Cat mount not being in LFR is good

Yes, I do enjoy hearing that the social aspect of modern wow is dead, and at the same time that more stuff needs queues.

I don’t think the issue is that it should or should not be available in LFR.

It’s the fact that blizzard said it was, all difficulties.
In the past it used the terminology normal and above.

Blizzard failed to communicate it properly months ago. Now ppl are disappointed and it is normal to feel that way.

Stop trying to convince ppl they aren’t allowed to feel let down and disappointed at blizzards mistake.


sad thing if it was not a jeely mount people wouldn’t care as much, with that said stop this phantasy that forcing people to play with you’ll is a good way to create community its not i get some you play so can make friends and stuff but not every one want to be your friend so stop trying to force people to be your friends.

you should of made a post like this within the past 4 months

I’m genuinely confused why people who must avoid group content at any cost choose to play an MMO.

Once again narrowing the issue of being able to play normal to effort. One dimensional thinking…again. No other issues could possibly exist in your mind that would deny one the ability to play normal. Just keep telling yourselves this. The only reason normal and above is getting the mount, is because it’s a dwindling percentage of the playerbase they are trying to save.

Not a very intelligent answer.

It does not take weeks for someone who already knows the raid dance. Come back down to earth and reality.

I’m talking about “fresh raiders” people who didn’t want to ever raid at all.

Incoming watch a video :rofl:

No one ever complains about AOTC and raid achievement mounts, but somehow people like you have an issue people getting a mount that is meant for everyone.

I legitimately sympathize with these problems, which is why I think Blizzard should take steps to solve these problems so that the people willing to do normal can do it and get their mount. There are people who don’t care if you play BM. There are people who will take you under their wing and help you play better. There are people who will show you how to get your 4 piece. And there are people who are happy to help people inexperienced with the raid to do that raid.

The problem is your ability to connect with them needs to be better. People should be pushing for this instead of demanding something just be handed to them.

MMO falls under the RPG genre. the the grouping part is a choice not mandatory.

Yours was? Lol.

I had a more clever answer but you aren’t worth it… git gud and learn the fights and you’ll get the mount… it’s literally that simple. If you don’t want the mount don’t do the raid, hell maybe they’ll give in to your whining? Who knows…

It’s a good thing LFR is dying. Heck it shouldn’t even exist this tier. Their “excuse,” for this joke of a difficulty is making sure everyone can see the content but this is repeat content. The ONLY new thing is the added difficulty which won’t even exist in LFR to any appreciable level.

I know you think you like LFR (even most LFR raiders don’t go that far) but I’m reality it’s the path of least resistance. You’re taking the easy road and because of that you don’t know how much fun raiding can really be. LFR needs to go.

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It’s an interesting situation of people wanting the game to be fun again and staying in the hopes to fix it. I mean we know a lot have left; we might not get sub numbers but there’s plenty of evidence to show it. So a lot have left because this game isn’t for them anymore.

I’d like to add. LFR is raiding with other…people. It’s less communication, but it is still 25 people working together for the same cause.

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LFR is literally group content.

No one is asking for the mount to be available outside of the raid. They’re asking for Blizzard to make the mount available in LFR, which was what the achievement said was possible (and still says is possible, importantly) only for Blizzard to yank the rug out from under the feet of LFR players at the last minute.

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This is dishonest.

Asking for it to be in LFR is not asking for something to be handed to them.

I was a raider from Classic to Firelands. I also used to raid with one of the MVPs (he’s been gone along time) that helped people get achievements. That how I got a lot of the meta raid mounts while, not exactly current but during the xpac they were added.

I know what it’s like to raid normal difficulty. It’s not the difficulty I have a problem with, it’s pugs. I really can’t stand pugging.

I think LFR is great for people that just don’t have time for a guild or whatever reason they may have. I never understood why people cared so much that it was in the game.


And you are not worth my time trying to explain the time it takes for new people to learn a raid.

Elitists answer as always.

I’m not elitest by any means… just don’t like you, you are a whiny punk on the internet complaining about having to apply effort to receive something. :exploding_head: Such a revolutionary idea.


Go sway now and leave me alone. I wasn’t the only one you were arguing with today.

I raid too, I care about what was promised to the community and then ripped out from under them.

Don’t reply back.


I like LFR. I used to do it every single week and would go in even after I got my drops and nothing more would drop for me. I did Normal and some Heroic too.

  1. I went into LFR every week because:
  2. I found it fun
  3. I liked seeing the variety of players
  4. I liked being able to give fight info
  5. I liked seeing people say they were new to raiding and then they got their kill and loot drop.
  6. I liked seeing how people banded together to stand up to afkers/trolls
  7. I liked having the ability to choose when I wanted to raid and it not being left up to some random dude to choose day/time.
  8. I wanted to support a play style and system that helps people experience raid while doing so with busy RL lives, accessibility concerns, time contraints, and various other reasons why the chose LFR.

For a lot of people, LFR is exactly the speed of raiding they need and want from a game they pay for. Its taught players what to expect, how to navigate mechanics, how to adapt to a variety of different playstyles and approaches, and how to use raiding addons to help make the fight more manageable and not more chaotic.
Saying LFR needs to go and is easy is your opinion and not a truth for various players who participate in it.


It is. LFR is better described as story mode. It is not an achievement because to fail at it you pretty much need multiple people to actively not try. You don’t like pugs but you want to do it in the mode that is the most consistent mode in which you will find toxic pugs. Now that is dishonest.

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