Casual PvP battlegrounds are completely, utterly broken

When people mass report and insult me out of jealousy, what else can I expect? Clearly mirin.

No one is jealous of you.


Then what’s all the aggro for? I’m not saying anything untrue. Aggro that goes untouched btw.

At this point, they should ditch the honor gear and make it craftable.

You already need the honor to upgrade your conquest items anyways.


Nobody is jealous of you. WoW is a game.

Coming to the forums , flexing your rating and saying you are one of the best players of the world will never be welcome by the player base.


Ye they insulted me first, so I retorted. Same with someone like you, you literally added nothing to the thread and just personally attacked me. foh fanboy.

While there is some truth to this - once you got a PvP item, it was THE pvp item. No additional upgrades.

So this is true. The current honor gear is a trap. A massive waste of the honor you could’ve spent elsewhere.

Conquest gear is the same. In the past, you could save up for weeks to buy the weapon, but once you got it, you had it. Then you could focus on other slots.

The illusion here is that the system supports incremental upgrades where you upgrade your slots slowly over time instead of 3 weeks of no progress and boom new item.

But the upgrade numbers are totally out of whack. In the past systems, 10 arena wins would conquest cap you for the week. Now you feel like garbage for 100s of bgs at a time.


pretty much. I am in no way a serious PvP player. I do them to have a bit of fun. Thing is I am attacking players who obviously better gear than I have because of their HP levels.

I do not last that long against them. I have not had a single kill in over a week.

people are getting the gear they need, I think. Being a casual player I do not get the points needed as fast as full time players.

Ok enough whining.

See you in the BG’s

The only short term fix would be to trim the fat on the gear itself. So raise honor blue to 210 at max, start conq at 210 and shorten each tier.

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Uh, yeah they did. People have been whining about getting dumped in pvp by players with an “unfair gear advantage” since vanilla wow.

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First person in the thread besides me who’s spittin. I clearly remember wotlk AV, being lvl 71 and fighting level 80s with full deadly gear lmao. Wanna talk about a gear advantage oh boy.

Should of seen the complaints in S8 too, full pve geared players running glass cannon builds and Shadowmourne/ICC trinkets.
Cata legendary staff and daggers and pve trinkets doing full damage procs in arena.
Tier sets working in pvp for massive dumpster damage.

The list is literally endless, but apparently these people only ever played WoD pvp 7 years ago, the rest is a myth.

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I didn’t start PvP until MoP because I was like 8 years old when wrath came out, but I do know that MoP and WoD had the best pvp hands down. Plus what I remember of wrath it sucked as an expansion

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Unless you were a ret paladin or Frost/blood DK, this was true.

It sucked for the same reason PvP sucks today–zero standing power.

There are so many fail low tier upgrades that it defeats the purpose of an honor set to be honest. Yeah you can farm the full set(al 9 upgrades each of the 14 pieces of gear) 9x14??? For a below average set. I didn’t have to basically rebuy every piece 2-3x just to be average.

Even if you accept your proposed ideal for BGs, honor gear is worthless and meaningless to have. Honor gear is hot garbage, having honor gear the way it is is terrible design and Blizz should be embarrassed.

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So GW2s pvp content is still great.

Not sure if you stopped playing before the 2 retail expansions or not but each class has had 2 new subclasses, called elite specializations, added since the original retail release.

Like thief can become a deadeye or Daredevil.

The newest expansion has a pretty great world and added the three different mounts in the game.

Don’t get me wrong, I still like WOW, I just like GW2 more for pvp, which is where it shines.

I have not played the GW2 world pvp in a long time, that was really fun back in the day. I am sure many still play it.

I think wow has better PvE endgame content.

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Dumbest thing I’ve ever read. “You need to pve to pvp.”

It’s insane that you actually believe this and also defend it.


There’s no such thing as casual pvp.

Oh yeah unlocked and played plenty of the elite specs, unlocked all the mounts. Only quit about…well maybe two years ago. Came back for BFA about half way through.

Wvwvw was the most fun I had but the regular pvp games were great as well.

I thought I had heard a while back that were expanding the selection of bg maps but I guess ill have to scrounge around and see.

I dont understand why ilevel matched pvp is so anathema to all the wow players.
Scaling wasnt great but thats cause it worked differently than gw2.

That and you get preset stat selections which unfortunately wow never has added as part of the scaling.

I wonder if people will still blame Ion in a few weeks for TBC yolo bgs. When the casual players finally hit max level and queue into geared players that have been farming kara/ mag/ gruul since day 1. GL with stormherald or double mace rogue.

It will be interesting in a few months. We will get to relive 4/4 rogues and hunters. I wonder what MoP/ WoD players will say “about the game never being this way before.”

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