Casual Players have no chance with this expansion

Right? I mean… I can get my “chores” done in a half hour to an hour. Casuals just screw around with lower stuffs. What exactly do we have to have a chance with? lol

I get what I need/want from the content I do. I’m cool with that. I don’t understand what more people want.

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What are your aspirations if you have that little time for the game?

I never quite understood all that. If you can barely log on for a full raid schedule worth of hours a week, what do you think you “have no chance” doing?

No matter what the expansion offered, would you be able to get anything done in that little time?


TBF, you can’t get much done in just one hour.

Can’t all spend 18+ hrs a day on a game like you can. Thats life, and no I don’t want to hear the B.S youd spill about working 80hrs a week, talking care of the Elderly for 72 hours and still find it easy to spam your 75 keys for the week …


what are you even talking about lol

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Casual stuffs, sure. Progression stuffs, nope.

My butt is as casual as they come nowadays. I used to be a progression raider, but now, I’m a filthy casual who hasn’t even stepped foot into a heroic dungeon yet, because I just don’t care enough.

I ran the wing of LFR once. I kill the weekly world bosses. I get my Renown done. I run Torghast only when a quest takes me there. I only end up in the Maw once a week when I need to get souls.

That’s all I need. :woman_shrugging:

Actually, you can. Torghast takes an hour. Callings take about a half hour or so. 1000 anima quest takes an hour. The Maw quests every once in a while take about a half hour.


I’m pretty casual and I’m having a great time. I’ve already got 4 characters at 60 with a 5th halfway there, and even on my main I don’t feel like I’m falling behind because I’m still always at the top of damage in the content that I run

I think it might be user error, bub


Good, its important to know what you want in the game for sure. I think the thread was created out of a lack of knowing what the person wants, honestly.

Because you certainly can have plenty of fun playing that little.
But its just not a game where you can achieve much if you can’t commit long sessions.

Even if it was just two 3+ hour sessions a week, that would at least allow you to get stuff done.

I was gunna give a normal reply then saw it was you crying about warriors still while calling people names for not sharing your opinion.


Yup. People need to understand that the game is there for any level of play-- but if they want to do more difficult stuff or progression stuff, it takes more than just a little bit of time.

No one who only does World Quests should expect to just walk into a M+ or Heroic raid or high layers of Torghast.

I’m not dumb. I know my casual butt can’t do anything more than layer 3. And that’s fine. I avoided Torghast like the plague, yet still ended up with a legendary just because I couldn’t further the storyline without doing those quests. And honestly? The lower layers are a blast, because I can own things in the face with fun powers.

I have zero expectations of anything and if I can get to LFR ilevel without running much of anything… I fail to see what the OP’s issue is.


Glad to hear others say this. Low level torghast is actually really fun especially on alts, and gives a fair share of the weekly soul ash.


I mean… I have dual ilvl 184 daggers on my rogue from random pvp battlegrounds. That puts me better than anything outside raiding or mythic dungeons. I got those easily within 24 hours of /played at 60. I’m well past that now, but even if you really are in the extreme casual realm of 5-10 hours/ week, you could have decent weapons.

Also… Leveling alts is easier now than it has ever been. While I agree that if you’re only playing 7 hours a week that doesn’t leave much time for alts, it’s still easily better now than it was in bfa or the other expansions.

Probably why loot in SL is still WAY more plentiful than classic.

SL still has a lot of gearing options and paths, more than Vanilla-WoD, just a bit less than BFA or Legion.

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Meh usually everyone goes pretty hard in the beginning of the xpansion. After the numbers start to drop off and Blizzard implements new patches with catch up gear, more gear dropping higher ilevel, etc it won’t be as bad imo. Guilds will be a bit more desperate to take on anyone, pugs will be a bit less selective, and mythic + probably won’t be as bad after more dungeon nerfs.

At an hour a day you’ll spend most of your time just picking up the quests that are intentionally spaced out to waste your time and flying everywhere, then queuing.

This isn’t like a normal game where you can start playing and just have fun, it’s designed to make you do a bunch of boring stuff every day to ensure you play a long time before you can enjoy any of it.

Try another MMO, basically all the other modern ones do a considerably better job of just letting you start playing- but Blizz doesn’t respect your time.


This game is an MMO. The more time you spent with your toon, the more powerful it gets. If you expect a player who plays just an hour a day to have equal gear level with players who play 24/7, it would never happen.

But modern WoW like Legion, BFA and Shadowlands, I find them “Casual-Friendly”. It allows limited playing time players to reach Heroic Raiding and M+15. Casual means limited playing time… not Noob.

I was a hardcore WoW addict back in the days doing 40-man Naxx and 25-man ICC. Then I became Casual. I missed raiding after WoTLK due to time constraints. But was able to raid back again when Blizz introduced Dungeon Finder in Legion. I reached AoTC and M+15 on Legion and BFA all on Dungeon Finder. And I tend to do it again on Shadowlands. I may be a bit slow on progression like I havent done Normal Raiding yet. But I am getting there… just reached ilevel 190… trying to build my RIO score. I just have limited playing time… not a noob.


Sounds like shotgun PvP is the route you should take if you’re only going to play an hour.

The never-defined definition of casual is the problem here.

My definition is: If the game’s curating the modes you’re playing, it’s a casual mode. If players are… it’s not casual.

LFD: Casual.

M+: Not casual

Rated PVP: Not casual

Covenant Campaigns, everything powered by renown and anima: Mega casual. The core of my experience, and I’m busy and having fun.

Now, I’m a “hardcore casual” with lots of time and without the desire to apply “mad skillz” (do the kids still say that?) because I don’t have to. I’m caught up on all 4 stories, dumping anima into my gear to bump up its ilvl but really only caring about ilvl on the guy that needs to face the stone legion (in LFR of course) to get the legendary memory I want.

But if I was just focusing on one character… I’m literally caught up within an hour each day, and for the weekly stuff I have all week.

Know your limit, play within it. Do not compare yourself to the other guy (in PVE anyway) and WoW is indeed a game for casual players.

The moment you care if you’re declined from non-casual content (M+, raiding above LFR), you’re aiming outside the “casual lane,” as defined by the only metric that matters: The game should be the only metric you have to please to play casual.

I am in bliss this expansion, and all I am is a casual with more time to spend on 4 characters… particularly on vacation at the moment. Once I’m back to work with my “4 hours to myself a day” on a weekday, I will be able to stay up to date on everyone because of the foundation I’m laying now… but if I was a one character player, I would be just as fulfilled on that one character with an hour or two a day.


You’ve got the right idea! I like the cut of your jib!

we’re a month in and people expect to have alts lvl’d by playing an hour a day???