If they came to this conclusion, they did so out of context. They got away with it back then because the raid gear was nice to have, but not required. Name a single DPS check in a Classic dungeon. You can’t because there aren’t any. The current Mythic dungeons are filled with them. The designers shouldn’t just pick and choose aspects of the experience without considering the whole picture. When gear returns from being a requirement that blocks your progression to a reward that speeds your farming, then they can safely make it scarce. Until that happens, there will be rage when it’s withheld.
Options, but ultimately 1 piece of gear, isn’t good. It is still one piece.
and renown really gives you no power though. its mostly cosmetics, with the option to upgrade specific gear.
Nope never said that. Not once, wouldn’t go assuming that because i said gearing is worse here, that azerite was better. Don’t look for between the lines meaning when you can’t even read the lines.
If you read posts, instead of assuming you would realize I said:
So by all means, show me where there I said they should get the same gear as mythic raiders or high keystones. Show me the words. Go ahead, they aren’t there so guess you just can’t be bothered to read and want to respond based on what you think someone is saying instead of what they are saying.
I almost had a stroke trying to figure your sentences out
Thats wrong before sl bfa was good for player if they had only a hour to play. Blizzard forcefully pushing those players away is wrong and bad business design. this game is made more for casuals now but they ruined it with sl. I think when the honeymoon phase goes away completly it will be wod 2.0 and other players will notice it.
When I see posts like this I assume this means “This game is not designed for casuals to level gear quickly” Which is not what “casual” means. Casual means taking your time. With the catch up mechanisms you don’t have to rush.
Are you high?..deranged?..simple? There’s nothing engaging about a game that you play for 4 hours a week.
Should have led with this. This is not engaging.
No it doesn’t. You need it to mean that otherwise there’s no reason for a lot of the current things going on.
If yoy think bfa was good for players who only had 1 hr to play, you either didn’t play bfa or we have very very very different ideas as to what “keeping up” is.
take that hour a day, set a realistic goal to attain, do it and have a sense of being productive. maximize your time in game, dont think of the grind, just do your thing. slow and steady will get you to where you want to be.
well an hour a day this is the wrong genre, but this expansion is catered towards casuals, the time gates, the eye of the jailer artificial gate, the lack of loot so you don’t gear up too fast, the longer than usual time between LFR wings, the gutting of TW dungeons, the “not FF!4 alt job” leveling that’s more for people who want to level slowly doing random things, the time gating on covenants for people who don’t have time or energy to do it all at once.
The time and artificial gates make it so hard core players HAVE TO play at a casual pace.
Most of the time gated stuff has no real relevance to hard core players though.
They’ve already no-lifed most of the stuff they need for raiding.
Let’s see.
High ilvl gear to trivialize anything they might do? Check.
Soul ash maxed? Check.
legendaries crafted/upgraded? Check
What are they playing outside of raids and high-keys…or PvP maybe?
Uh it’s viable (I am taking it pretty chill this expac until I see some things change).
- Level to 60; this will take about 8-10 hours at a moderate pace.
- Run dungeons until you get gear up to run heroics (each dungeon is about 30~ mins or less depending on party)
- If not running dungeons for the day focus on WQ’s they drop gear and at least 5 can be done in an hour
- Run Torghast for ash; should take about 30~ mins for highest difficulty tier for your ilvl
- Run your LFR; if you are at this stage you can start ignoring WQ’s it’s not worth burning your time on.
- If running LFR’s you have an ilvl suiteable for M+'s and can start running these; likely 1-2 a day depending.
That should give you the entire week worth of play and obviously as you complete some of these goals you don’t need to burn that day investing time into it.
I have 2 hour windows (or what I allow myself to play because I am working on a project) but you “can” do things it’s just a much slower progression path.
The hardest challenge will be getting the ilvl to run heroic dungeons, that took some time but it’ll get easier as time goes on.
Majority of the game is weekly/daily locked; and for Anima farming just use the WoW app, that’s like 180/day and should get you the 1000 you need passively. You don’t “need” to go into the Maw everyday it just speeds up progression, and you don’t “need” to run Torghast everday if you play it smart and just run the highest layer you can.
I’m curious.
I can’t find any reason to log in for more than an hour outside of scheduled events, like raiding or Torghast.
I do my weekly choreghast and maw souls, work on my legendaries, then that’s really it. Sometimes I’ll pop on for 30m and fish or herb, run a dungeon if it’s the calling for it, or pop into LFR if I really want to (and it’s super easy now).
I could probably not raid and just do LFR and it’d free up even more of my time.
I don’t think this expansion is casually unfriendly. I just think it’s unrewarding in general.
Did you stop to think about the context in which I was replying? Clearly with the reference to Naxx, we were talking about Vanilla/Classic. I don’t know how you interpreted that as me claiming that SL was engaging gameplay. My intent was to draw a contrast between the Classic philosophy of providing quality content first with raid content thrown in.
The current design flips the paradigm on its head and presents everything to the player with raiding as the one and only avenue for engaging gameplay. I agree with you that the result isn’t very engaging.
I miss Cata when getting an alt raid ready just meant getting them to level cap and running a few heroics to get their gear up to snuff.
Now, getting an alt raid ready resembles a full-time job: gotta grind Torghast, do your callings for the frequent conduit drops, world quests for conduits or gear, LFR, world bosses, grind renown or be left behind on soulbinds…
I’m working on keeping 2 characters semi-raid ready and even that’s a herculean effort that takes 4-6 hours per day. Covenant quests are necessary for renown which is necessary for soulbinds but good GOD some of these stretch the time out like crazy.
For a causal player with 1-2 hours a day to play? Good luck keeping even ONE character raid ready…
The last DMF came and went without me even noticing because all the time I have to play goes directly into character progress, which comes at a snail’s pace.
All this stuff is not for the benefit of casuals. Casuals play in bursts. They often can’t do a steady hour per day. Instead they might get a solid 8-hour block on the weekend. All this time gating BS prevents them from making significant progress in a given week.
Back when they first added gating to the game, Blizzard explicitly called out raiders who complained that they were being forced to grind endlessly to remain competitive. That’s why the rest of us can’t have nice things. If renown were fully unlocked, every high end raider would have maxed it on week one. If Torghast was infinitely repeatable, every high end raider would be farming soul ash until they had a max rank legendary for every single slot, and they would be raging about being “forced” to do so. All this gating BS is 100% out of consideration for high end raiders at the expense of casuals.
I agree i got all excited that this was the alt friendly xpac but finding despite taking longer to level alts in BFA (not so much now) I found it more enjoyable running different zones. The fate thing is good cause you can just jump an alt and play bit by bit but not as fun. So after a moth my plan is just to do what i should have done and pick one char for each covenant and just do all the story for the covenant and then now and then jump on an alt and juts level doing WQ.
Sorry friend, but you have already beaten the game with a gnome in a top hat named Tatertots.
you can’t progress at 1 hour a day in almost any game.
but level up, do your covenant and you gat a full epic set of gear by the 8th week.
Yeah it’s crazy how many times I see people thinking this is tailored for ‘casuals’ when 90% of the once casual content has just been made severely unrewarding and gearing itself requires more luck and more time investment then really any true ‘casual’ puts in.
This was IMO truly intended as a ‘safe’ expansion to not make anything really ‘mandatory’ but also sucked the life outta doing most of the content to begin with.
Each path leading to raiding or spam M+. for nominal rewards.
The disparity is huge and this is a ‘raid or die’ expansion that ticks off the boxes for raid loggers who don’t need to do as much now to do the content they want.