Cat mount not being in LFR is good

It really does seem like the decision to keep Slime Cat Mount out of LFR is Blizzard’s decision to boost carry runs and the like. Because look at some of the rude responses here to legit feedback/opinions on the decision, and suggestions from people who dont have time/are tired/have no friends currently playing to raid with/are nervous about raiding etc.
I think there should be more effort to clean up the toxic side of the community before asking people to group up with randoms for content people will get heated about and will end up turbing into a verbal trashfest.




Thats kind of rotten to suggest that someone is socially inept.
Some folks arent leaders. I’m not; I’m RL and online support and assistance for those who can effectively and fairly lead. Some have anxiety or other concerns that can impact choices. Some dont habe time; real life comes first. Some have had bad experiences in raid with toxic people and arent eager to expose themselves to that sort of situation again. Some are tired from raiding and just want to rest. Some like to go into LFR and help woth info and coaching to help newbies and those who enjoy LFR grt the fights done.


You dissolve yourself of the responsibility while castigating others, simultaneously being in the lucrative position of being a participant of one of the most progressed guilds on Wyrmrest Accord, meaning you do not need to worry about the plethora of peculiarities and obstacles an average player needs to go through.

Personally I do not think you yourself should have a say as you’re particularly privileged in your position, as yourself state; divorcing the requirement of actually being liable for other people erstwhile accruing the benefits of an individual’s competency.


join a guild… eliminates every issue you just listed.

You’re crazy.


You know what the big difference is here? When you make a group for these fights in FF14, you don’t pick your players. You can set ilvl and stuff but after that it’s who ever signs up comes. That is very player/casual friendly. It’s also much faster bc it’s one boss with no trash…

What they could/should do, is add all difficulties into group finder with an ilvl requirement. That way players can que and don’t have to worry about leading or getting picked…


Or add the cat to LFR… no more ‘if’ required…


You don’t need to be a leader you just need to get 2 tanks 2 healers and 6dps in a group together which if you list your group you really don’t even have to talk to anyone you can just click invite them.

Oh man I didn’t even notice the guild until now. Yea, one of the last few, if not the last, guild on WRA actually pushing content.


That might be true but thats not very good leadership because it doesnt handle instructions or guiding the group.

Wait your telling me the group would need to be social and discuss what’s going on with the bosses to overcome the challenge instead of relying on someone who’s read a guide to tell them exactly what to do… I’m shocked

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Unfortunately this has the opposite effect for me. It has never pushed me into doing normal and higher content because of a reward I couldn’t get in LFR. I do LFR because it was always what was convenient for me. Now there are just less and less reasons to do it but that doesn’t make me magically have time to dedicate myself to a fixed raid group or make me want to pug either. I’ve tried the pugging normals route and that was even more of a pain than just doing LFR.

It’s not that I do LFR to be lazy. If anything doing LFR in the past made me MORE interested in looking for raid groups to try something harder. But the way this community has gone in the last few expansions ever since M+ was added has truly just turned me off from playing and it’s why I play less and less each expansion.

Yes there are people like you describe but assuming everyone is like that and punishing everyone else for it? How does letting this be available in LFR hurt you in anyway? If you don’t like LFR, idk don’t do it. Clearly you don’t want us LFR raiders in your group anyway even if we did do anything higher by the sound of it.


Which is what this encourages. Also the devil’s advocate nonsense is so tiring.

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I consider it perspective bias. Those whom are already situated in guilds and/or positions where they don’t need to branch out to attain their goals tend to view something easier than what it inherently is. Instead of building and tailoring design to that mindset it is crucial for it to be founded upon the idea of being tabula rasa; or rather with no abilities or privileges in mind.

I think that such mindsets although not intentional or overly draconian and toxic to new players as they are dismissive of what the majority of people go through, prizing with WoW’s capacity for toxicity, it makes it inherently problematic to start from nothing and be faced with profound adversity, slurs, and prejudices.


Youre the one who said no leader, just need just show up. No leader means decreased to no instructions, no guidance, and no talking other than maybe a good game at the end.

Holy f your reading comprehension…

This always happens. People just want to get rewards without actually playing an mmo. I get it. It’s terrifying trying to get into groups but going for rewards is how I made friends and got to enjoy this game. I want more things that make this game more sociable. It’s literally sad that people NEED to avoid people completely in a mmo. So no keep it like this. we need more things to bring the social aspect of the game back. I promise you it’s not as bad as you may think.


Im glad you appreciate it, now lets all work together to get Slime Cat Mount back in LFR!


You are part of the problem and why this game is dead.

WoW doesn’t have server communities or guilds anymore, at least not in the way that you guys so delusionally cling to. The WoW community today is bitter, unwelcoming, and unfriendly towards most people, this does not make me want to join a community or guild because I already know these people will not be inviting everyone anyways.