Casual PvP battlegrounds are completely, utterly broken

Can’t change the truth :man_shrugging:

My goodness what a hurt ego you have

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Am I wrong? I’m arguing with 1500 xp children lmao.

It’s pretty awkward to be educated by those “1500 xp” players


I just started playing again after 10 years. I heard that Blizzard tried doing flat Stat pvp gear or something close to that one or two xpacs ago.

I never tried it so, I don’t know.

What didn’t that stick?

Or, alternatively, why don’t they make one Flat Stat BG that has a pathway to gear that is PvP competitive?

Or just do what they use to do, which was allow players to farm real epic gear from casual pvp?

Hopefully they will come around. Based on this thread it seems like raiders are being preferenced in all end game content. Rather than allowing players to pick and choose what they prefer for end game content.

I highly suggest sampling Guild Wars 2 if you like skill based pvp. I play both games, wow selling point was never really the pvp. At least not for me.

Conquest was added in Cata, I believe. In Wrath, most of my alts had honor bought gear from Wintergrasp vendors, pvp vendors and of course VoA drops. Though in all honesty it feels like even in Cataclysm I had a full set of pvp gear from just random bgs, 0 rated.

Of course it was incredibly unfair then, too, because you could get Cata greens and have 3x the HP of people in Wrath raid gear so that was a dangerous bracket to level in.

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Nobody truly knows why. But after WoDs success it made no sense for them to remove the system that worked just fine back then. They tried stat templates in Legion for PvP. Rextroy repeatedly showcased why it was a complete meme. For me personally templates didn’t feel good because I didn’t really get any say in how I geared myself nor did I get to watch my character grow.

In BFA they essentially did the gearing for you. Where upon filling up your Conquest bar, you would get the specific piece designated each week. The issue with this was this system meant that your gear progression would be completely stepped over by Raiding and M+ since you could get Vers in both of those. And I’m not completely sure since I clocked out after S1, but I believe Azerite powers from PvE was better than the PvP ones.

They eventually relented in SL but the upgrading system means that if you’re not present early in the season, you’re in for a beating session because the ilvl difference is massive compared to previous expansions. They’re implementing the WoD scaling but keeping the upgrade system which doesn’t improve the casual experience for PvP.

If they haven’t come around in both Legion and BFA, I don’t have any faith. Sub runs out in aboot a week


Truly unfortch. Depending how much of a pain swapping back NF will be, I might snag glad again next season. :cowboy_hat_face:

I see. So when last I was doing end game pvp there were no upgrades.

Instead, how I remember it was there was epic pvp gear. And overtime there were seasons but the Stat differences were not insane.

Also you could get epic pvp gear from Arena or BGs, the difference was the newest pvp gear would first be accessible in arena and would phase into BGs as honor gear after the newest Arena gear was available.

This was back in the day when Resilience was a pvp Stat and you could not use Raid gear to pvp because it didn’t have Resilience. At least that’s how I remember it.

I liked that system.

If you wanted to advance in PvE you had to do heroics to get gear to raid.

If you wanted to PvP, you had to do BGs to farm honor for Resilience gear and needed a minimum amount of Resilience for arena.

If you wanted to do both, then you would get separate sets.

Confused why they messed it up. Although, I never really liked Resilience.

I remember there was this hard-core minority who called the pvp epic sets “welfare epics” because raiding was not required to get them.

I guess that vocal minority won out over 10 years?

That’s a shame. Guess I shouldn’t be looking forward to endgame pvp?

World PvP is totally absent as is.

I do like the World that Blizzard created, which is why I find that I always come back to play wow. But, the PvP content has always seemed like an after thought to me.

Other mmos just do it better. That and I find DOTA 2 provides a much better skill pvp fix.

I have never been disappointed by just trying what else is out there.


If the last time you played was wotlk they did a lot of things over the years to kill pvp.

They added warmode for example which essentially killed off all forms of wpvp forever. They removed PvP servers, etc. Terrible system that’s broken into phases and completely broken, dunno why they won’t scrap it.

PvP is pretty much a yikes rn unless you have really solid friends who are down to go hard and climb rating, otherwise meh.

Dota that heat, Witch Doctor main, will coconut.

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I agree in the fact that someone shouldn’t expect to dominate or be an MVP for their team without conquest gear in randoms, but as it is currently you can’t do well unless you have not only conq gear but conq gear that’s been upgraded and enchanted. Like… someone who’s still trying to gear shouldn’t be getting curb stomped in a casual setting just cause they haven’t grinded the rated content yet.
It’s not just casual PvP but even the rated brackets are backwards.
To preform how your class was designed for 1400 games, you need 1600 gear. Skill obviously helps in this situation but the skill required exceeds a 1400 Andy’s capability, overall not very fun for the average player.

It’s just this system, it’s horrible. Remove rating from gear to avoid rating inflation. And remove all these unnecessary upgrades to eat into that time played metric. Cause that’s all it’s doing, it’s not helping anybody. Ty for listening to my Ted talk

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I wish I had your IQ wtf…I grinded out honor gear to MAX then went straight for 2s until 1400 then got 3s to 1600 then upgraded everything with casual BGs went back to 3s for 1800, now I’m doing RBGs for titles and vicious saddles… I made it way harder than it had to be. My MMR was like 2k+ on my Rival win.


How is guild wars 2 currently?

The PVE is fine, the PVP is pretty dead.

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No, you could compete with blues against people with low tier epics.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

At early Renown levels, Honor gear max was 171 while Mythic Zeros gave 184, I believe. (This was silly considering the amount of grinding required for Honor gear.) So you had to PvE to PvP at first… and then possibly PvP in order to PvE due to the abysmal drop rates of raid gear and unavailability of 226 weapons in M+.

You did it the way that everyone should ideally have done it, and the way that you would have traditionally done it in past expansions with Honor/Conquest gear.

Honor should come before Conquest, and unranked should be less competitive than ranked, but that was not my experience in 9.0!

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Correct … the heroic PvE gear was better but only very marginally . The heroic gear you got from opening conquest boxes was good enough . People did not like it as the stat choices were pretty limited. In hindsight , should have left that system alone .

Ion does not believe in separate sets . He has stated that multiple times . So as long as he is the game director , that’s not coming back .

I’m thinking about playing gw2 again.

Loved the pvp and wvwvw.

Did they add more to the pvp? I quit a couple years ago.

And I heard they added larger bg’s that the… What was it 3v3?

Hilarious but sad state of mind you’re in.

Tip em back peeps!!! :beers:

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Both BFA and Legion were much more “casual-friendly” when it came to battlegrounds.

Legion had templates, so everyone in the BG was roughly on the same level power-wise. BFA had a path to Heroic iLvL (460) gear for casuals, and the hidden scaling.

Fast forward to Shadowlands and a 226 player can basically solo 2-3 casuals wearing 197 iLvL, it’s not even remotely fair :joy: