Casual vs 1% should stop

I just don’t understand the hate they get.

Yes I did misunderstand. However the post still stands on the question you just asked me.

I think my post says it doesn’t.

Really? People who don’t know the ins and outs of the numbers sometimes think higher ilvl is an upgrade. There was no challenge.

Now without all that your question to me was answered before you posted it.

Ok, but since Brewa never mentionned ilvl, he mentionned upgrade, I was only pointing out you misunderstood him.

Yes, really.

Which unfortunately seems to include Blizzard. They’ve spent so many years telling people “This time, we’re going to make it so that higher ilvl = upgrade!” that they seem to believe they did it. Although they never succeeded.

This was the problem with the ML removal and the trading rules. They told everyone that ilvl = upgrade, then designed the loot trading around that assumption… but never actually made a game where higher ilvl = upgrade.

Putting the cart before the horse, as it were.

Yes really you agree some people think just a ilvl upgrade is an upgrade since that’s the quote you edited. Try not to be so edgy. It’ll do you some good.

OH my Yogg I know. It is so stupid that we can not trade a piece of gear just cause the ilvl is high than what we have a equipped. If Blizzard wants to do personal loot fine but it should be the players decision what to do with their personal loot no matter what.


But that’s entirely besides the point. Most people equip items they think are upgrades, which is what Brewa was getting at. Most people are min/maxing by the simple act of equipping what they perceive to be upgrades.

Don’t overthink this.

But we can’t let you do that. You’ll inevitably force other into giving up that loot reguardless of whether it’s an upgradef or them or not because you want it or you r raid group wants it… or something like that.

Me either. It’s been said so many times that one doesn’t affect the others game play. And like you said both need each other for different reasons. I know and play with people who fall into both categories and they’re all great people.

I’m not over thinking it. You’re over replying to it.

And I already agreed with what you said a few posts back.

OH your right I forgot that. How many times have we heard this right? I run with a guild who would never do this. And if people are in a PuG that is trying to force that. OH well just keep the piece, leave group and find a better one.

We are good.

At the game :sweat_smile:

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Oh, i think just about everytime guilds are brought into the subject.

That’s when they’re grasping for the really fat straws.

Any guild worths its salt will ask you to trade out any tradeable loot. Just because it’s an “upgrade” for you doesn’t mean that item has the biggest impact in your hands. If its a bigger upgrade for someone else, the raid gains that much more DPS giving it to that person.

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How did I know Ralph would ignore this one post?

The way forum makes it, casuals for them are 20-30% of playerbase, and anyone else that does content is “1%”, be it normal raid, heroic raid, mythic raid, mythic+, low rating pvp, high rating pvp, doesn’t matter. If you do anything, you’re “1%” as far as forums are concerned.

While in reality casuals are players who play few hours a day tops, or 2-3 days a week, regardless of content, for forums casual means not doing any hard content.

You literally got people here who play 10 hours a day, never did anything hard, and call themselves casuals. You aren’t casual, you’re just bad.

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And this right here is why some people cry wolf over the “1%”.

Mythic guild that is right? Cause guilds only caring enough to clear heroic aren’t doing this nor do they need to, to get the kills down. My guild (not the one this character is in) doesn’t do this and we get the kills just fine.

In a CE guild the person is not forced to trade the loot. They already know it’s part of the progression for them.

Anyway. Time for a few more hours sleep.

Guilds that struggle on Heroic will probably at some point ask that loot be distributed to where it makes the biggest impact.

Anyone struggling on bosses would. That’s just logical. It’s part of that “min/maxing” people do, at all levels.

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