Casual PvP battlegrounds are completely, utterly broken

Dear diary

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Forgot about this all-timer.

  • Frankly, that’s a skill issue
  • You think you do but you don’t
  • Pop Enrage

That’s my top 3 right there.

Nice gear, want some tips?

I’m with you on the topic but I’m like 99.99% sure Ions comment was towards pve gear and pve specifically. Where it was true.

Why do you let him off the hook like this? He was asked a question. Either he answered it badly or not at all, and I can’t decide which is worse. There’s a fire in the conference room. Do you find it acceptable that it’s being ignored?

I’m actually interested by the premise of the question. I disagree a little bit with that - if players are looking at mythic raiders doing multiple times their damage… frankly that’s a skill issue. As you very well know, there are vast skill gaps when it comes to performance, but the power budget for our gear hasn’t changed in years. 1 item level is roughly 1%, that’s what it was back in Wrath of the Lich King - Heroic Icecrown gear was 13 item levels higher than Normal Icecrown gear. If anything, I would say the rate of inflation has shrunk slightly; we used to have 15 item level tiers last expansion ,we’re doing to 13 this time, and while there is some additional complementary power increase through things like legendaries conduits, unlocking extra soulbind traits, total power budget of those is smaller than… certainly corruption, but even before corruption, essences plus azerite, or your artifact weapon. So yeah, if you look at someone’s stats and gear, a 226 chest piece should have 26-30% more stamina and primary stat than an ilevel 200 chest piece, and that should be consistent across the rest of the gear

Because it’s dishonest.

They were talking about people being a little behind on ilvl getting outdone in dps by multiples of their dps, that is a skill issue

If someone in 226 is doing 8k or whatever and you’re in 213 doing 2-3k it’s a skill issue.

No need to bring in horrible analogies like this mess:

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Ok dude. You won me over with that argument. Ion is the best.

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Linking achievements was their best argument and it ended up blowing up in their face.

I’m going to take this non sarcastically; as it paints you in a better light.

I hope you’re not being sarcastic, because that post would make you look like a kid sticking fingers in his ears.

I’ve said in this thread what I think would be better for pvp. I don’t believe pvp is in a good spot, either. But to attack someone for a quote you’ve misunderstood or taken out of context is wrong.

I’ll try this again. He was asked about PVP. He didn’t say letters “PVP” in his response.

So I’m left with a few options:

  1. He thinks that response is sufficient for both PVE and PVP
  2. He doesn’t think it’s sufficient for both and just didn’t include PVP - which if effing horrible or
  3. He doesn’t know how to answer the PVP question.
  4. Maybe he didn’t hear the “pvp” part
  5. He doesn’t care

So…which do you think it is? And why is that acceptable to you?

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Lol, imagine thinking you came out on top. My guy you’re unsubbing in a few days and I’m looking at how I’m going to time all 20s and get glad next patch.

Sorry, you are right. I missed the pvp bit in the question because he didn’t mention it at all in his response.

However, looking at gear, his response does seem to still make sense. Between a 200 and 220 shoulder piece you gain 10 mainstat, 20 stam, 11 secondary stats.

A 20 ilvl gap is huge though. But there are definitely players capable of punching above their weight when it comes to pvp.

This season was more plagued by one shots that mostly revolved around covenant powers (kyrian rogue, nf druid, kyrian Paladin, etc) which are unrelated to gear.

I also still think wow would do best to return to wods ilvl scaling for instanced pvp.

  1. Yes there are players capable of that, but a 20% advantage over your opponent isn’t a different weight class, it’s a different sport.

  2. BFA was worse than the current situation, the current situation just has too much bracket manipulation, making the first point worse.

More competitive players hated it, but I thought Legion was great for casual PvP. Templating meant that you were never totally useless in battlegrounds, and your artifact weapon being exempt from templating gave an easy, uncapped, ungated way to boost effectiveness. I did more battlegrounds in Legion than I did in MoP, WoD, and BfA combined across a large spread of alts thanks to gear not being such a huge roadblock.

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I agree, I don’t really pvp outside of random anymore. But if I were into arena I bet I’d soon quit.

Doesn’t make sense that someone at 1399 is at a disadvantage to someone who has been at 1400 for a short while. It’s essentially the same rank, but one has access to better gear through losing bgs.

If honour gear scaled to 213 in instanced pvp you’d still get squished by 226, but at least after buying some conquest gear or getting it out of your vault you could then have 200 (scales to 226) gear.

Then you’re equal in pvp, but not stomping pve in free 226s until you get your rating up.

Boasting about BFA rating is making you look like the biggest idiot here, especially for a mount you just get at 2400.

Glad your boasting your pointless ego to the forums, you really are proving wrong to the 20 people who still play retail arena lmao

Maybe not WoD. Wrath/Cata/MoP yes

If blizzard copied that format of gear progression and class design, then maybe retail arena wouldn’t be as dead as it is now.

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Washed up speaks.

Sorry that you were late to the party

You’ve never even been glad before. I’m still waiting for you to show up lmao.

If glad was still a %, you wouldn’t be a glad either.

I’ve been 2600+ multiple times which is 200 points above what would be considered “glad” in retail. Doesn’t mean I deserve it, because I didn’t sit in the top % of the playerbase for the title at the time.

Your first achievement was challenger in 2020, so not sure why you feel the need to comment on what the game’s gear progression should be when you didn’t even play the game with the old system.

“Glad” players don’t need a gear advantage over people, especially in a competitive environment. There should be honor gear, and conquest gear at a base item lvl and that’s it.

The current gear progression kills PvP participation and the current state of the game is proof of it
