Cat mount not being in LFR is good

Dude, I don’t understand why you’re being this way. You said:

So I responded with:

Then you said:

So I responded with:

Not once I did I say “I can’t do normal because my guild fell apart in Firelands” or “I can’t find another guild.”

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I’m talking to Tovi who raided for 4 expansions.

Nor did i say you did. But you said it had nothing to do with LFR which is flatly untrue. You clearly enjoyed raiding. If you had no easier path, you’d have CHOSEN to find another guild.

You didn’t because you didn’t have to.

… and how would you know that? Because it is true. Like so many guilds it imploded on drama.

I enjoyed raiding with my RL friends and husband. I’m the only one left.

This isn’t true either. You don’t know my life. My friends, the people I was in the military with, stopped playing. I tried joining guilds but none of them had the same spark as my old guild. Plus I had a lot of other RL issues that was making raiding either hard or impossible, one of them being my new house didn’t qualify for cable internet (because I lived in the middle of no where) and I was stuck with satellite internet with a 700 ms ping on a good day. I just got Starlink this year.

I chose to be a solo player because I was tired of trying to mold my life around raiding. And I don’t know why you’re ignoring where I told you, twice, that I did find someone to pug normal raids with but like my military friends, he quit too.

When I was in some younger days I tried out Wrath raiding. My experiences with the people was so horrible that I didn’t raid again at all until MoP.

My MoP experiences were marginally better so I even stopped doing the LFR until I found a guild of people I finally enjoyed in WoD.

So far, from my experience, it’s not LFR ruining raiding but the people. Removing LFR probably won’t change that, LFR offers convenience and some security for people. To take it away on the premise that it’s reducing the player people seems so off to me since I mainly see the people ruining it for others.

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Are you being willingly obtuse? I’m not talking about your guild imploding. I’m talking about you stopping REAL raiding.

That sucks, i went thru something similar minus the husband. But i made new friends, and enjoy raiding with them.

And if LFR didn’t exist you’d have found another friend. And another. That’s how life works. We move on. You found a crutch to use instead. A crutch that kept you from putting yourself out there and getting hurt again. It’s tragic really.

Could have fooled me on that front. In the majority of LFR groups I’ve been in, there will be at least 2 players dead within the 1st 10 seconds of the boss pull.

No? I responded to the way you worded that statement.

No I wouldn’t have. I explained to you that there was other factors in my life that caused me to stop raiding, a big one being my internet situation.

Btw, you’re acting like I turned to LFR but that’s not entirely accurate either. I very rarely do raids. I haven’t stepped foot into the last two raids on any difficulty.

Ugh I wasn’t talking about the few times a couple of jerks get away with afking, I was talking about the raid as a whole. The kill isn’t guaranteed as he is implying. I have been in LFR that fell apart because there was too many hurp derps to down the boss, even with stacks.

It’s LFR. The hard part isn’t the boss, it’s waiting until you RNG into the 3 good/geared players required to kill it.


Ok that made me laugh.

LFR in many ways is more difficult than normal. At least in normal people will listen, even in a PUG environment, and you will have people pay attention to the mechanics. In LFR hardly anyone pays attention to the mechanics, so a new raid wing opening up in LFR means wipe, after wipe, after wipe until you get enough determination stacks so that the morons not paying attention to the mechanics can facetank them without dying and the boss dies faster.

Hell, some bosses were LFR PUG Breakers because even with 10 stacks of determination you still couldn’t kill them without paying attention to the mechanics, which most LFR players aren’t going to do.

This is just another showing of the so-called great community that is WOW the normal-heroic elitists again bashing on the lfr players because they cannot or will not do normal for a mount.

Do any of you know exactly why these players can’t do it on normal can you tell me exactly the reasons?

No, you can’t each player has their own reasons why yet being this great community all you do is attack them is it really any wonder many of us want nothing to do with normal even heroic when all these elitists do is talk down to us.

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Player gatekeeping ruined this game’s “community” far more than queueable systems have.

It’s been getting worse since Wrath introduced gearscore. Nobody wants everybody for anything, that’s where things like LFR shined. Or did before it was slowly gutted by the current dev team.

This isn’t good. This is a sign that their word, Ion’s word, is nothing but words. They are not making strives to make the game more casually inclusive as they said.

If this change, because it is a change from what we were initially shown, makes it to live, it’ll cement the fact that WoW is no longer a game that wants its most casual players. Something Shadowlands has been doubling down on from the start.

And for the record, I have a guild. I have friends I talk to on discord that I used to raid with before time became an issue. I have earned my AOTCs, my few mythic kills as I have waited for content during long lulls, and my prestigious things.

I have my faceless one title, my original mage tower skins, etc… It’s not about the challenge of gameplay, it’s not about socialization, it’s about accessibility. It’s about the stacking tedium they keep imposing on simply raiding that drove a lot of people away.

I will not pay for a carry, I’m likely going to let my sub lapse until Dragonflight. But I am no longer hyped for that expansion, because what they’re doing right now is more of a principle issue than anything. I don’t even care about the cat mount, I care about their obvious design direction that simply seems to be “F*** casual players.”


I’ll discord you, if you want a guild I have in mind, it’s in Area 52. I don’t know if you’ll be interested in a craze server, that seems to be the only option. My guild fell apart in 9.1, I’m still looking for a Heroic guild. I’m not really crazy about full servers, because you have to try to hit stuff before it dies.

Being in a dead server doesn’t really help find a guild too.

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I see you’re on MS now. Or, you may have been there for a while. I’ve been ghosting Discord for the last couple of months.

Area 52 is one of my old servers so I don’t have a problem with it. I still have my names because I always wanted to move back.

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What name do you go by in MC I can’t find you there.

Tovi. I use a Futurama avatar.

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Yes you would have. The other factors don’t matter if you had no other choice.

Right… just curious, have you ever attempted to do any group content with 700 ms latency?

I’ll reply when I like and you have zero say in that. What is promised to the community is still there… just gotta do the content and stop begging for handouts.

Honestly MS should set up a group. I suggest doing Sepulcher since it is the most fresh in everyone’s minds and the most nerfed mechanically. That gives people 2 weeks to get their item levels up with the new gear and any changes the patch brings ironed out. I’m not all talk, I’ll come if I can.