Casual PvP battlegrounds are completely, utterly broken

I totally agree that removal of the PvP vendor was a terrible move. Aside from that though, I thought Legion PvP was enjoyable. Legion PvP w/vendor is basically my ideal.

It would be a trillion times better than the current situation. Everyone will have their golden period in memory and for me it was WOD, for others it was MOP. Any of those would be a vast improvement.

There’s no such thing as casual battleground, there’s rated and unrated.
also referred to as RBGs and BGs.

out of context, but go off sis.

Wod was funny for my rogue. I think I pick pocketed enough honour to buy a full set in one sitting of ashran

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The flexing continues​:rofl::rofl:.

The context is literally discussed at length with full quotes of the interview just above you.

It’s actually a pretty accurate summation of the Devs’ attitudes. Venruki just interviewed Holinka and he apparently thinks players start out in their ilvl 200 honor gear and at worst run into players 6 ilvls above them from the next bracket up. He’s going to “fix it” by doubling the number of upgrades at 3 ilvl increments with the same overall ilvl gap.

They have brought up “wod-style gearing” several times since SL was first announced. I never believed they were actually going to implement a system like that. It goes against all the development trends we have seen.

the point of this thread is not of any relevance, this is a discussion board not a thesis presentation.

This is so wrong.

First of all there was conquest gear drops from the raid after WG. Second PVP honor gear was very, very good in WotLK. Third, PVE gear was easier to acquire as well to gain enough stamina. And fourth you could gem more stamina for survivability. You can’t gem more survivability with current gear.

Nice try.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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There are probably better ways to tell me you’re not interested in this thread

The honor armor gear was 19 item levels below the conquest gear. Now that gap is considered “very, very good?”

If that was not a big deal back then it shouldn’t be a big deal now right?

Relentless gladiator armor gear was 251 and accessories 245, which was the honor gear when Wrathful gladiator gear was conquest gear at 264 for accessories and 270 for armor.

Elite weapons 277.

You can enchant your gear with versatility for defensive stats. Nobody gemmed stam.

Mythic+ didn’t exist back then for easy access to 277 gear. ICC25H for that level of PvE gear was not very accessible.

And there was no rolling conquest cap catchup. Every alt was always behind. Every week missed was conquest points forever gone.

thread’s fine. what you think is the only way to answer is what i have no interest in.

The squishes had an effect. I remember beating a full Wrathful lock on maybe my 2nd BG on my DK (I know, lol) in Wrath.

Good players can beat bad players, yes.

That still happens, a lot.

You could PVP with blue gear in WotLK and low tier epics like PVP gear in S2 afterwards was very, very good. Actually Reckful was known to gem with stamina for additional survivability.

Enchant slots for versa are currently limited to just rings. You don’t know this?

Back then there was PVE badge gear and WotLK had WG battles with a vendor so you never had to step into a BG with very low ilevel as you could gain honor from WG battles and have a FULL honor PVP gear set with enough resilience to actually function within a few days.

Currently you can not farm a full PVP gear honor set in a few days and it is in no way able to be upgraded to 197 in a few days either.

Yup. Only a fully geared wrathful Disc that knew what they were doing was nearly unbeatable. But even then if you did it right it was close too.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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I’m not a good player but I’ll accept OP spec as a probable answer. Right now, around that level, you’re looking at maybe 1 ilvl difference on equipment per level gained so 10 ilvl is pretty major. Someone did the math on the power difference in the BG forum, the gear gap is quite a bit wider now.

Unrated PvP was “casual PvP” and rated was rated, before the devs decided to muddy the water and make “casual” a slur.

The dev’s didn’t do that, the players did. Casual has always referred to time played, before players started hiding behind it.

If you log in every day, and run random BG’s for hours on end, you’re not casual.
You’re just not competitive.

These semantics are moot when in either case you’re at a 25+ ilvl deficit in PvP and there’s really no point in hopping into a BG whether you do it all day every day or just once a month.

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Definitely shouldn’t be punished for that though. If someone’s a Glad they don’t need a gear advantage on top of that against new upcoming players into PvP. Its actually a big turnoff for a lot of people.