Cat mount not being in LFR is good

The tree and chopper mount were handed to us. All we had to do was log on.

To get this mount, if they did put it in LFR, we would have to get to level 60 by whatever means, get an ilevel high enough to get into queue, then complete the raid.

That is not being handed to us.

There was nothing dishonest with what I said.

In LFR I would only have to deal with toxic people after I get into the raid and that’s an easy fix. I’ll just move chat to another window.

For normal raiding I would have to deal with it on the front end, before I even joined.

Thats not true saying LFR is giving stuff for free; doing LFR isnt asking for things to be handed to the players. You believe it is but it is not. Otherwise please show here on the forums how we can wait by a mailbox, use the LFR window and what box to click in order for free stuff to be put immediately into our mail or inventory. THAT is getting something for free.

This also isnt true about in order to fail LFR players need to actively try to fail; I’ve been in LFR where players were trying and they just didnt have the dps, healing, or tanking to do it. That wasnt from lack of trying. Players in there try, sometimes cant get it done for various reasons, and then thinking/saying, “why cant we do this? Whats going wrong? What am i do wrong? What can i and the group do better?” < That is what I have seen while in LFR.


Well this if you get your way.

In before you point out you had to add “immediately” in order to not look silly by proving yourself wrong.

Technically it wouldn’t even be then because you had to make your way to a mailbox. Apparently this cat is only worth LFR trouble to you and not actual raid trouble.

Maybe you were trying, but it is very clear when someone is not. And I’ve never seen a group fail a fight when everyone tries. The times I see a LFR run fail because of a legitimate mistake versus people not trying is like 1:10. And most of those mistakes can be argued the person who made it wasn’t really trying and that was why they made that mistake.

So the most minimum amount of current expansion PvE content possible.

It pretty much is. LFR is as close to “free” as PvE content comes and this is a PvE content reward.

You’re still ignoring this is a problem with your accessibility with different players. There are plenty of pug groups that are not toxic. Again, I’m with you that Blizzard should better support your ability to find that group of people you would enjoy playing with. But just falling back on LFR so you can get it over with is a dishonest reason when your problem is toxic people.

Honestly, at this point with the stubbornness, I hope Blizzard puts this in LFR and then goes back to the conventional AOTC mount model. Just so everyone who shortsightedly complained about this one issue is stuck with the same raid accessibility problem and wondering why you have it. With this level of navel gazing we deserve the crappier game.

How can you say that? We can’t stand at the zone in and get loot. We have to down the bosses and it’s not guaranteed. I’ve been in LFR that has fell apart because there was too many hurp derps to do it, even with a few stacks of determination.

And I really hope I can find them.

I’m like 99.9% sure that “I cannot be bothered, give it to me anyway” isn’t a good argument.

Thats not getting something for free. Getting something for free is doing nothing to earn it. Hence standing at a mailbox or checking inventory to find the free stuff. Just as if you were to check your at home mail for a free item you didnt earn.
With LFR, you have to do the raid and succeed in order to get the loot. There are plenty of times where players don’t succeed at that. There are plenty of times where they do. But they have to give effort to earn it. So it is not free.


LFR is def getting something for free…it’s fail proof these days

I dont agree with that.


Ok, you want the raid community to come back and grow, then step up to the plate and help it grow as well. If you truly want that community feel in raids to return, and I say this to anyone who believes that this change will cause this, then why don’t you as part of that community step up to the plate, and show others how great this raid community can be. You can talk about how great it is all day and blow sunshine up our rears about how great it is, but until you show us that, all we have to go off is what we see in group finder or from experience.

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A poster named Chintzy (spelling?) hit the nail on the head: these people don’t want LFR around but they also don’t want people that do LFR in their raids.

The casual player can’t win.


Sadly I think you may be right, why is it always the big buff Tauren ladies that seem to be able to see things the same way I do.

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So they want to split the community in to the haves and the have nots? fine, then the casual players are get to be the haves when it comes to fun and everyone else gets to be a have not in the same area.

And neither can the ones that are not casual, but the difference is the non-casuals are shooting themselves in the foot to spite the ones they don’t want to have nice things.

I’m not sure what your point is. Not being snarky.

More or less that the “elites” are their own worse enemy, they complain about lack of content or people in their content yet anything that would help provide more for either they shoot down because “casuals/LFR players deserve nothing”.


Ok got ya, thank you. My brain is mush atm.

Because it’s actively reducing the raider pool. It actively HURTS new players experiences because it’s such an S fest. Its the easiest difficulty so of COURSE they try it first, who wouldn’t? But it’s so terrible they never try the harder difficulties. It is actively ruining this games playerbase and has been since CATA.

Also i love how your example of raiding ended when LFR started (after firelands), and you ask me why i have a problem with it lol!

My guild fell apart after tier 11. Had nothing to do with LFR. :cry:

Really? And if LFR never existed you’d just never have raided again? No, you’d have found another guild and made another friend group.

I’m not making an argument, merely stating facts.

I will not modify my behavior, and so, rewards that exist outside of the content I naturally do are a complete waste of resources to a player like me. I pay the same amount no matter how they choose to develop the game, and I stick around so long as I have things to do.

Blizzard is in the unenviable position of having to balance between disparate player interests. Anyone they neglect will likely walk away for a while. Hitting it out of the park is incredibly rare in this industry, so most things they do will be met with negativity from some direction or another.

All I’m saying is that it would be smarter for them to design rewards in such a way that as many players as possible can enjoy them, because fewer rewards means less player retention, and nothing they do is going to convince anyone to go outside their comfort zone.

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To be fair, if LFR never existed, I would have never entered a raid at all and wouldn’t even know what a raid was like.

I don’t do LFR because I find it too challenging and too stressful, but it’s the only mode I’ve ever dabbled in, and the only mode I would consider dabbling in for future content.

If someone tries to force me to do something their way, I just won’t do it. :person_shrugging:

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