Cat mount not being in LFR is good

Nope, it is bad.
They let people think it would be in LFR for a while, waiting until just before the content releases to correct it.
They are adding nothing to the game for people not doing premade group content.
This was the everyone reward and they pulled the rug out at the last second like idiots who continue to actively look down on their players.


Nah. That’s way too complicated.

The real solution is they should just mail us the mount so we can all complain there’s nothing to do. As a casual, why should I even have to do LFR to get something?


you can queue into their normal raids.


Don’t forget mythic quality gear being sent weekly in mail


I don’t understand this attitude. Slogging through LFR isn’t asking for anything to be mailed.


if they put in the work sure, if they just want to be carried i just not play with them. Im not the raid lead, so if our raid lead wants to bring them sure go right ahead. But the way you trying to put it is like if i hate them and want them to suffer. Naw just put in the work for the bare minimum not that hard honestly.

I agree, this is a move to try and get more people into normal raiding and its positive.


no its a move to sell wow tokens


I bet you those Casuals play more PVP matches than your 50 match requirement, just saying.

Same goes for raiding so who really puts in more work to boost those aspects of the game?


If the normal raid is literally LFR, then just let LFR work.

The reason people want LFR is because they can queu into it and there is less social anxiety in that atmosphere typically. There isn’t the self-doubt of not being picked when trying to pug. There isn’t the social pressure from a guild to constantly be in for raid nights.

You can queue up for a wing or two and never see those people again and get this achievement when you have the time, not when your guild can get together.

I’m glad you have a raiding guild/group of friends who will help you get this. Not all of us are so fortunate or are able to do what you do. LFRers getting the mount literally has no bearing on your ability to get and enjoy your own mount.


No one is going to get into Normal raiding for this, lol. If they aren’t raiding now, a single mount won’t change that. What this’ll do is boost token sales because people will want those carries.

LFR is a tool that Blizzard is severely underutilizing, and this is just further proof of that.


Like I said in the other threads: this announcement is just in time to test out that new booster channel in Premade.

Blizzard thinks ahead.


Not you directly

But lately the forums have been flooded with things like “I hate Shadowlands I’m bored”

But yet don’t even do the said content

I will never understand why people think that other people in this game are just not doing normal raiding and higher because they just haven’t tried it yet and don’t know what they’re missing out on, and if they just dangle a reward then they will try normal raiding and totally do more raiding. If this was the case, literally everyone in this game would be raiding by now, and they never would have stopped raiding to be a casual player instead. People don’t raid because they don’t want to do, they don’t like it, they don’t have the time, etc.

Stop trying to make raiding happen, it’s not going to happen.


like ion said, the vast majority of players dont raid or mythic +

they do world content, RP , collect transmog etc


It’s not good. Those people are not gonna be incentivized to do normal they’re just gonna be bitter.

Considering how widespread this mount is gonna be, restricting in this fashion is weird.

Honestly there isn’t a good reason for doing this and I question blizzard’s motive


blizzards motive is this

sell wow tokens

ez pz


Honestly I guess I can see that

Okay, but if the content is boring and people don’t want to do it, what then?

I’ve done a lot of Shadowlands, and I’m still doing more. I’m bored, Shadowlands is an awful expansion and needs to be a lesson I’m exactly how not to design a game. If people haven’t done the content enough to show off achievements, maybe it’s because they don’t want to do something boring? I don’t get this line of reasoning at all because people can have opinions without being grilled about what they’ve done in the expansion.

Now, there are those who are doing it for attention or who otherwise are just trolling. But Shadowlands had not been a well received expansion, and only someone with their head in the sand can’t see that.


Sure, if the goal is to cause more tokens bought to pay for more gold carries.