Casual Players have no chance with this expansion

What a bunch of crap, nothing you just typed is accurate.


While I agree that the game is very unfriendly to casuals, I disagree that Classic is. Classic is very casual friendly up until the end game, and getting to the end game takes a casual casual player months.

In contrast, casuals in SL take days to level to 60, and then they have nothing compelling to do.

Even the Classic end game is far more casual friendly. Most of the MC mechanics are on the order of “stack here while the three warlocks CC their respective assignments.” The raids prior to Naxx don’t have the insane mechanics that are standard nowadays. In modern raids, I have to wonder if I’ve accidentally logged out and fired up a platformer. I don’t think they learned from Classic at all. If they actually had, casuals would be ecstatic and raiders would be pitching a fit about “dumbing down” the game and tossing out welfare gear.


I thought about levelling a druid or rogue to help farm mats in the maw but when I remember anima, soul ash, renown, etc., I discarded that idea.

I’d say shadowlands is less friendly towards alts than BfA. Legion to me, was the best for alts. Had lots of alts then; all geared.

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This is incorrect. I only get to play a couple hours on weekends.

I’m 200ilvl, nearly 1800 rated. So yeah I disagree. If they are just doing world quests, yeah they’ll fall behind.

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I’m casual, do low M+ keys and I never raid. So I slowly better myself over a pace I want.
I am in no rush to be a Prot Pally god.
When I have done M0 for all the dungeons, I will do keys up to +5.
I will slowly upgrade my Legendary (or two) and do Torghast once or twice a week.
Most SL WQs are a little boring for me so I only do quick ones or those that do more than kill X mobs.

And as others have said, WoW is not designed for people with very limited time.

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Good news is you won’t ever run out of content. I figure you being old school, you would know the journey is better than the destination.


This game used to be a game that could be done in small increments… Ion and the current designers have ruined this game for casual players. If they want to keep my money coming the are going to need to change course.


Players who put in more time deserve more and better rewards. Full stop.

a lot of people are complaining of the same thing so it has nothing to do with your age :slight_smile:

That’s a personal problem, not Blizz’s

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Most of them do not know the finances of the company and think the servers will run without causals :rofl:.

As far as I am concerned 1 hour is plenty of time to do stuff. Callings take less than 20 minutes. Lfds/BGs as Dps is about 30 -40 minutes . Heck one shot runs for Normal might take an hour to reach the 4 th -5th boss. Pretty much all casual content can be done by casuals …duh

Weekends I am sure a casual can put in more than an hour and its not strictly one hour a day


Not even remotely true

Rushed game development, shareholders demand for increased profit, the return of raid or die because that is easier/cheaper/faster than building and testing engaging content/story.


I play to enjoy myself. Not be irritated. If bliz wants to irritate me, I just dont do whatever it is. Its either that or I end up quitting like I did before over it.

You’re not wrong. I spent the last week of my vacation discovering what I wanted to main and after trial and error think I found it but even with this vacation I can never see myself having more than 2 toons to play with and even that is asking a lot.

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Good for you. Sounds like a bountiful life.

Why and how?

Is what’s going here that casual players play for shinies, while hardcore nolifers play for sport and fun?

Are casuals the real actual nolifers in disguise???

So confused

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Someone who only plays for one hour a day, is by no means going to be doing any high-end content, at that point it’s most likely they will only do some dailies and socialize with their friends/guildies.

I don’t know anyone who only can game for one hour a day, and would choose a game like WoW to use that time on.

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We need to move past the one hour a day thing. Realistically that means somewhere in the region of 5 to 10 hours a week. Maybe even 15 hours a week if you find a window. It just means “not 30-40 hours a week”. My bestie has two kids, was super hc in vanilla and tbc, but now he plays when he can. Dont get caught up on literalism. :slight_smile:


False statement. I was casual last expac and maybe played 1-2 hours a day and managed to climb to a 473 ilvl.

BFA had many, many other ways to gear up. ALTERNATE WAYS (I loved, loved, loved doing 5 mask clears because it was a challenge working up to it and I could do it on my own schedule).

They just kinda cut us off at the knees and now people are bailing. I don’t blame them.

I’m not about instant gratification but I’m also not about taking weeks and weeks just to feel like you’re progressing or to get ONE piece of armor.

That’s not a fun model.

I know MMO’s are time sinks but the things blizzard is doing right now is making it blatantly obvious that they are just milking players time for all its worth…