Casual PvP battlegrounds are completely, utterly broken

Boomies are really bad, but ret paladins are a problem even at max ilvl globalling people. I played a couple random bgs earlier in the expansion and there was always a theme of a fully geared character playing a clearly broken spec oneshotting undergeared players with no counterplay possible.

Boomkins be like

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Well I actually played back then so too bad for you.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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Again though, for quite a few expansions now, you could largely forgo BGs until you were “ready”.

10 arena wins would conquest cap you. Sure you’d get rofl-stomped there too, but they were typically quick, and only 10 a week.

Then you could go BG/Arena regularly once you had gear.

Also - even MoP had craftable PvP gear, so you weren’t just starting in greens.

I don’t recall this. Typically level cap was it’s own tier in BG with the x1-x9 covering the xpac gap.

Nah bgs like AV were 51-60 and so forth. Wsg and co were 50-59

I was a 60dk twink in wotlk and very clearly remember stomping poor level 51s in AV and getting stomped myself by 69s in warsong

PvEers with no personal experience with PvP thought it was unfair that raid geared PvEers didn’t have a guaranteed advantage in PvP.

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Random BGs ARE designed for undergeared people, otherwise RATED PvP wouldn’t exist and there would be iLvL requirements like LFR and LFG has.


In vanilla, yeah.

Pretty sure going as far back as WOLTK (maybe even TBC) the level cap was it’s own tier. Certainly true by MoP.

Level 80 characters now have their own bracket and there is a separate bracket for characters that are levels 70 to 79. The level of the bosses in the brackets below level 80 will be reduced to compensate.

It changed in 3.2 so sept 2009, 1 year after release of wotlk

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Even a day later I’m still confused how you or I qualify as “1500 xp” players, kinda baffled honestly. I guess if you don’t do rated for a while your xp defaults back down to 1500?

Blizz insists on revolving WoW PvP around the 3v3 ladder to appeal to a very small inner circle of old timers that is dwindling by the day. They get their season achieves and go MIA till the next season half a year later. The ladder dies and since players can only enjoy the game if they compete on ladder in order to not get one shot by 30+ ilvl deficits, pvp as a whole is pretty much dead.

Casuals BG’s used to be the most popular form of PvP back before Legion. Players didnt queue them chasing ladder titles; Blizz actually incentivized players by making the game fun to play.


Jalen use to post his mental breakdown I quit wow threads back in MoP every other week. You have to forgive his mental illness.

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It seems like it’s set up similar to wrath where you take a fresh level cap toon into a BG and get curbed stomped for a long time until you can buy conquest gear if you have the required ratings.

Conquest had no catchup in those days either so every week missed was a week forever behind.

I don’t think the issue is geared people in unrated bgs; rather that unrated bgs is the place to grind out max gear once you’ve hit the desired rating.

It’s just all backwards. Hit rating early in season, coast the rest of the season getting Max gear for low effort (getting honour whether you win or lose)

At least valor has a cap stopping you from upgrading an entire set from 184 to 220.

Unrated should be for the undergeared to get started. Not for the final stage of gearing. At some point it should make you get out of the kids pool and into the adult pool.

Also, I think pvp gear should still have the ilvl buff from wod in instanced pvp. Honour gear to 213, conquest gear to 226 or whatever. Higher ilvl rewards just let you wear it outside of instanced pvp (226 pvp gear in mythic raids for example)


Absolutely agree with this.

Though I will enjoy the posts of complaints when most players still get curb stomped despite closer to equal gear.

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This is honestly what I assumed they meant when they said WoD-like gearing in that interview months ago. Instead they bastardized it in a way I didn’t even think was possible while also still making it worse in PvE, even if you have the elite stuff. So stupid, I really just don’t understand.


Oh hey man, it’s good to see you queuing epic BGs again. Seen you 2-3 times today :wink:

Looking forward to seeing your new up-to-date win/loss data for Shadowlands :popcorn:

It’s about 5/95 W/L so far lol…

It’s unfortunate that we lost that ~50 minute AV earlier… the one with the back-and-forth teamfight on Stormpike bridge.

That was a good match imo.

For a while there I thought we were going to win/the frontline was holding, but Alliance just suddenly collapsed at the end :weary:

Ya, I’ve had a couple of those today. I had an amazing ashran yesterday where we came back from a 90 down kill and won with only 2 left lol…

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