Casual Players have no chance with this expansion

if you only played an hour a day in Classic you’d take a year to hit level 60

I think I’m a casual and I think this expac is decently set for casuals. If you do your covenant storyline, you should be able to get a decent set of armor that can get you clearing Mythics and LFR without any issues.

I don’t do Arenas or rated anything. Some days I play a few BGs to get some honor and make my way towards 1800 conquest point for a 2 hander. Others, I just do my covenant storyline and build towards leveling my renown. I just upgraded the armors that I got from the covenant and those were huge boosts. The sword I’m using for PvE is that one I got from doing some world quests.

I did LFR for the first time last weekend as I had more than an hour and it was pretty fun! Didn’t get any drops but it was a good experience altogether.

To clarify, the way I play doesn’t mean that it’s optimized nor will my end results = the same as those pushing high mythic dungeons or clearing heroic raids. It shouldn’t but I’m pretty content with the amount I pay and put in.

Starting out a Paladin as my 2nd character to try other covenants. Thinking that’ll be my end game. Get conquest weapon and full set of covenant gear. Should be able to clear casual content with those items.

Who said I played Classic an hour a day…? I’m responding to the notion that people are saying “If you don’t like this, this is how ALL MMORPG are.” Except WoW where we are at now. Throughout the expansions the game expanded its target demographic towards more casual players rather than just hardcore MMORPG players. That’s my argument. Gotta use context bro

You’re directly responding to someone talking about only playing an hour a day. You can’t just make up your own context when replying to something that has pre-existing context, bro.

I play about 2-5 hours a week and I’m having a blast.

Ok maybe I play like 2 hours per day I started then wow came out did mc for hours on end. I feel I must be getting sick of the game and getting old.

Dude… you need reading comprehension. The context is that when you look at Classic VS Retail, classic requires much more of a time sink. Retail, their target demographic is much wider than people who’s going to sink in 5-8 hours a day. This was done purposefully so players who have only 1 hour a day can also enjoy the game as well as hardcore players who sink more time into the game. You can tell WoW shadowlands and previous xpacs were catered more towards players who might only have 1 hour to play. People don’t spam mythics because they enjoy mythic dungeon. They do it for IO score and loot.

You’re literally creating your own context yourself by arguing a point that was never mentioned and you’re telling me I can’t make up my own context?

no, i am not the one that specified the “1 hour a day” stipulation. someone else did, and then you replied to it with a counter factual.

he literally only said “No player of any mmo at any point in history has ever had a chance only playing 1 hr a day.” that is the context. he didn’t say ANYTHING else.

you replied with “except WoW,” as if playing 1 hour a day has ever worked for people who have actual in game goals. you have NEVER been able to get far only playing 1 hour a day until things are nerfed to the ground or are simply just outdated content. the closest was WoD but 1. that expansion was considered a failure and 2. you still needed to play more than an hour a day

you’re just wrong lmao. stop cheerleading yourself.

I feel like casual players have the best chance this expansion there are so many time gates and catch up mechanics. Soul ash is the only thing you can’t catch up on. I’ve actually started playing less and less because the effort to reward ratio for doing content isn’t as much as an incentive anymore.

The complaint is valid. People like to play the core content of wow (Raiding, Dungeons, PvP). The amount of FORCED content (like Torghast) on Shadowlands reminds me of BfA. People complaining about this have all the right to. Thats why people remember old xpacs way more kindly, no need to farm renown, soul ash, rep or some kind of Artifact power to be relevant on the actual content you like to do.

What a load of tosh.

Try harder if you’re going to troll. This expansion is extremely friendly to casual players.

And? The less money the MMO gets, the more likely the MMO dies. That is why all those flooded MMOs are basically none existent. Rift, etc…all gone. Wow has been catering to both casuals and hardcores and thats why its kept afloat, this expansion though they have stopped catering to casuals and that is why we continue to see more and more people fed up with this expac. You don’t piss off your whales, they are what keeps it afloat


Not. Even. Close.

Yo there’s your problem. No rpg is meant to only be played for an hour a day.
Go play games with faster matches like league or cod. Something you can do quick.

Except many of them are still around, ESO, GW2, EVE, PWI, and maplestory to just name a few. Not to mention classic and prior to LFG tool WoW was not that casual friendly, definitely not more casual friendly than current wow.

I think you need to learn to manage your time better, even still a hour for a MMO is not enough to achieve something in that said hour. Instead you should use that week to work towards something, like farming a few dungeons that week, instead of using that 1 hour to get something use the whole week to achieve it. Thats how you make your limited time work in a MMO.

You are LITERALLY Lying, I’m sorry to say. You simply can’t be geared for the raids with only 1-2 hours a day. You simply can’t

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Go back under your bridge.

The levelling speed, the renown catch-up, callings always giving items you can sell for a chunk of gold, the minimum requirements for the Great Vault. All of these things are extremely casual friendly. It means that if you really don’t have a lot of time, or you like playing multiple alts, it doesn’t take long at all to catch up to where everyone else is.

The only thing that is a bit problematic is soul ash farming. That’s it. And with the Torghast nerfs, that’s even easier now than it was.

So seriously, go back under your bridge where you belong.

It really doesn’t. The way the classic community plays maybe it does but people went into raids completely without any gear and won. No one needed to spend all that useless time farming gear or getting world buffs to beat those really easy raids the community just said you had to do it.

No one did any of that garbage that people do in classic from vanilla through cata and that made the game way more casual time wise back then.

People played the earlier expansions because they wanted to, not out of some obligation to get their chores done.

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Why? WQ is still there… Run heroic dungeons? You’ll be fine. You don’t need gear if you don’t do the content that warrants it.

Not really. You could chain run heroics for starter raid loot. The last boss of every heroic dungeon dropped an epic. On top of that, you had weekly quests that you could knock out all in one day or spread throughout the week for a large number of emblems. It was actually very easy to get good gear if you were willing to put in time over the weekend. It was nothing like the use it or lose it system of World Questing for gear.

Also, you could exchange those emblems for real raid gear, complete with set bonuses and appearances. You didn’t get watered down versions for the unwashed masses.

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