That fall apart after a few bosses and that’s if you get into it, then try and get into another one to possibly have it fall apart again at or before the same bosses probably.

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Not even worth making gold in game for carries lol. Imo, ofc