Casual PvP battlegrounds are completely, utterly broken

Wow, 2600. Woah dude, your max rating in 3s is 2561, not 2600+ as you claim. Also, you need 50 wins after 2400, not just touching 2400.

Almost like DH didn’t exist and this isn’t my main. I was 2100 in wotlk, nice try though.

Your opinion.

I never said the current system is good? I just said how you can get around it.

Yikes, and yet there’s maybe 10 DH on ladder rn that are gladiator since the class is in the worst state ever. You can do the percent math on how many people are US 100, multi glad, and top end for their class in M+. I’m guessing 0.001% of the playerbase.

If getting +20s done and getting Glad in one of the worse expansions for PvP is a personal life goal for you then your standards must be pretty low :joy:


Can we return to the topic and not just “REEEEE!” up the place

At least I’m not sitting duelist salty af. :sunglasses:

You keep pinging me after your ego got hurt.

You replied first, I didn’t ask for a 2k critique.

the 45k druid is always on the enemy team? he’s never on your team?

Then why are you talking like you’re sub 1200?

That’s weird, didn’t know you got a glad mount at 1200.

Well apparently flexing it gets you idiot points on the forums. Flexing BFA and SL Glad…I’ve seen it all now :joy:

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That’s your response? That is sometimes the other team getting absolutely dumpstered?

I think the point of the thread is its not fun for the big kids to be playing in the little kids sandbox.

But currently, the big kids are getting rewarded (upgrading their conquest gear) through beating up toddlers instead of playing with the other big kids.

And it can be pretty rough. I tried taking a 180 character into random bgs to upgrade their weapon as it’s the only guaranteed source other than a lfr weapon and it was at least 8 people who were 220+ on both teams. Absolutely zero reason to fight them when you get two shot because of their massive vers rating.


People who’ve never been glad even speaking to me :rofl:

People who’ve never pushed rating in PvP during good expansions speaking to me :joy:

Now this makes more sense…no wonder you went for PvE

^ Main point. If they want to keep the upgrade system then fine. But let it only be for players who want to possibly transfer over to PvE.


Not the same as being in the top % of the bracket at all, especially when rank1 was often 600-700 points above it. That’s duelist pre-BFA

Your first arena achievement is from BFA. As broken as the armory is, that’s what it says

Retorting to rating bashing in a casual BG thread is not the move if you want to get your point across.

Yes pve gear was for sure a problem, especially in s11 Cata with daggers/vial of shadows/gurth. Let’s not let s11 overshadow how perfect s9 & s10 was for arena

Wod’s style gearing fixed this by adding a dmg reduction from wearing both pvp trinkets, as well as downscaling PvE gear in a pvp setting. Without adding resilence back into the game, this was the best thing blizzard could do and it worked well for the time

In MoP, they added a pvp stat that was shortly removed for baseline resilence as well as a fix to disable pve trinkets in arena.

There’s plenty of ways they can fix the absurdly big power difference between fresh-geared players and 226 geared players. Let’s also not forget this is only the first season and the power gap is already this big, it’s only going to get worst for people as each season progresses.

Your right that fresh geared people are always going to squashed by end-game geared players, but i’ve never seen the power gap this bad ever in PvP. It’s a huge deterrence for new players and hurts participation in PvP, especially when the gear is tied to arena rating


Bragging about being a “multi-glad” with only 2 mounts and both of them were seasons with 4000+ people getting gladiator, essentially duelist in the old system. I mean, if he is gonna call himself one of the best players in the game you’d think he’d at least have the 2700 achievement considering he played in the most inflated season the game has ever seen.

You’d also assume one of the best players in the game wouldn’t be bragging about welfare BFA/SL glad and would instead be getting r1. But then again they wouldn’t be bragging about getting r1 either since it would essentially be a given as long as they queue, like it is for the actual best players in the game that are on the front page every season.


Every excuse in the game lmao. I swear u kids are never not obnoxious.

When I wasn’t glad. “Get glad first”
When I was glad. “Only one glad? lol”
Now I have two in a row. “Lol welfare glad”

Sheesh, it’s almost like even if I got R1 this season. “Eh, 2900 r1, not really r1”

You’re washed and bad.

lol, we don’t have to worry about that dude. You didn’t even break 2600 in the most inflated season in the game.

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but if I did get it at the 2850 cut off would you?

Actually Legion is when they got rid of the pvp vendor. Before that honor gear only took time and it was all a matter of how much you had if you wanted to do random battlegrounds.

The end of WOD is when I believe they introduced the token and then legion got rid of the pvp vendor. Maybe the whole point was to have people buying gear and boosts like today?