Casual PvP battlegrounds are completely, utterly broken

Yeah pvp gearing sucks I found most of the honor gear rather irrelevant and even more increased by the renown grind at the start of the xpac

Trying to gear up an alt seems like a giant hurdle I ain’t willing to try to cross


Sheeeeeesh, I’m sure one day.

Thought you were done.

Just super funny to me that you’re arguing with one of the best players in the world. Shrug shrug.

MoP and WoD had the best pvp ever. I will 100% agree with that


Don’t care

Thought you were done?

Man it’s rare when I get under someones skin to where they got to attempt to flex rating.

Can’t argue with that!


The trolls who “know you’re right” are your alts. 10 ilvls difference in wod was tiny compared with the giant giveaway top PvPers get now.

If you were actually one of the “top players in the world” you wouldn’t be either lying or suffering from memory loss.


I used PvE gear tier sets, aka even better than conq gear.

Really? How many people can you list off rn that are US 50-100 XP and multi glad and top 20 US for all DH M+? I’ll wait.

I play Guild Wars 2 for casual pvp, rated pvp, world pvp, skill based pvp, and real pvp.

It’s the only mmo I know of where all casual pvp has level stats.

I play wow for the world but the PvP rewards gear over skill.

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But they were nerfed in PvP, weren’t they?

Typical top PvEer who has never actually bought PvP gear off a vendor. Just like Ion. Is that you, Ion?


They weren’t nerfed.

I’m sorry, but the literal pvp gods of this game do not ever flex their rating. Take your ego elsewhere pls


Im right here tho?

The poor thing is just flustered. They can’t handle being wrong.


Some people are just so insecure that the must always be right even when they’re wrong and then repeatedly shout for all to hear how wonderful and exalted they are when no one cares.

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Na, I’m chilling. Just did a BG actually. 19-0, 5 minute win. I hope Blizz holds this gear format for the rest of the xpac. :sunglasses:

Truest statement. SL is what happens when people try and fix what isn’t broken.

Yea it’s ridiculous how powerful balance druids or ret paladins are on undergeared people. Did a low CR RBG, and the moment the enemy moonkin pops convoke, people start dying left and right.

Same thing with ret paladins when they pop wings and divine toll, people just start dropping like flies

It’s actually sad :frowning:


Flip it, but list every in this thread and it’s correct.