Casual Players have no chance with this expansion

I think you are to getting old, old sport.
I’m casual and I love it.

Just hit 1800 rating and you don’t need to worry about Mythic raiding.

I did 50s runs of BRd and still had to buy my Hand of Justice trinket. It has been4 months I haven’t got my BWL trinket. Even if it dropped I wont get it because of DKP
I still feel fine as a gear dependent warrior. Can still pump high dps sometimes.

If you are not hard core I dont think you need much gear to play the game.

Having lower stats is fine if you had skills to show.

Adjust the expectation and we be happy

Definitely can’t do anything organized with 1hr a day. That’s not even long enough to find a group depending on what spec you play.

Just an FYI since Tuesday’s reset I received 7 epics level 184 or so to 200. 1 from the vault, 1 from mythic 0 SOA, 3 from world quests, and 2 from rare mobs. That’s 7 epics from 3(?) different avenues AND IT’S JUST THURSDAY. Just how many epics would you like to receive in a given week to be satisfied as a casual player? :slight_smile:

(I played about 2 hours per day,)

During that time I also earned my 1000 anima Tuesday, maybe 500 Wednesday, and maybe 500 by the end of today. Anima drops aren’t THAT bad.


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Ultimately OP you just gotta decide what you want.

I quit. No game that’s as shallow as this that literally is about a 3rd of what a single player game or co-op game is, is worth this effort. Some people enjoy it, me? Well I used to like MMOs back when I didn’t mind having online friends only and not knowing them in real life.

Priorities change and mine did too. I just don’t put value on this game as I thought I was going to when the game launched. Now I’m back in Rimworld, Amalur, 7DTD, and probably eventually Minecraft again. Creative survival games, and a single player RPG is where it’s at.

I know the feeling if you’ve played for long. I did when I left EQ, but ultimately if you don’t have a core group of players you’re playing with then ultimately you don’t fit into the vision Ion is taking the game over the course of the past 4 years. That’s okay too one less sub isn’t going to kill them.

I play for 3hr a day but because I work 4pm-2am I can’t organize anything. This expansion requires 3x more grinding than bfa and is kicking out players like me and my buddy

Given the amount of people quitting because the expansion sucks with its loot drought, it doesn’t say I am wrong there bud. The opposite. When blizz loses more and more subs, they will eventually fix the issue again

Lol, 1 hr is 2 M+s. That’s 14 runs.

Cut that down and just do 10 runs and you are guaranteed 3 Great Vault slots. Then you can take the other 2 hours of weekly playtime and do your Callings or run Torghast.

Best of all, the mobile app is back, so you can run your followers in the other 23 hrs of your day.

If anything, due to all the timegating, this expac is actually MORE friendly to casuals. You just have to realize that you’ll be slowly upgrading gear 1 piece each week at a time instead of getting massive funnels right off the bat.

An hour a day isn’t enough to maintain pace with other players and it never has been. But in an hour you can do one of the following: a few WQs, a few quests, twoish dungeons, twoish BGs, a raid finder wing plus some other stuff. If you did that 7 days a week you would be able to keep up but still be a bit behind. That doesn’t seem bad given the restrictions you put on your game time.

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Isn’t the expac gonna be here for like 2 years? I think that’s plenty time to level up

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I don’t understand some people’s mad rush to end game material.

I don’t feel it was like this in BC or WOTLK and I raided in both of those.

On my server I had people level to 60 in SL in 12 hours or whatever.

Whatever happened to getting there is half the fun?

And who power gears their MAIN AND THEIR ALTS (ie. other mains) within the first month or two of a release?

Damn overachievers, that is who!

old man grumbling

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Yeah I mean even playing 1 hour a day, there’s going to be a lot of catch up mechanics and downtime over the 2 years to catch up. But ofc you’re never going to be fully caught up to the people that put in 6 hours a day. That’s just common sense, isn’t it?

There is a lot of things I can do with an hour in wow but Torghast is without a doubt not one of them.

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This is very true.

When I want to play in Torghas I put the kids to bed first, have some obligatory chit chat with the wife, and then have some alone time with my void walker.


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of which I need a bigger voidwalker.

(I’ve been away since WOTLK) Is that Voidlord inscpription still a thing?

I’ve always wanted to get it but it bothered me that it removed my old voidwalker’s name (and in essence got rid of my voidwalker for a voidlord) so I never actually did it.

Go on, that’s the 11th time you’re avoiding having the courage to either admit that no, time spent in game should not entitle you to raid gear or having the fortitude to specify how many hours of in-game time should entitle you to 1 piece fo gear.

Definitely sums it up pretty well. Really hoping they change course in 9.1, but I’m not going to get my hopes up.

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Pick the wrong class and you have no chance with the expansion. Mostly its a bad spec and you could play a different spec same class. Icy Veins has posted that a Warlock is 3 of the bottom 6 worst to take in a m+, including the worst of all.

So casuals makes sure you pick a class or spec that isn’t severely handicapped or unplayable as well.

yeah I’m lucky enough to have my wife play with me and shes not liking this xpack so far and Im getting a bit nervous about her quitting. She wont log on now unless I party up with her. We played for about 4-5 hours tonight and when we logged off she told me tonight that its just not fun any more. She said its just flat out to confusing and hard period.

hope this isnt the end

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