Cat mount not being in LFR is good

There is a way.

They saw a sequence of words in a very specific pattern and “LFR WANTS FREE LOOT” trigger brain activated and now it can’t turn off

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To explain why they can’t be a raid leader.


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I mean, this is just so bad:

They know why I brought it up but act like they don’t. It’s insane.

If you don’t know the fights on normal, or LFR, what does raid leading have to do with anything?

You are dodging the point. If you don’t know the fights on lfr, you don’t know them on normal, you then said you’d be willing to learn, what exactly are we so caught up on here?

ROFL this is what I mean. “What does knowing the fights have anything to do with raid leading.”

If this wasn’t a forum, I would start looking for the hidden camera.




What do you think a Raid leader’s job is.

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I’ll make my point clearer. You said you don’t know the fights, period. Not on lfr, not on normal. You would be willing to learn as you stated much later on.

What is the hold up here? You can’t raid lead if you don’t know the fights anyway but LFR still requires some knowledge of the fights.

Again, what does this have to do with being angry at the inconsistent wording of the achievement? What’s your argument?

Some people literally don’t have the time to attempt to join organized groups outside of LFR.

Which is why Blizzard added LFR in the first place, to allow people who didn’t have the time to do organized raiding to experience the raid content that they worked so hard on.

I am really, really tired of Blizzard giving LFR players the shaft, and people in this community constantly pissing on LFR players as if they’re somehow inferior because they don’t raid higher levels of content. Stop it.

Does anyone know how to say this in a different language?

Ok but what does this have to do with you being upset at the wording of an achievement?

You mean WOD?

How is this relevant to you not knowing the fights and/or being willing to learn them?

Oh you’re trolling.

This all makes sense now.

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Maybe he’s used to be lied to and/or mislead and thinks nothing of it.

I still want to know what you being mad about a wording inconsistency in an achievement logically leads to or what it has to do with your knowledge of a fight?

The literal reason was participation rates.

Friendship Moose, Friendship Bird, etc. Players run these so often it’s legitimately faster than LFR’s queue time.

I am friendly with someone who does Achievement runs as well. If you can wait in LFR Queue fors 45min, you can absolutely do these Friendship runs. In many cases, the carries are in Mythic-level gear. And typically the folks in these groups are some of the nicest, most patient players you’ll come across.

I’ll tell you what sweetie, I’ll answer that question when you tell me where I said one has to do with the other.

Were for a single boss.

Not Thirty of them.

You tell me. You made the original post. What was the purpose of typing out the whole part about you being upset because the wording was inconsistent (which it is btw) , just to follow it up with something about your knowledge of a fight and your inability to raid lead.