Casual PvP battlegrounds are completely, utterly broken

Welcome to how it use to be. PvP scaling sucked. It’s kinda what BGs were always about were stomping the freshies.

You’re not counting for resilience though. It was huge.

Exactly. No one expected to roflstomp anyone in blues or greens but they knew that if they kept playing random BG’s eventually they would have enough gear to at least hold their own. As it stands now, you have to outgear unrated PvP just to participate more than just waiting at the WSG GY where the enemy team has you on farm.

There’s no sensible reason that “running mythic dungeons and raids just to get to an entry point for casual pvp” should be acceptable. That defeats the idea of casual play or casual/unrated battlegrounds.


Nope. They fixed the problem in MoP/WoD and are only recreating the problem in SL.


You think you can get 1850 and 2k? Lol. It’s more hardcore than now, at least you can get the item level now.

Yeah, will have to see. There’s enough time until 9.1.5 though…

It’s super late in the patch and even the low level RBG gear is 200+ilvl at this point for a long term casual. The gearing and non-scaling is just not good for alts at this point or people who came in really late.

It certainly would and it did. I could get full honor gear in a long day in Ashran. Which I did on the 17 toons I got in full conquest gear in wod, including 3 that were conquest capped for season 3.

You have no clue.


You mean the lesser gear? We’re talking about the conquest gear.

With all the changes to gearing since WOD it definitely has not always been this way.


We’re not. We’re talking about how long it took to get honor gear, which you claimed couldn’t be gotten in a weekend in wod. You were lying. Everybody did it.

I clearly remember doing BGs for a few days to get a single piece of conquest gear via honor in WoD. They said to get equal gear as in max gear via honor. It was not one weekend or a single day lmao. I want video proof.

Yeah, me too, but I still keep up with what’s going on to see if retail/pvp might be fun again. Doesn’t look like it but a person can hope.

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That’s irrelevant. But with a full set of honor gear gotten in a couple of days, a player could start to work on his conquest gear, which was only 10 wod ilvls = 3.5 SL ilvls difference.

You want me to come up with video proof that you’re lying? We all know you are because we were there and did it. Anybody who spammed Ashran could get honor gear in a long day. It took a couple of months to get full conquest gear. I never did rated PvP.


That blue gear will make you decent in BGs, but not equal to top geared players like me. You just said it took months if you were casual about it.

Yea, the gearing deficit is stupid. You need to be a leet player that sits at the computer 24/7 for months to get any sort of progression. This wasn’t always the case in WoW. Last expansion even casual players could put in the time and grind out decent gear…you can’t do that anymore. Now you have to beg to get on an arena team. The ceiling for (probably most) casuals in PVP is going to be 200ilvl because the new mechanics kick in after that and you’d better be ready to slit your wrists for this game to go any further.

Where’s the fun? There is none, it’s a treadmill for elite players. Anyone that is looking for the fun this game had in the best will be disappointed. Prepare to be 1-shot killed over and over and over and over and over and over…and remember Ion’s response, “Get good” as if 1-shot killing someone takes any skill whatsoever. It doesn’t, in SL GEAR > SKILL. PERIOD.


3.5 ilvls difference was almost as good as the best gear.

If you don’t understand how conquest gear was acquired in wod, stop pretending you did.

Reaching conquest cap meant you switched alts. Reached conquest cap again and switched alts again. Most players were in honor gear because it wasn’t rated PvP. But honor gear was almost as good as conquest gear.


My guy, I was US 100 for all of WoD xD. I played the xpac. I get it was easy to get the blue set, but it wasn’t that strong. In fact I remember using PvE gear over PvP gear on my warlock. Tier sets worked in PvP and I could shoot 4-5 chaosbolts in one cast in PvP and 1 shot people.

This changes nothing about my original post, I’m never wrong.

I’m done here, the trolls know I’m right and are just troll reporting my correct posts because they’re mad even though they just trolled me even harder lmao. There’s a reason they stopped replying. Stay mad, stay jelly, queue up.

I’d leave too if I made myself out to be as big of a clown as you rn