Casual vs 1% should stop

min/max is not about gear drop you know?

is the gear have the stat i need?
did the piece have a socket or not?
now the ilvl is higher?.

on my paly i refuse piece of 20 ilvl difference because of stat.

min/max means doing what you can to improve your performance. Like wearing better gear.

my post has been flagged

I agree but this is only true true to an extent. Sometime an ilvl upgrade is just that, a boost in ilvl while it actually hurts your over all numbers.

Here’s an example. In WoD during Hellfire Citadel. Retro druids we’re actually better off and pulling higher numbers if they ran a 2 set bonus from HC and a 2 set bonus from BRF.

That’s not what an elitist is. And no I don’t really care how you play. If you want to metaslave, you can. However, you’re asking the game to change because your metaslaving impulse causes you to make a choice that seemingly ruins your own RPG fun. Imagine if Survival Hunter became the new top DPS spec, but you didn’t like it thematically, will you angrily reroll or just play what you like?

Power dynamics are a core part of RPG. Covenants add RPG flavor in the same way classes do, just at a smaller scale. We’re not just gonna all be clones with different cosmetics.


Who said anything about ilvl? I said better gear. Not higher ilvl gear.

Or he thought. Housewives play this game
 maybe I’ll let them feel as if their choice mattered on at least one thing.

I would swear your post said equipping an upgrade but oh well. Even better gear. My example shows what would be considered better gear is not always better gear.


Will never understand how people can justify a system that plays against people wanting to perform well, experiment many builds to find the one that fits their playstyle and top end players who partake in content where player performance matters with just


Sure it is. You’re just mad because you’ve become what you hate.

Oh and you weren’t when you asked for LFR ? When you asked for Determination stacks because you couldn’t kill bosses ?

Did I care ? Nope.

It’s almost like tying math problems to what should be fun lore choices doesn’t make much sense in an RPG.

Well since raids are not just a bunch of Fire mages, obviously, that’s not an issue. You still need diversity in modern wow, as Survival Hunters don’t provide all the utility you need to cover an encounter.

I’d argue the opposite. While most RPGs have a sort of character progression scheme, it’s often if not most of the time completely detached from the actual RP element and from the story.

Yes and unfortunately, for many, that is overshadowed by the Math Equation problem.


The casuals and the 1% mentioned here are a false dichotomy. There are also players that exist like myself.

While others chase numbers, I spend my time chasing influence. Rather than build a spec, I would prefer to build a legacy. Instead of crafting items, you’ll find me crafting a vision.

The only weapon that I require is the pen and my load out consists of my ideologies.

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I wonder who that was :roll_eyes:

I’m sure the flag will be removed since there is nothing in the post to warrant one.

Since when does higher ilvl mean “upgrade” ?

I just prefer not to make my raid group take 3 hours on a raid that can be completed in half that time while still being able to choose the factions I want to associate myself with.


Do you reply just for the sake of replying?

Guess you just missed this entire post.

No, I’m just telling you you misundertood Brewa.

He said upgrade. Everyone who equips upgrades is min/maxing in a way.

You didn’t have to bring in ilvl, ilvl has nothing to do with what he said. Are you just replying for the sake of replying ? What Brewa said initially was fine and true, it didn’t need a reply or a challenge.

The way you break it down is gonna make our replies exponentially longer walls of texts. I’ll say this:

Character mechanics has always been tied to theme in RPGs. These are RPG features. You can’t have the theme of one class, with the rotation of another, and the dps of another. Covenants are a smaller version of that, but still the same RPG philosophy.

I’m sorry you compulsion to min/max keeps you from enjoying it. You’ll have to wait till probably the 3rd major content patch till that self inflicted dilemma gets resolved.

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Examples ?

The Avatar in Ultima disagrees.

Covenants would be a fine RPG gimmick, if they didn’t tie the power element and power progression to them. A Sanctum to upgrade and grow, adventurers to join you, and a whole quest chain around it, as well as a visual identity are all good RP elements.

Your DPS numbers being tied to all this isn’t.

I’m sorry you’re unable to enjoy something without having it be a burden to someone else.

This is pretty much the core issue with many meta slaves really who despise RPG features if they stop or limit that compulsion or by their word “resentment”

It gets even more ridiculous when you realize almost all of them are not raiding with other world first raiders that can achieve that 100% potential of a spec anyway so skill will always matter far far more outside of top 10, but they do love to pretend as if they are raiding world first level so if they dont play fotm they ll get outdpsed by everyone else while I consistently have seen people with underperforming specs outdps fotmers in many raids and pugs

They are mainly obsessing over that so they can feel like good players instead on focusing on being skilled players.

No, that’s inherently the wrong line of thinking. The difference in potential of skill can be 25%. However, the unskilled metaslave(as you call them) would still seem to play as good as the perfect rotation player who picks the covenant choice that is 25% less effective.

There’s a reason why corruption can hide horrible play. As long as you have enough Infinite Stars, you’ll do just as well as the person next to you while you just auto-attack.