Cat mount not being in LFR is good

So you come at me in an extremely rude way then say “huurrr duurr why so defensive?”

Like I said, tiny, angry brain.

What is so rude about me asking how you expect a boss to die without having any knowledge of the fight? The only one angry here, is you.

You absoltely have to be trying to be missing the point at this stage.

Do I have to get out the shiny markers?

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You’re right, this was so polite:

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In your own words, “get over it”.

Hey you’re still ignoring what I said so I will just mention it again

LOL god you’re so bad at this.

I am over it, I was answering the question you asked me. You do remember asking why so defensive, right? Or did your mind get overloaded and got pushed out already?

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I’m trying to ignore you but you keep bothering me. I’m not going to answer you twice.

Why are you insulting me? I simply asked why you want rewards for an encounter you have no knowledge of, and you said that you don’t want to answer my question because it’s stupid. Then you said you answered my question by giving a non answer.

Since you have the memory of a goldfish;

That’s very rude. So why do you want the mount for a fight you don’t know again?

Let me start by saying I couldn’t care less about the slime cat.

I’ve been sitting back and reading these threads and one common thing pops up. Normal mode is easier than LFR because people know what they’re doing and don’t just rely on others to carry them.

Ok. So if that’s the case then shouldn’t LFR get the slime cat because it’s harder? And normal mode shouldn’t?

I already answered that in the post you thought was really long. Sorry not sorry but you’re going to have to strain yourself and read such a massive novel to get your answer.

Okay so you are admitting you don’t have an actual argument to give me. If you’re going to debate people online, at least be intelligent about it. At least have a leg to stand on. Its a really bad look when your responses to opposition are non-arguments and cop outs.

You keep insinuating she has the position of wanting to be a freeloader despite it never being mentioned and keep demmanding they explain a point that was never made.


There’s not really anything to work with there, and yet you keep persisting

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That’s a little silly considering the difficulty of lfr in the mind of that point is artificial, on the people participating in it. Not the tuning.

It looks worse when you can’t even read to begin with

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I really don’t care if I look bad to you.

So again, just put me on ignore if I aggravate you so much. I’ll lead by example.

I actually read the whole post. I’ve quoted multiple parts of it. All I’m seeing here is that you don’t actually have a point and just keep resorting to insulting my mental capacity instead. If you had a point you would have made it in the original post. Instead you’ve spent this whole time back pedaling from a logical hole you dug yourself into: you want rewards from something you originally stated you had no knowledge of the mechanics of.

Go ahead and put me on ignore, it doesn’t change the fact you have nothing to rebut me with. Go ahead and cop out again. It’s not about how you look to me, its how you look in general trying to argue online when you have no argument to begin with.