Casual vs 1% should stop

Not my problem.

It’s never been the mythic raiders who cared about casuals. It’s the middle of the pack who do. For whatever reason


Like, I’m not a 1%er, and I’m a bit more casual nowadays cus of family and life, but, when I go into a dungeon or any other kind of grouped content, I want to perform at my absolute best… I dont want to be carried by the group, also, I don’t want to carry anyone with… Especially as a Disc Priest, where in M+, we aren’t represented that well, I want my group to be like “Wow! This Disc Priest is freaking awesome!” But, I suppose, that is just how I am… :woman_shrugging:

None of the top 5 surv hunters progged as bm…

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LMAO, now do the other 30. (shouldn’t be long, there’s only 30).

The 1% are actually the 1% of players who think they’re in the top 1%, but are closer to top 10% of players. (People who parse 70-80% for their item level)

The top players want fun and balanced gameplay.
Casual players want to have fun.

The only sweaty players are the collectors. They are playing for the true endgame of WoW.

They are solidly middle of the pack. They are roughly even with Fury on nearly every fight and DH on most fights. Don’t think anyone has ever said either were meme spec.

You are confusing participation with actual balance. You are confusing the natural advantage that ranged have over melee in high end prog with actual balance. There are a limited amount of raid spots available for melee. If you want to talk about utility or unique buffs, that is a discussion. If you are only interested in linking parses, then you are a joke.

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Except they could slap on a Bow and be 10-30-40% higher just from that.

Survival isn’t competing against Fury, it’s competing against the raid leader saying “here, take this bow and kill things”.

Not to mention Survival can’t replace Fury or Havoc : it doesn’t have Battleshout, Commanding Shout or Darkness or 5% extra magic damage for the whole raid.

Participation is a direct result of balance.

By that logic, we are all inting our groups by not all re-rolling fire mages. Go head and make a thread with the title “nerf fire by 20%.” Come back to me with the player response.

Participation is a direct result of clickbait telling people what they should play. Arms is significantly better dps than DH. Yet there are 3x as many DH’s in the logs you are linking. Try again.

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I don’t even know if these people that we are talking about even exist

Their like the WoW boogie man

The difference being the Fire mage still needs a Havoc DH for the 5% damage bonus. It still needs raid wides like Commanding Shout. And it’s only massively ahead on burst, not sustained over a 10 minute fight, so you’ll still want some diversity on progression.


This has nothing to do with “clickbait”. There’s a reason Monk is top of the pile and DK is 2nd and everyone else is a distant 3rd.

Stagger. Strong. Gorefiends. Strong. Short CD Grip. Strong.

But Arms doesn’t give the whole raid 5% extra magic damage. Arms requires a very special corruption/Azerite setup to do that damage, Havoc is just run in and go.

Hey man look survival does better ST than fury

It will stop when casuals stop calling all players with better progression and expertise top 1%, when in reality the ‘top 1%’ window is more like 40%+ of the playerbase.

As it stands now, SL’s balance is worse than Classic WoW’s. That has nothing to do with any arbitrary 1% of anything, and everything to do with the reality of the situation. The worst spec on the Worst cov, is worse than a Classic Ret paladin.

I’m curious as to who you think the target market is.

False- Avakuro, Varkyrion and Doolb.

The damage is fine. Damage has nothing to do with why you don’t bring an SV hunter. Battle Shout, Rallying cry, Magic Damage debuff, and mystic touch are why you don’t waste a spot on SV hunter. BM doesn’t compete for a melee dps spot. Its like saying feral doesn’t get brought because guardian is tankier.


It is absolutely competing against fury. It is competing against BM only as much as a prot warrior is competing against fury. BM and SV fill different roles in a raid group, SV and Fury perform the same role. If you boosted all hunter DPS by enough to offset the loss of battle shout, you would see an increase in the amount of SV hunters even though BM hunters got an equal damage boost. If you made the raid utilitiies exclusive to brm prot and vengeance and let dps compete solely on damage, you would see more SV hunters. And if you made SV damage head and shoulders above BM and MM you wouldn’t see less ranged hunters because they are not competing for a melee dps spot.

You’re kinda going around in circles now. Repeating things I say, then saying the opposite because I pointed out I said those things first.


Its not my fault you contradict yourself.

Except I literally never did.