Cat mount not being in LFR is good

Whats even worse is when people can’t read between the lines and know what implied meaning is.

I do and you’re just going to have to either accept that or not but I’m not elaborating any further. I made my stance on this situation very clear and if you don’t get it, I’m done caring.

There’s no lines to read between.

Once you understand that you’ll be in a much better position to actually interpret what’s being put down.

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I don’t actually have to accept anything. This is yet another cop out, you refusing to elaborate on anything is just further implication you have no real point. I broke down your post into its core argument of you want things without knowing the mechanics of the fights. You are refusing to elaborate. What’s your point?

So you didn’t read it.

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Yeah I know which is why I said:

All you had to do was read past the first few words.

Nah the only cop out going on here is you refusing to read the “novel” I typed out. It answered all your questions. But, since I’m feeling a bit spiteful I’ll do a quote pyramid to help with that goldfish memory you have:

Fun fact, goldfish memory is actually capable of spanning multiple months to multiple years.

You’ve made it clear you’re mad that it was changed to normal and up, excluding lfr. Okay, now what? You don’t know the fights still so like, yeah.

I like how half of your quotes are in chronological order of you trying to back pedal from the original post where you said you didn’t know the fights but still want rewards. I never said you typed out a novel, you did that when you called me stupid.

But go ahead, keep calling me a goldfish brain, an idiot, whatever. You have absolutely nothing to counter what I’m saying, you’re not being spiteful you’re making a total fool of yourself. And if you’re okay with that, more power to you. It was clear a while ago that you had no rebuttal to the original point, so you’ve resorted to insulting peoples intelligence. Not a good look.

Yeah I will since even though I’ve broke things down to the point a 5-year old could understand it, you still say this:

I mean, I don’t know what else to think.

It’s so funny how butthurt you are about me giving back to you what you started out giving to me. I think you’re mad that I’m better at it.

Okay, so where does your point lead? You’re mad it’s not available from lfr now. Where do we go from here?

That’s the world we live in today.

You can bring all the sociable content back to the game most folks will never change. It’s a whole different generation of gamers the days of 2004 are gone and they won’t return.

I’ll say this if at the start the mount was to be included in all raid content only to be changed at the last minute that’s just hurting blizzard more in terms of player base but hey that’s just my opinion though I could care less for the mount many folks were really looking forward to it.

I’m not butthurt at all. You’re choosing not to answer my question or bring your point to its logical conclusion.

Does anyone know how to say this in another language? I’m not getting through with English:

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What does this have to do with the mount not being available on LFR?

ROFL I just can’t anymore. I mean, this is “See Spot Run” level of connecting the dots.

You’re commitment to not understanding a post is honestly impressive at this point.

It’s pretty plain that their annoyance stems from Blizzard not being clear on their commucation untill the very last moment and how LFR in it’s current state is in arrears and this opportunity to revitalize it was squandered, given how they detailed what trying to get into an average Pug was like

But hey what do I know, I just read posts as they’re written and don’t try and go spelunking for words that aren’t there.

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I think it’s on purpose. There’s just no way :rofl: :rofl:

Also watch them after they make their share in wow token sales they’ll put it in the shop for the low low price of 25 to 30 dollars.

What dots? Where does your point lead? You’ve made it clear you’re mad about the inconsistent wording in the achievement. What are you arguing for? What’s your endgame here and why even bring up you not knowing fights?

I doubt it. They created this hysteria with the Brutosaur but it never made it to the shop.