Casuals should dictate phase rollouts, not hardcores

Part of the problem with current WOW is the focus on current tier only. Content is rushed out to satisfy early droughts then you get 8 months of nothing and people unsubbing because they fully geared in a month.

That’s not what Classic should be.

I agree it should be as close as possible. I’m just worried because we’ve seen in the past hardcore players already try to speed up content releases on this forum.

I wish they would give us an estimated release schedule for phases and their durations. .

Yes. Catering to casuals is what has doomed retail.

All im saying is…the last time blizz let casuals dictate the game…we ended up here…waiting for classic since for years wow has been very mediocre

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Casual gamers make the gaming world go-round. Hardcores are a dying breed, and should go the way of the dinosaur.

Uhh… you know we’re all going in to play Classic right? We’re the dinosaurs yearning for the days before the meteor that was “pandering to casuals”.

WoW was always “catering to the casuals”.

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And I used a different word to “catering”.

WoW was always “pandering to casuals”.


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Definitely not.

WoW in Vanilla had content that catered for both groups, I totally agree. But Casual players were well accepting of the fact that they would never be decked out in T3 or R14 gear. They chose to play what they found more interesting, whether it was exploration or questing, or roleplay.

Vanilla was the one expansion where casual and hardcore play were both embraced for what they were. They didn’t twist one to suit the other.

I’ll never understand the people who rush to endgame then complain that there’s nothing to do for them. Too effing bad.

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In the modern Retail I understand it. There’s no questing except for while you level, there’s no benefit to dailies once you finish the rep grind, and there’s no reason to run raids when you already got all the gear you need in a few months or weeks.

For Classic, yes, too bad. There’s so much more content out there that raiding isn’t the only thing.

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I feel you, but I think that the problem in vanilla was the expansion. I was slow rolling my way along, had a guild that was still working on raid progression and then BC came out and that was over. Everyone went to Outland and the old game was dead. There were reasons to run the lower tier dungeons (gold, funsies, alts, new guildies) and guilds would bring new people through the progression up until BC.

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As a hardcore player, I agree with this.

I want to have enough time to gear up my alt where possible.


It’s not player created, it’s because the content is made to be easily consumed in a short period of time.

This is a downfall present in many modern games, the content is made very “accessible” and “convenient” so it’s ran through in no time and players are left hungry for more.
This puts the development team under constant stress since they’re forced to release new batches of content often so they can’t focus much on other important aspects of the game. It also lowers the general quality of content since there isn’t enough time to expand and polish it.

Another issue is that in those games, only the latest batch of content is relevant at all while the rest remains a desolate wasteland. So there isn’t much to do besides the new content, only contributing to its swift consumption.


A casual should be more excited for the phases to role out faster, actually. They get a lot of decent pre-raid upgrades, and ZG is a relatively easy raid to get some decent loot out of.

It’s the hardcores that would want content to come out less frequently, as they’ll be the ones running every raid every week because every raid has BiS items in it and every raid more or less requires loot from every previous raid to complete. I look forward to it, but I’ll be grateful to have had time to get all my items from MC and gear up 39+ other people at the same time before moving onto BWL.

I dont think people will clear rag in the first month even if they wanted to.

This is how it would have rolled out if they used phasing in 2004-2006.

Phase 1 (Patch 1.1 - Patch 1.2): Lasted 3 months and 12 days until next patch.
Phase 2 (patch 1.3 - 1.4) Lasted 4 months and 5 days until next patch.
Phase 3( patch 1.5 - 1.6) lasted 2 months 28 days until next patch.
Phase 4 (patch 1.7 - 1.8) Lasted 5 months 18 days until next patch
Phase 5 (patch 1.9- 1.10) Lasted 4 months 25 days until next patch.
Phase 6 (Patch 1.11 -1.12) End phase lasts until whenever.

So the average phase is around 3 months. That should be enough time for everyone to do content if they follow the original patching outline. This would provide us fresh Classic content for 18 months until Naxx even drops. :slight_smile:

Phases should just be rolled out based on a timer that is no faster than 4/5 the speed of content released vanilla. The best option would be just to shoot for as close to a 1 to 1 release timeframes as vanilla imho.

agreed however it’s important to note that the hardcore have something to do meanwhile but the casuals have no alternative. IE the hardcore can level an ALT.