Same here. This game is supposed to be about experiencing the world of Warcraft. Why are we stuck in the afterlife? Remember when we used to fix bridges and find missing necklaces for little kids? Remember when we use to have to go through Shaw because the higher ups had better things to do with their time than come up with work for us? I remember a super long quest line for Jaina that finally culminated in a very brief meeting where she basically gave us a nice ring and said, “Kthanx, bye!” What happened to that game? Now I get 15 minutes of cut scenes where I have to listen to her drone on about her anguish over the current state of affairs.
How do you figure that? Once you level cap, you’re pretty much done except for raiding and dungeons. There’s no time gating either. In one weekend you’re at pre-raid BiS, and then from then on you’re raiding and that’s it. The Classic forums are filled with angst over how there’s pretty much no Classic endgame.
You should stop playing wow and playing something more your style… Call of Duty is usually good for people
with about an hour to game .
You’re correct
I am currently a no lifer but I have a lot less work due to Covid
This won’t last, as Covid will not last and i can obtain more work
And it certainly isn’t healthy
Lol thats like one dungeon or depending on the day one dungeon que…
Shadowlands is a time sink ill give it that. But it caters to everyone. You can’t be competitive with out sinking tons of time. But you can definitely raid and play through all the content as a casual
Ya, its a terrible expansion for anyone who isn’t in an organized raid or mythic + group.
All the design features improve the way teh most elite players get loot, and has created a giant gap between the haves and have nots … at the same time that content was made more difficult or annoying to do.
I mean you can’t even get into LFR until you are decked out in full heroic dungeon gear and there’s back up root to gearing other than PvP or a little bit if you have the time to push the slow moving covenant arcs (and you better hope what few drops you got don;t overlap with the covenant slots then).
SL is the raiders expo - we’ll see how it does, but its the worst expo ever for me so far at least.
I hard disagree. PvP is actually pretty solid. If Blizz can fix the 1 shot specs this could easily be one of the best xpacs for PvP.
… says the hunter.
My 1 shot got hotfixed
As most of these replies are saying… this game is not for you! WoW is not designed for the casual player. It’s designed to be a farm fest that yields minimal rewards based on actual time spent. Only people that want to slog away at the same task over and over only to get a small reward should be playing this game.
Also, 1 hour a day is not enough time to figure out what all the bloody currencies are for. That will take you a month. Yes it’s ridiculous. Because 10 currencies is always fun to manage in a game.
Bottom line WoW game design has plummeted. I’m glad most of you find it fun. For those of us that enjoyed previous expansions this one pales in comparison I’m afraid.
I dont see why anyone would play this game just for an hour. Cant do much in an hour for this game but I agree with your point,
I play this game about 25-30 hours a week and I agree the RNG and farming in this expansion blows much harder than BFA or Legion. I would totally rather farm Azerite power than do this stuff.
Only thing in this game I find fun is the Raid the raid is amazingly done. I also enjoy Torgast lol
Funny, I remember fighting dragons and elemental lords and liches and old god bug monsters. The ‘age of innocence’ narrative is nonsense.
Also, once all the bridges are fixed and lost necklaces are returned, what is left for us? Do we retire and work on a farm? You can always park your character at halfhill and spend the rest of your days pulling weeds if you don’t like going to wherever adventue calls us.
And to the OP, name one expansion where you can play a single hour a day and be on par with people who play multiple hours a day.
No, no.
Absolutely not.
I will happily explain why in multiple paragraphs.
This game is for everyone. But the game is also about reinforcing the primacy of group content one last time before they decide to just design a theme park for players who love rollercoasters but hate log flumes, and players who love log flumes but hate bumper cars.
This is literally the last roll of the dice for the theme park before it becomes what it was always destined to be. A heirarchy-less trash heap where everyone gets to push the correct sequence and get the rewards.
No, absolutely not.
Well, it all comes down to what you view as good gear relative to what you’re doing. I did spam heroics on plenty of toons and ran Nax until my eyes bled. I was full blues by the time I started raiding with pretty useless stats. That said, it worked for the time. Once you ran your heroics, that was… kinda it. The emblem gear wasn’t that great. The only piece I recall buying that was useful was the cloak.
