Cat mount not being in LFR is good

Not on ignore (takes a lot more than sharing an opinion to get on my ignore list :b ). It’s always in development until it’s released. That’s how it is. Even then, it’s a live service game. Hotfixes will probably happen too.

  1. Selling WoW tokens.


  1. Get raid attendance up

Blizzard allowed gold sellers to happen, not us. Some of people at Blizzard is a gold seller.

Trying to force people to raid for a second popular mount and pull the rug under from those who don’t actually raid was a scummy move.

Slimesaber mount be for everyone.

Torghast would of been fine it should of been there for a achievement.

So you want the reward without working for that reward? Also you can change specs… if you’re gimping yourself to one spec, that’s your issue, not theirs.

Having disdain for the whiny mentality they tend to have seems kinda justified.

That’s usually how it works, offer incentive to create activity. Simple logic really, just because it doesn’t appeal to you, doesn’t mean it won’t work.

I’ll take conspiracy theories for 500 Alex.

We absolutely allowed Gold Sellers to happen. Markets only exist as long as their is a demand for them. That’s how supply and demand works. If there is a demand, someone will provide the supply. It’s why no country with drug laws has managed to get rid of all drugs, because there remains a demand for drugs, and as long as that demand exists, people will attempt to supply it for profit.

Gold selling is really no different. We (as in the broader WoW community) could have stamped it out early by not providing a demand for bought gold. We didn’t do that, instead we made it very clear to the gold sellers that we’d be absolutely willing to put our accounts at risk for gold that we wanted to spend, but didn’t want to go through the effort to farm.

When Blizzard added the WoW token, they didn’t get rid of the demand that was already there, they just pulled the rug out from under the suppliers who were doing their business illegally by offering a safe, legal option which people who wanted to buy gold started using.

The new meme

Gold sellers ate Blizzards life line apparently.

I’m not going through this again. I already addressed all that with the other angry guy.

No, I’m not changing my spec.

I will say one thing: just because I don’t like something or don’t want to do something doesn’t mean I’m not going to do it. It’s so weird to have to explain basic human actions to people.

Just going to copy/paste what I posted in another thread on this topic.

The issue isn’t that LFR players aren’t getting access to the slime cat mount, it’s that Blizzard yanked the rug out from under LFR players by making them think they could earn it until a few days before the season was due to start.

If, from the get go, Blizzard had said “You must complete the fated raids on normal difficulty or higher to get the slime cat.” no one would have given a damn. Sure there would be some players who would ask for LFR to be included and raise the question as to why LFR players were excluded but there wouldn’t be the anger we’re seeing now.

This mess is entirely Blizzards doing and they should fix it before S4 goes live by making it possible for LFR players to earn the mount, which they didn’t say wasn’t possible until a few days ago.

By the way? As of right now the in-game achievement panel still implies that you can earn the slime cat mount if you do LFR. It has NOT been updated. So players who do not pay attention to the forums or any news posts and do LFR content are going to be PISSED when they complete all the fated raids on LFR and don’t get the reward the achievement says they should be getting.

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We have had our differences in the past but I 100% agree with you here and you worded the reason for everyone’s anger perfectly.

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This I can agree.

The fated are weekly, Blizzard expects non raiders to learn an entire instance in a week with additional fated mechanics.

And you expect people who have never set foot in an actual raid without knowing or ever progressed with extra fated mechanics.

Your a raider you know it takes more than a week to progress an entire instance.

Its just Normal for those who already know the dance and can fly their way through.

You learn. Why is learning so scary?

Join a random group doing a normal… it does not take “weeks” at this point in the expansion… this isn’t some heroic progress raid, where the raid is new.

You know it’s not that simple.

I can hit a button and join LFR. Joining a pug? That’s a coin toss on whether or not they’ll take you. Again, I’m not saying I’m not going to try, I’m just pointing out that “just join a raid” only works for LFR. Everything else has a lot more steps involved.

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Oh well? Join a guild or don’t do it all… who cares. At the end of the day, you wanna be rewarded with something nice? You gotta do what it requires. That’s at least the normal raids… stop begging for handouts.

Huh you? If you didn’t care you wouldn’t be here arguing with us.

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I don’t know why I don’t leave people this dumb on ignore…

At least you know what you are… I’m too high for this lol

I encourage people like you to put me on ignore. I welcome it.

“lol look at how cool I am! gimme attention!”


There would be far less issues if Blizzard said from the start that it was from Normal or more. Still complaints, but less.

But if you say LFR also has it, stick to it. Do not fear the 3% of the playerbase. They are your breakfast, the rest are your rent and everything else.

One of the things I dislike so much about this company is this. Just like how in the Mage Tower they shadow buffed. These ridiculous decisions that seems made only to spite players.

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There will be no additional effort put forth. If it is troublesome to get, we will simply opt not to get it.

I had no intention of even doing LFR for the mount, so I’m absolutely never getting it now.

Blizzard can keep bashing their head against the wall if they want, but they lack the ability to make any digital item that will compel me to alter anything about my gameplay behavior.

Not sure what you’re smoking, but like every hunter in SoD was BM.

You have no clue why many if not most people only run LFR.

No, it’s not good, and the people who defend it are also not good.

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