Casual PvP battlegrounds are completely, utterly broken

It never had that one specific meaning. Although, since you use the word as a slur, it’s clear your opinion on your fellow players who used to subscribe to spam randoms for entertainment value.

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Read chat

They don’t care

Rip pvp is what I play games for. GW2 is so pretty and heard good things of their combat sucks it’s dead

Urie got confirmed for buying a carry for his glads and name changed himself to December lmao.


fatweeb its ok a diet will help

I’m 6’5 350 lbs. I refuse to diet I must maintain this weight to keep my heavy weight championship.


but you are not a champ

9.1 is gonna break records on the power disparity

70ilvls = two content tiers or 8 difficulty tiers

plus getting all the conduits of high enough strength

plus getting the correct and most strong soulbinds

plus getting domination shards in 5 slots that are equivalent to tier set bonuses of old (even at 50% will still be a huge power boost)

plus full power legendaries

plus waiting for enough gear drops so you can finally come somewhere close to the peak players 30% (higher in 9.1) versatility that gains 40% from the trinket bonus which snowballs into a bigger advantage the more you get

peeps that try to describe pvp gearing as only from gear are out of their minds

the power deltas are massive because they are further exacerbated by all of the borrowed power bloated systems that basically tore away stuff we would usually get by default on gear or talents to make them extra grinds

I guess you could argue the final tier of BfA was equally as bad but I’m sure slands has some more bloated power systems coming for the final tier


trinkets, rings, and weapons are the only things worth upgrading tbh
and you hopefully will replace the weapon soon

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Ion told us they were moving away from systems upon systems and borrowed power.

9.1 has more of both than any expansion before it.

When Ion tells you 9.2 will fix it, will you seriously believe a word he says this time?


Well I do not think it is all that broken. I played Alliance as a level 60 and got my *** handed to me a lot by mobs of Horde players. 1 on 1, I am ok for the most part but then I get mobbed. Like where are my team mates?

So then I change my Faction to Horde and guess what…Now it is Alliance mobs ganging up on me. Where are my team mates?

So I gave up on PvP. All my PvP gear is fully upgraded and I even have it equipped in some slots, to this day. I have a couple Conquest pieces but grinding those points out is really tough.

Patch is likely to blow all my points to 0 when the season ends.

Why would you guys feed the Blizzard’s pvp machine.

You know what’s funny is I had an easier time gearing my alt rogue recently doing RATED pvp, because my low MMR almost guaranteed me opponents of the same gear/or they sucked. Where as random “casual” pvp is full of fully decked out duelist or rival people just doing them cause they’re bored or have to get honor to upgrade their pieces. In this season rated was substantially easier than random pvp…haha :smiley:


Oh, yes, I found that low MMR rated BGs were the absolute easiest way to earn Conquest and Honor because many of the teams were very unskilled and undergeared. My team was laughing in voice comms at how poorly the other teams were playing (such as a Boomkin that was literally just DoTting and standing there), and often the other teams would only have 8 or 9 members when presumably some players did not even accept the queue.

Yes, I found that in unrated random BGs, the opponent team (especially if Horde) is geared and there to earn Honor or just kill for the fun of it.

Ion is a complete fung dbas

My alt Ret


My alt Ret


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I haven’t bgd since I don’t know when. But when I did I didn’t mind being the free kill until i could earn my gear to get geared.

But that’s it, there is no way to gear effectively inside random bgs. There’s no incentive to keep dusting yourself off and keep going.

Once upon a time a casual could earn tokens to get gear close to high end arena stuff. It was an extremely painful way to do it, but holy crap when you accomplished it, it felt so good. It took ages to farm, but the reward was worth it. Then you had to enchant and gem it correctly for pvp.

It was a great way to engage everyone into pvp. I mean the arena gods were still out there destroying everyone, the carried people found themselves struggling. It was a great system in so many ways, and wasn’t broken. But they fixed it anyway.