The reason I said that is I was running Nax for ages. Lots of us were. Most of the raids were like that, Getting to the last boss might take a month or more and then finally getting what you need took even longer yet. Getting a full set of purples took a decent amount of time. I was full epics in two weeks this expansion.
Dude you have to farm all week to buy consumes for progression raids. In retail you farm 30 minutes and you can afford your consumes for one night in raids. Just to give you an idea, going full consumes in Naxx right now and wiping several times could cost you 200g as a warrior not including repair bills and that could happen in the span of 1-2 hours. You can play the market sure but that also takes some time. Classic WoW progression raiding is literally like a job if you aren’t buying gold in RMT. Farming consumes for several days on and off for 1-3 hours worth of consumes? Compared to retail where you can skin heavy callous hide for 30 minutes and make all the consume gold you need including feast tables. Don’t even try to joke like that lol literally everyone who moved from Classic to Shadowlands is talking about how they don’t need to farm gold every week just to play the game for few hours.
It sounds like you have no idea what you’re talking about, simply speaking out of the loop opinions.
And you need no consumes at all to beat the easy classic raids. You can do it in garbage gear without a single buff outside of your raids class buffs.
You are farming for stuff you don’t need at all because the “difficulty” in classic is who has the biggest epeen on the dps meters and how many fewer seconds you can shave off some imaginary timer.
How do I know that? I did it in garbage gear in vanilla 15 years ago and never regularly had any consumes and it was still easily doable with a bad computer and internet connection by today’s standards.
Another person who’s so disconnected from what classic wow is like right now. The reason why grind for consume is so difficult is because all the farm spots are full to the brim with Venezuelan gold farmers on mages. And all the consumes are inflated crazy on the AH because everyone is min/maxing; we all know what to expect. People prepared mats for phase 6 naxx content and AH prices exploded. No one wants to take 3 days to clear a raid in classic; they’d rather do it in 1-2 days of 1-3 hour spurts. This requires consumes and world buffs. THis is the equivalent to retail’s “IO score vetting.”
Saying you did something 15 years ago when the meta and the game in itself plays differently is not the same thing. People weren’t farming all the best spots methodically like they do now. People weren’t min/maxing like they do now. Most people didn’t even know how to properly gear druids. Fury prot wasn’t a thing whereas now fury prot is considered the only viable tank by sweaty guilds just so people don’t have to wait on the “wait for the sunders” culture.
Seriously go play Classic WoW right now, take out all your gold, join a sweaty guild that requires you to farm 500g+ worth of consumes (1 flask would cost you 400g right now, and other consumes are around 200g collectively for all the prot pots/offensive pots)
Certain bosses in Naxx, you don’t even want to attempt without world buffs until you’re further into progression…
You are literally making my point for me. Thanks.
I knew nothing about this game 15 years ago, had no idea how to gear, didn’t farm consumes for hours at a time, didn’t have any of the grindy garbage people do in classic… guess what? Still beat all the raids.
Again though that’s not the point of that. The point is casual players have no chance this expansion. Back then, when everybody was bad that was the culture then. GO play Classic WoW now. I’m not helping you prove your point when you’re just solely arguing “Well you’re wrong because my anecdote was this 15 years ago and I’m not even arguing the point of the context.”
Casual players can’t really play Classic WoW with the intent of raiding Naxx right now. You’re just not gonna get into a raid. Which is the whole point of the argument. Classic WoW is less catered towards casuals and requires more of a time sink. That was the whole point of the argument. Not even sure what you’re tyring to say here
You’re mistaking the fact that casual = bad players. Casual simply means how much time a given player can invest in the game.
If you’re gonna jump in a discussion between two people, please know the context instead of jumping in the middle and adding in something irrelevant to the point.
No you don’t understand my point is the problem.
My point is the classic community is what is deciding this stuff is important. The content sure doesn’t call for it. The content is a joke and should be able to be completed by anyone who has any remote idea how to play modern wow.
The community is the problem not the game.