Casual vs 1% should stop

Indeed. My definition of casual is “anybody who plays less than 2 hours a week”.

Self-proclaimed people who post on the forums all the time and run LFR on 20 characters a week… they aren’t casual.


You know as well as I do, struggling in heroic usually isn’t a gear problem.

Now for reals. Few more hours sleep. It is the weekend.

People when referring to the 1% obviously dont talk about people who do endgame content or mythic raids, it is a mentality.

I am casual and I mythic raid CASUALLY, tryhards are the opposite of casuals, they are the 1% because they take a video game far too seriously and lead to toxic mentalities and situations like stealing loot away from people cuz “its better on someone else” or “either be a meta slave or your are bad”

Tryharding is a mentality, a toxic one at that, casuals dont suffer from this mentality therefore can enjoy the game while tryhards call things like covenant choice “resentment”

Though of course I most likely are talking to someone who is under that mentality when he says anyone who is ultra casual and doesnt care about raids is “bad”, that desperate need to feel better than others is why many gamers have turned into such toxic and mentally unhealthy beings.

So when these people are trying to ruin a video game because of their own toxic and unhealthy mentalities, of course people who enjoy games CASUALLY will be against their attempts to ruin the game.


you have been more toxic, then anyone else on this very forum. so stop calling people name.

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But gear can still solve the issue.

“Bettering yourself is toxic! Only being mediocre is virtuous!”.

I’m convinced you don’t want me to sleep lol!! Anyway I totally agree it can solve or help the issue but it doesn’t mean it always will.

Now I’ll let ya have at it with the true winner in this thread. Just don’t be a tryhard with him lol!!

Notice still not a word on Ion’s logs.

Super casuals dont care about the 1% and the 1% dont care about super casuals. We’re basically playing the game how we both enjoy playing the game. Kevin Jordan (reacting to the preach/ion interview) drew up a nice helpful graphic to illustrate it. We share the same game space, but that’s about it.

Helpful graphic

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Ion Hazzikostas seems to think it does. Like… thats a motivation behind a design philosophy of SL to discourage swapping for min max to be optimized for every piece of content you wish to do. People felt pressured to swap, and raid leaders felt pressured to demand their players swap. Because people need to go to third party websites, or have a content creator create their build for them to be “optimized”. Let’s face it. People who talk about being optimal aren’t doing the math in their head… they are depending on a simulation and/or a person with a simulation to tell them how to have fun.

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but the problem won’t be there if blizzard did not put any kind of system that would creat such issue, blizzard dont want us to go into third party site for knowing if a item is a upgrade or not, but implement legendary,soulbind and conduit.

its like w t f.


Rpgs should always have more things on top of a class to increase the build possibilities and the metaslaves can whinge about how it is unbalanced but an RPG is about playing around with all those little extra things.

And dont pretend you are gonna do any such playing around, you are gonna see what sims best and follow that, let’s not pretend the whole “but this stops you from testing” is anything more than an excuse for the tryhard crowd who never actually ever cared about testing, only copying what was best for each encounter because for them performance>fun gameplay.

An rpg is improved a lot by having covenants, conduits, legendaries and all those possible build combinations, a generic base mmorpg that has been done to death 20 years ago is not what I want to play.

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having complex and interesting choices doesn’t mean you need to find someone to make that choice for you. Without those choices you don’t have a game. Im not saying I don’t go to sites or watch videos to have smart people explain these things to me… I totally do. But thats because wow has become more than a game. It’s a hobby, and theorycrafting as much as top end game play has become a spectator sport. But a design philosophy that attempts to discourage activities that pressure other people to change from a viable spec to an optimal spec is not a bad thing.

ralph just stop dude… stop hitting yourself.

how many times do people have to tell you this is an MMORPG and not just and RPG

They function completely differently

I’ll do you one better, why is the 1%?

The argument is outcome based gaming run amok. Everyone gets the same thing regardless of the time, effort, or skill one puts in.

It’s ends with a game that is one giant button that presses itself and drops loot in your inventory.

Its an interesting question that will be answered perhaps in castle nathria (sp). Logically heres the premises of this expansion.

  1. Blizzard want new blood. (suspicious vampire theme raid to start things off plus a bunch of other stuff which i suppose is also important somehow (UI improvements, noob chat channels, chromie leveling etc etc)).
  2. Covenants are locked. Conduits were (needlessly i DID argue - eyes passim). Conduits are no longer on such a tight leash. But theyre still on a leash.
  3. At no point can or should covenant utilities be baked into raids. It literally stands to reason given point 2.
  4. Covenant power is being nerfed into the ground. (this includes the recent legendary pass just to be clear). Id expect 15% MAX from covenant abilities (including legendaries) going forward on a damage meter. You wanted them to be less important. They listened. Now its sin slice and dice for everyone. You can ignore it if you like, but its still 15% of your total damage. This is apparently balance.

Sorry, it appears i got all annoyed about something else.

Point is this. I think and believe strongly that the narrow wedge of perfection we once complained about (why take seven immunity classes into the depths of Nyalotha when you can take EIGHT@@!) is about to face a massive nerf. That wedge is about to widen. Or the covenants are going to be smooshed into the ground. Basically, its one of them.

Hang on. i dont want to be too much of a jerk with this comment. This game DESPERATELY needs new players (its not at all surprising that the average age of the playerbase aligns with the age of the game). The decisions have been absolutely correct. And it needs to encourage them. But sometimes blizzard need to have a bit of faith in the world theyve created and let players discover/explore it by themselves without worrying so much about icyveins and meta gaming.

Well, throwing rocks at each other is the most basic form of human communication.

Yep, and with the continuous nerfs to the different covenant abilities, soulbinds, conduits, we’re straying farther down the path of irrelevance. The less impact each one has, the easier it is to balance against each other, and while I will agree that this sucks, it’s necessary because of the prospect of making a choice; it’s the consequence of a restrictive system.

We have that in classes, the issue here is that the choice is going to be made irrelevant before too long because it is a temporary* system.

You can have RPG elements, including the math-y side of it, without having arbitrary restrictions. I don’t mean to say that restriction is inherently bad in RPG, but in the case of covenants inside of the environment of an MMO, it’s unnecessary in this context.

Until they leave the game in droves and stop paying for the 1%'s content. Then you will care.

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I think most people are way off of this argument. Far more than 1% of the playerbase optimise and min max and very few don’t do any end game content at all.

The word casual is such a loosely defined word in the context of wow.